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Tradias API v2

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Welcome to the tradias API documentation!

Bankhaus Scheich / tradias offers the essential infrastructure and services necessary to empower institutional investors to tap into the vast potential of digital assets. Drawing from decades of accumulated expertise, Bankhaus Scheich has established itself as a prominent securities trading bank and market maker on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Today, this wealth of knowledge is seamlessly integrated into Bankhaus Scheich’s FinTech arm, tradias, which offers services in OTC trading and market making in FX and digital assets. The options for interaction with tradias span from trading via API, to frontend trading, and even chat trading. The digital assets supported include more than 150 cryptocurrencies, as well as tokenized assets in the secondary market.

For more about tradias and our offerings, contact or view additional information on

The API provides the functionality of subscribing to live pricing, the submitting of orders, the viewing of live and historic executions as well as the initiation and tracking of settlement requests, enabling the automation of the settlement procedure.

Subscribing to current prices, placing orders and listening to order executions is achieved by means of the WebSocket protocol. The initiation and tracking of settlement requests, the retrieval of static and historic data and the placing of bulk orders uses the REST protocol.

In this documentation we separate the endpoints into several sections: Static Data, Pricing, Trading, Historic Data and Settlement.


The following base URLs can be used for testing and productive usage, respectively:

Using any of the endpoints provided requires the authentication by the means of a long-lived Bearer token passed in the headers of each request (REST) or connection opening (WebSocket). The Bearer token is unique for a client and should be treated with the appropriate precaution. All requests to the productive environment need to originate from whitelisted IP addresses.

You will not be able to access the productive environment from IP addresses that are not whitelisted.

About tradias

The core products:

Further services provided by tradias & Bankhaus Scheich:


The API can be separated into the following sections:

The above separation solely aims to clarify the API’s structure, as the sections may intersect depending on the final setup.

First steps

Before accessing the API, the following steps need to be completed:

  1. Sign up with tradias You can contact us for more information and sign up via Subsequently, our team will reach out to you to gather all necessary information to set you up for trading.

  2. Share required data We will need to collect some data for the configurations in our system. This may include (but is not restricted to):

    • Production IP-address to be whitelisted;
    • PGP public key, to exchange sensitive information (see: PGP Encryption);
    • Wallet addresses;
    • Bank account addresses (e.g. IBAN);
    • Proof of ownership of shared addresses (wallet and bank accounts).
  3. Acquire the API key To acquire your API key (=Bearer token), we will need your public key. Additionally, you will need our public key, it can be found in the section PGP Encryption. The steps are:

    1. Save our public key.
    2. Send the public key of your PGP key pair to
    3. We will send back the encrypted secret.
    4. Decrypt the message using the private key of your PGP key pair.


After successful registration with tradias, an API Key, which is a JSON Web Token (JWT), is generated and shared using a secure method.

The system allows only one active JWT per user account at a time. By default, all tokens have an expiry date - you will be approached once it is time for your token to be renewed. A newly generated Bearer token invalidates the previous one, however, for a grace period of at least 1 week, you will be able to use both tokens at the same time, to allow for a smooth transition.

Any request to the tradias API requires a valid JWT in the headers. The example on the right illustrates the correct format for including the JWT in the headers (python syntax).

headers = {"Authorization" : f"Bearer {YOUR_JWT}"}

Request and Response Format

Messages are sent in the JSON format. The first key indicates the message’s purpose and uniquely defines the schema of the value’s content. An example is given in the column on the right.

    "heartbeat": {
        "header": {
            "channel": "prices",
            "timestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z"

More specifically, the formats of the REST and WebSocket requests and responses look as described below.

REST endpoints

WebSocket endpoints

Upon connecting with a WebSocket endpoint, a channel subscription message must be sent. The WebSocket channels serve logically separated purposes (e.g. pricing or trading) and can be unsubscribed from any time. An example of a subscription message format is shown on the right.

    "subscribe_price_channel": {
        "channel": "prices",
        "heartbeat_interval": 30

Responses from WebSocket endpoints always contain a header with channel name and timestamp, along with the content of the message, which is channel-specific. An example is given on the right.

    "channel_subscription_confirmation": {
        "header": {
            "channel": "prices",
            "timestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z"
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "heartbeat_interval": 30

Errors and Status Codes

The status codes and errors that occur the tradias REST API responses are:

Response Code Description
200 Successful response.
202 Successful response (Settlement & Bulk Order endpoints).
401 Unauthorized. Check your authentication.
403 Forbidden. You are not allowed to execute the desired action.
404 Not found. The information you are requesting cannot be found.
409 Duplicate request. The value for “req_id” has been used before.
422 Unprocessable content/validation error, check the validity of the passed format.
500 Internal server error. An unexpected error occurred.

Error responses from the WebSocket API consist of a message with an “error” key defining the error type and a descriptive “error_text” key containing further details. The specific possible errors in the WebSocket API are dealt with in the respective sections.

PGP Encryption

To exchange sensitive information, PGP Encryption is the preferred method. Below you can find an explanation on how to set up your key pair and encrypt and decrypt files. The PGP public key belonging to tradias can be found at the end of this section.

In the following section the setup of PGP is described using the open source GPG implementation with Kleopatra as the GUI on a Windows system. Depending on your operating system, other implementations may require slight variations in the steps described. For more details, please check

Set up a PGP key pair by following these steps:

  1. Download the OpenPGP software:
  2. Make sure to install Kleopatra along with the GPG Backend (default in the gpg4win package).
  3. Open Kleopatra and click ‘File’ -> ‘New Key Pair…’ -> ‘Create a personal OpenPGP key pair’.
  4. Name your key and enter an email address, add a passphrase for extra security if desired. After this, you should see the name of your key pair in the list ‘Certificates’.

Share your public key by following these steps:

  1. Open Kleopatra and go to ‘Certificates’.
  2. Click on the key pair for which you want to share your public key.
  3. Click ‘Export’ on the top tool bar. This automatically exports your public key, you can save it anywhere you want on your computer.
  4. Share the file you saved in step 3 with whomever you want to exchange sensitive information with.

Decrypt a file by following these steps:

  1. If the file is encrypted using PGP, it will be a .gpg file. Right click on the file and select: ‘open in Kleopatra’.
  2. Kleopatra will decrypt the file (in the case that your key is protected with a passphrase, enter it), after decryption, you can choose to save or open the file.

The public key for tradias is given in the column on the right.




If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact We are more than happy to hear your remarks. Thank you for trading with tradias!


Base URLs:

License: tradias


Static Data

Tradias offers 150+ tradeable digital and fiat assets. They can be traded against several fiat or other crypto currencies. The list of tradeable asset is subject to regular review.

The following section consists of endpoints returning static data. Such data will include information about instrument names, assets within a pair, related precision and maximum order sizes. This section contains the following endpoint(s):

Get List of tradeable Instruments

Code samples

import requests
import json

PROTOCOL = "https"
ENVIRONMENT = "preprod"


rest_api_header = {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + MY_TOKEN

tradeable_instruments = requests.get(url=URL, headers=rest_api_header)

print(json.dumps(tradeable_instruments.json(), indent=4))

GET /api/instruments

The Get List of tradeable Instruments endpoint returns a list of all instruments an API user can trade on the system. Apart from the instrument name, the response contains information about the instrument (e.g. the type of instrument, its legs and tenor), the trading limits and precisions. An instrument is a trading pair and it always consists of two assets, a leg 1 asset and a leg 2 asset. The leg 1 asset is the first asset that occurs in the pair and the leg 2 asset is the second. In some implementations they are referred to as the base asset and quote asset, respectively. The assets can be cryptocurrencies (including stablecoins) or fiats. Each asset has an associated precision, specifying up to how many decimals the amounts in this currency are accepted and computed. Each instrument has a maximum_leg_1_quantity associated with it, which indicates maximum order size for the instrument expressed in units of the leg 1 asset.

Example responses

200 Response

"instrument_list": [
"instrument": "ALGO-EUR",
"leg_1_asset": {
"name": "Algorand",
"code": "ALGO",
"precision": 6
"leg_2_asset": {
"name": "Euro",
"code": "EUR",
"precision": 2
"maximum_leg_1_quantity": "290000.0"
"instrument": "AMP-EUR",
"leg_1_asset": {
"name": "Amp",
"code": "AMP",
"precision": 18
"leg_2_asset": {
"name": "Euro",
"code": "EUR",
"precision": 2
"maximum_leg_1_quantity": "2400000.0"
"instrument": "BTC-EUR/SP",
"leg_1_asset": {
"name": "Bitcoin",
"code": "BTC",
"precision": 8
"leg_2_asset": {
"name": "Euro",
"code": "EUR",
"precision": 2
"maximum_leg_1_quantity": "36.0"

401 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "Unauthorized",
"error_text": "The JWT token could not be validated"

422 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "ValidationError",
"error_text": "The request is not valid"

500 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "InternalServerError",
"error_text": "Internal Server Error: the server can currently not process the request"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK List of tradeable Instruments Inline
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized internal_error_type
422 Unprocessable Entity Unprocessable Request internal_error_type
500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error internal_error_type

Response Schema

Status Code 200

List of tradeable Instruments

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» instrument_list [object] true none Array of tradeable Instruments
»» instrument instrument_type true none Identifier for an instrument.
It consists of the asset codes of the two legs and an optional asset tenor
{leg_1_asset} “-” {leg_2_asset} [ “/” {tenor} ]
»» leg_1_asset asset_type true none An asset describes a crypto or fiat asset. It consists of a name (readable name of the asset), a code representing the asset and of a precision, which defines the number of digits after the decimal point which can be used for quantities in this asset.
»»» name asset_name_type true none Name of a leg of an instrument
»»» code asset_code_type true none Identifier of a leg of an instrument
»»» precision asset_precision_type true none The number of digits after the decimal point which are allowed for a quantity.
»» leg_2_asset asset_type true none An asset describes a crypto or fiat asset. It consists of a name (readable name of the asset), a code representing the asset and of a precision, which defines the number of digits after the decimal point which can be used for quantities in this asset.
»» tenor asset_tenor_type false none Identifier of a tenor.
The following tenors are supported * SP = Spot
»» maximum_leg_1_quantity quantity_type true none The quantity of a leg.


This section consists of endpoints returning current prices per instrument and accounting for market depth. The WebSocket endpoint can be configured to allow for custom data load limits. For more details on this, we refer to the ‘Prices’ endpoint.

The following endpoint is contained in this section:

(Un)Subscribe Price Channel

Code samples

import websockets
import asyncio
import json

ENVIRONMENT = "preprod"
PROTOCOL = "wss"


websocket_headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + MY_TOKEN

price_channel_subscription = {
"subscribe_price_channel": {
"channel": "prices",
"heartbeat_interval": 30

instruments_list = [
"subscription_id": "XX-4567",
"instrument": "BTC-EUR/SP",
"max_frequency": 500
"subscription_id": "TS-BTC",
"instrument": "BTC-EUR/SP",
"mergeable": False,
"max_pending": 100
"subscription_id": "XX-4549",
"instrument": "ETH-EUR/SP",
"max_frequency": 500
"subscription_id": "TS-ETH",
"instrument": "ETH-EUR/SP",
"mergeable": False

async def get_prices(instruments: list[dict]) -> None:
async with websockets.connect(uri=URI, extra_headers=websocket_headers) as websocket:
await websocket.send(json.dumps(price_channel_subscription))
await websocket.send(json.dumps(
"subscribe_instruments": {
"channel": "prices",
"subscriptions": instruments_list
while True:
print(await websocket.recv())

POST /ws/prices

With a subscription to this endpoint, you can get the price stream of our trading pairs (instruments), for several quantities (levels). For a given quantity you will be executed at the price of the next higher quantity that is shown in the ticker prices. It is possible to open multiple subscriptions to different price tickers in a single connection.

The prices that we stream differ per side and order quantity. This means that each quantity on each side will have a different price associated to it. On the buy side, the price of the trade increases with the quantity, while on the sell side the price decreases as the quantity increases.

The following logic applies for determining the price at which an order will be executed:

The price update messages contain multiple quantities per side, each linked to a different price. We also refer to these quantities as price levels. To determine the price at which the trade will be executed, the API user should look at the price level with the lowest quantity such that the quantity is still higher than the requested order amount.

For example, if a customer places an order to buy 8 AMP in the instrument AMPEUR, and the price updates are as follows:

In this scenario, the executed price for the trade would be 0.0174, since it is based on the level with a quantity of 10 AMP, as it is the first higher level beyond the customer’s requested quantity.

API users are given some control over the number of updates they receive. This is done via several parameters, the max_frequency, max_pending and the mergeables.

- mergeable: this parameter, when set to true, allows new updates to replace older updates when the API user is not able to read out the messages from the channel fast enough. This is mainly helpful when the price update rate is (too) high, since it will ensure that the latest price data is sent out to the user.

- max_frequency: this parameter can be used in conjunction with the parameter mergeable to specify the update rate that the API user can handle. It sets the time interval between updates for a subscription, if updates are sent faster than the specified max_frequency, the updates are merged. When it is set to 0, all updates are sent.

- max_pending: used to limit the queued updates for a subscription. If the number of queued updates surpasses this number, the newest updates will merge with the older ones until the queue’s size is below the max_pending number.


A subscription to the prices channel can be terminated using the message shown on the right.

  # Message to unsubscribe from price channel
    "unsubscribe_channel": {
      "channel": "prices"

Body parameter

"subscribe_price_channel": {
"channel": "prices",
"heartbeat_interval": 30


Name In Type Required Description
body body SubscribePriceChannel false none
» subscribe_price_channel body object true none
»» channel body channel_type true Name of the websocket channel
»» heartbeat_interval body heartbeat_interval_type false This optional field defines if the tradias server sends heartbeat messages to the channel or not. The value specifies the interval of the heartbeat messages in seconds. The maximum is 600 seconds (10 minutes). A value of 0 switches the heartbeat message generation off. Zero is the default which means by default there are no heartbeat messages.

Enumerated Values

Parameter Value
»» channel orders
»» channel prices
»» channel trades

Example responses

200 Response

"price_update": {
"header": {
"channel": "prices",
"timestamp": "1970-01-01T00:08:00.000000Z"
"update_list": [
"subscription_id": "TS-BTC",
"instrument": "BTC-EUR/SP",
"status": "ACTUAL",
"update_ts": "1970-01-01T00:07:58.973000Z",
"levels": [
"quantity": "1.25867895",
"buy_price": "23768.69386464",
"sell_price": "23767.67893759"
"subscription_id": "TS-BTC",
"instrument": "BTC-EUR/SP",
"status": "ACTUAL",
"update_ts": "1970-01-01T00:07:59.657000Z",
"levels": [
"quantity": "1.25867895",
"buy_price": "23768.63953056",
"sell_price": "23767.23953056"
"subscription_id": "XX-4567",
"instrument": "BTC-EUR/SP",
"status": "ACTUAL",
"merged": true,
"first_ts": "1970-01-01T00:07:58.973000Z",
"update_ts": "1970-01-01T00:07:59.657000Z",
"levels": [
"quantity": "1.25867895",
"buy_price": "23768.63953056",
"sell_price": "23767.23953056"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Asynchronous price update message send by the server to the API user. A price update is a list of updates for different subscriptions. An update is sent for an subscription for each new status or price. Inline
201 Created Asynchronous heart beat message sent by the server to the subscriber Inline
202 Accepted Confirmation of a Channel Subscription Inline
400 Bad Request Channel Subscription has failed, channel can’t be used Inline
401 Unauthorized Rejection of a Price Subscription Inline
403 Forbidden Message received when a new_order can not be executed Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» price_update object true none none
»» header header_type true none Header used for all websocket messages
»»» channel channel_type true none Name of the websocket channel
»»» timestamp timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»» update_list [object] true none Array containing a list of updates for a subscription
»»» subscription_id subscription_id_type true none This field is set by the API user. It’s serves the purpose of identifying the instrument price subscription, it is not unique.
»»» instrument instrument_type true none Identifier for an instrument.
It consists of the asset codes of the two legs and an optional asset tenor
{leg_1_asset} “-” {leg_2_asset} [ “/” {tenor} ]
»»» status price_status_type false none The status of a price subscription
* ACTUAL: There is an actual price
* PARTIAL: There is a reduced set of price levels
* UNAVAILABLE: There is actually no price
* ERROR: No price available. The subscription failed
»»» update_ts timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»»» merged boolean false none If true the update contains merged data. If false or not present the update has not been merged
»»» first_ts timestamp_type false none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»»» levels [object] false none The levels element is only present when the instrument exists and the price source is active. Otherwise the error field will be filled with an error message explaining what is wrong.
»»»» Level object false none none
»»»»» quantity quantity_type true none The quantity of a leg.
»»»»» buy_price price_type false none The price of a quantity of 1.0 of leg_1 expressed in a leg_2 quantity.

For example the instrument “BTC-EUR” the leg_1 is “BTC” and the leg_2 is “EUR”. A price of “23768.63953056” means that you pay 23,768.63953956 EUR for one BTC.
»»»»» sell_price price_type false none The price of a quantity of 1.0 of leg_1 expressed in a leg_2 quantity.

For example the instrument “BTC-EUR” the leg_1 is “BTC” and the leg_2 is “EUR”. A price of “23768.63953056” means that you pay 23,768.63953956 EUR for one BTC.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
channel orders
channel prices
channel trades
status ACTUAL
status PARTIAL
status ERROR

Status Code 201

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» heartbeat object true none none
»» header header_type true none Header used for all websocket messages
»»» channel channel_type true none Name of the websocket channel
»»» timestamp timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”

Enumerated Values

Property Value
channel orders
channel prices
channel trades

Status Code 202

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» channel_subscription_confirmation object true none Message received when the user is successfully subscribed to a channel.
»» header header_type true none Header used for all websocket messages
»»» channel channel_type true none Name of the websocket channel
»»» timestamp timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»» status channel_status_type true none Status of the websocket channel
»» heartbeat_interval heartbeat_interval_type true none This optional field defines if the tradias server sends heartbeat messages to the channel or not. The value specifies the interval of the heartbeat messages in seconds. The maximum is 600 seconds (10 minutes). A value of 0 switches the heartbeat message generation off. Zero is the default which means by default there are no heartbeat messages.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
channel orders
channel prices
channel trades
status ACTIVE
status CLOSED

Status Code 400

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» channel_subscription_error object true none Message received when the subscription to a channel has failed
»» header header_type true none Header used for all websocket messages
»»» channel channel_type true none Name of the websocket channel
»»» timestamp timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»» error error_type true none All error codes returned by this API have a unique code, classifying the error messages.
»» error_text error_text_type false none Text describing the Error

Enumerated Values

Property Value
channel orders
channel prices
channel trades
error Unauthorized
error InternalServerError
error Conflict
error UnprocessableEntity
error DuplicateReq
error InvalidOrder
error MixedOrders
error InvalidAmount
error AmountTooLow
error AmountTooAccurate
error AmountTooHigh
error NoPriceStream
error RiskCheck
error DuplicateOrderRef
error NotFound
error Forbidden
error ValidationError

Status Code 401

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» price_subscription_error object true none Message received when a price subscription failed an is rejected.
»» header header_type true none Header used for all websocket messages
»»» channel channel_type true none Name of the websocket channel
»»» timestamp timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»» rejection_list [object] true none Array containing a list of rejected subscriptions
»»» subscription_id subscription_id_type true none This field is set by the API user. It’s serves the purpose of identifying the instrument price subscription, it is not unique.
»»» instrument instrument_type true none Identifier for an instrument.
It consists of the asset codes of the two legs and an optional asset tenor
{leg_1_asset} “-” {leg_2_asset} [ “/” {tenor} ]
»»» error error_text_type true none Text describing the Error

Enumerated Values

Property Value
channel orders
channel prices
channel trades

Status Code 403

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» reject_message object true none A message through the WebSocket that gives information on a rejected request and the reason of rejection.
»» rejection_reason rejection_reason_type true none Message used to describe the reason that a request gets rejected.
»» rejection_text rejection_text_type true none Message used to explain the reason that a request gets rejected.
»» request_ref request_ref_type true none Reference used to refer to a request that was done.
»» timestamp timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”

Subscribe to Instrument Prices

Code samples

import websockets
import asyncio
import json

ENVIRONMENT = "preprod"
PROTOCOL = "wss"


websocket_headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + MY_TOKEN

price_channel_subscription = {
"subscribe_price_channel": {
"channel": "prices",
"heartbeat_interval": 30

instruments_list = [
"subscription_id": "XX-4567",
"instrument": "BTC-EUR/SP",
"max_frequency": 500
"subscription_id": "TS-BTC",
"instrument": "BTC-EUR/SP",
"mergeable": False,
"max_pending": 100
"subscription_id": "XX-4549",
"instrument": "ETH-EUR/SP",
"max_frequency": 500
"subscription_id": "TS-ETH",
"instrument": "ETH-EUR/SP",
"mergeable": False

async def get_prices(instruments: list[dict]) -> None:
async with websockets.connect(uri=URI, extra_headers=websocket_headers) as websocket:
await websocket.send(json.dumps(price_channel_subscription))
await websocket.send(json.dumps(
"subscribe_instruments": {
"channel": "prices",
"subscriptions": instruments_list
while True:
print(await websocket.recv())

POST /ws/prices/instrument

With a subscription to this endpoint, you can get the price stream of our trading pairs (instruments), for several quantities (levels). For a given quantity you will be executed at the price of the next higher quantity that is shown in the ticker prices. It is possible to open multiple subscriptions to different price tickers in a single connection.

The prices that we stream differ per side and order quantity. This means that each quantity on each side will have a different price associated to it. On the buy side, the price of the trade increases with the quantity, while on the sell side the price decreases as the quantity increases.

The following logic applies for determining the price at which an order will be executed:

The price update messages contain multiple quantities per side, each linked to a different price. We also refer to these quantities as price levels. To determine the price at which the trade will be executed, the API user should look at the price level with the lowest quantity such that the quantity is still higher than the requested order amount.

For example, if a customer places an order to buy 8 AMP in the instrument AMPEUR, and the price updates are as follows:

In this scenario, the executed price for the trade would be 0.0174, since it is based on the level with a quantity of 10 AMP, as it is the first higher level beyond the customer’s requested quantity.

API users are given some control over the number of updates they receive. This is done via several parameters, the max_frequency, max_pending and the mergeables.

- mergeable: this parameter, when set to true, allows new updates to replace older updates when the API user is not able to read out the messages from the channel fast enough. This is mainly helpful when the price update rate is (too) high, since it will ensure that the latest price data is sent out to the user.

- max_frequency: this parameter can be used in conjunction with the parameter mergeable to specify the update rate that the API user can handle. It sets the time interval between updates for a subscription, if updates are sent faster than the specified max_frequency, the updates are merged. When it is set to 0, all updates are sent.

- max_pending: used to limit the queued updates for a subscription. If the number of queued updates surpasses this number, the newest updates will merge with the older ones until the queue’s size is below the max_pending number.


A subscription to instrument prices through the price channel can be terminated using the message shown on the right.

  # Message to unsubscribe from instrument prices
    "unsubscribe_instruments": {
      "channel": "prices",
      "subscription_ids": [

Body parameter

"subscribe_instruments": {
"channel": "prices",
"subscriptions": [
"subscription_id": "XX-4567",
"instrument": "BTC-EUR/SP",
"max_frequency": 500
"subscription_id": "TS-BTC",
"instrument": "BTC-EUR/SP",
"mergeable": false,
"max_pending": 100
"subscription_id": "XX-4549",
"instrument": "ETH-EUR/SP",
"max_frequency": 500
"subscription_id": "TS-ETH",
"instrument": "ETH-EUR/SP",
"mergeable": false


Name In Type Required Description
body body SubscribeInstruments false none
» subscribe_instruments body object true none
»» channel body channel_type true Name of the websocket channel
»» subscriptions body [object] true Array containing a list of subscriptions
»»» Subscription body object false none
»»»» subscription_id body subscription_id_type true This field is set by the API user. It’s serves the purpose of identifying the instrument price subscription, it is not unique.
»»»» instrument body instrument_type true Identifier for an instrument.
It consists of the asset codes of the two legs and an optional asset tenor
»»»» mergeable body boolean false none
»»»» max_frequency body integer false none
»»»» max_pending body integer false none

Detailed descriptions

»»»» instrument: Identifier for an instrument.
It consists of the asset codes of the two legs and an optional asset tenor {leg_1_asset} “-” {leg_2_asset} [ “/” {tenor} ]

Enumerated Values

Parameter Value
»» channel orders
»» channel prices
»» channel trades

Example responses

200 Response

"price_update": {
"header": {
"channel": "prices",
"timestamp": "1970-01-01T00:08:00.000000Z"
"update_list": [
"subscription_id": "TS-BTC",
"instrument": "BTC-EUR/SP",
"status": "ACTUAL",
"update_ts": "1970-01-01T00:07:58.973000Z",
"levels": [
"quantity": "1.25867895",
"buy_price": "23768.69386464",
"sell_price": "23767.67893759"
"subscription_id": "TS-BTC",
"instrument": "BTC-EUR/SP",
"status": "ACTUAL",
"update_ts": "1970-01-01T00:07:59.657000Z",
"levels": [
"quantity": "1.25867895",
"buy_price": "23768.63953056",
"sell_price": "23767.23953056"
"subscription_id": "XX-4567",
"instrument": "BTC-EUR/SP",
"status": "ACTUAL",
"merged": true,
"first_ts": "1970-01-01T00:07:58.973000Z",
"update_ts": "1970-01-01T00:07:59.657000Z",
"levels": [
"quantity": "1.25867895",
"buy_price": "23768.63953056",
"sell_price": "23767.23953056"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Asynchronous price update message send by the server to the API user. A price update is a list of updates for different subscriptions. An update is sent for an subscription for each new status or price. Inline
201 Created Asynchronous heart beat message sent by the server to the subscriber Inline
202 Accepted Confirmation of a Channel Subscription Inline
400 Bad Request Channel Subscription has failed, channel can’t be used Inline
401 Unauthorized Rejection of a Price Subscription Inline
403 Forbidden Message received when a new_order can not be executed Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» price_update object true none none
»» header header_type true none Header used for all websocket messages
»»» channel channel_type true none Name of the websocket channel
»»» timestamp timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»» update_list [object] true none Array containing a list of updates for a subscription
»»» subscription_id subscription_id_type true none This field is set by the API user. It’s serves the purpose of identifying the instrument price subscription, it is not unique.
»»» instrument instrument_type true none Identifier for an instrument.
It consists of the asset codes of the two legs and an optional asset tenor
{leg_1_asset} “-” {leg_2_asset} [ “/” {tenor} ]
»»» status price_status_type false none The status of a price subscription
* ACTUAL: There is an actual price
* PARTIAL: There is a reduced set of price levels
* UNAVAILABLE: There is actually no price
* ERROR: No price available. The subscription failed
»»» update_ts timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»»» merged boolean false none If true the update contains merged data. If false or not present the update has not been merged
»»» first_ts timestamp_type false none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»»» levels [object] false none The levels element is only present when the instrument exists and the price source is active. Otherwise the error field will be filled with an error message explaining what is wrong.
»»»» Level object false none none
»»»»» quantity quantity_type true none The quantity of a leg.
»»»»» buy_price price_type false none The price of a quantity of 1.0 of leg_1 expressed in a leg_2 quantity.

For example the instrument “BTC-EUR” the leg_1 is “BTC” and the leg_2 is “EUR”. A price of “23768.63953056” means that you pay 23,768.63953956 EUR for one BTC.
»»»»» sell_price price_type false none The price of a quantity of 1.0 of leg_1 expressed in a leg_2 quantity.

For example the instrument “BTC-EUR” the leg_1 is “BTC” and the leg_2 is “EUR”. A price of “23768.63953056” means that you pay 23,768.63953956 EUR for one BTC.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
channel orders
channel prices
channel trades
status ACTUAL
status PARTIAL
status ERROR

Status Code 201

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» heartbeat object true none none
»» header header_type true none Header used for all websocket messages
»»» channel channel_type true none Name of the websocket channel
»»» timestamp timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”

Enumerated Values

Property Value
channel orders
channel prices
channel trades

Status Code 202

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» channel_subscription_confirmation object true none Message received when the user is successfully subscribed to a channel.
»» header header_type true none Header used for all websocket messages
»»» channel channel_type true none Name of the websocket channel
»»» timestamp timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»» status channel_status_type true none Status of the websocket channel
»» heartbeat_interval heartbeat_interval_type true none This optional field defines if the tradias server sends heartbeat messages to the channel or not. The value specifies the interval of the heartbeat messages in seconds. The maximum is 600 seconds (10 minutes). A value of 0 switches the heartbeat message generation off. Zero is the default which means by default there are no heartbeat messages.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
channel orders
channel prices
channel trades
status ACTIVE
status CLOSED

Status Code 400

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» channel_subscription_error object true none Message received when the subscription to a channel has failed
»» header header_type true none Header used for all websocket messages
»»» channel channel_type true none Name of the websocket channel
»»» timestamp timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»» error error_type true none All error codes returned by this API have a unique code, classifying the error messages.
»» error_text error_text_type false none Text describing the Error

Enumerated Values

Property Value
channel orders
channel prices
channel trades
error Unauthorized
error InternalServerError
error Conflict
error UnprocessableEntity
error DuplicateReq
error InvalidOrder
error MixedOrders
error InvalidAmount
error AmountTooLow
error AmountTooAccurate
error AmountTooHigh
error NoPriceStream
error RiskCheck
error DuplicateOrderRef
error NotFound
error Forbidden
error ValidationError

Status Code 401

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» price_subscription_error object true none Message received when a price subscription failed an is rejected.
»» header header_type true none Header used for all websocket messages
»»» channel channel_type true none Name of the websocket channel
»»» timestamp timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»» rejection_list [object] true none Array containing a list of rejected subscriptions
»»» subscription_id subscription_id_type true none This field is set by the API user. It’s serves the purpose of identifying the instrument price subscription, it is not unique.
»»» instrument instrument_type true none Identifier for an instrument.
It consists of the asset codes of the two legs and an optional asset tenor
{leg_1_asset} “-” {leg_2_asset} [ “/” {tenor} ]
»»» error error_text_type true none Text describing the Error

Enumerated Values

Property Value
channel orders
channel prices
channel trades

Status Code 403

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» reject_message object true none A message through the WebSocket that gives information on a rejected request and the reason of rejection.
»» rejection_reason rejection_reason_type true none Message used to describe the reason that a request gets rejected.
»» rejection_text rejection_text_type true none Message used to explain the reason that a request gets rejected.
»» request_ref request_ref_type true none Reference used to refer to a request that was done.
»» timestamp timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”


This section consists of endpoints that can be used for trading. The trading flow is relatively simple - if you want to trade, you place an order. Orders are either executed in full or rejected entirely, partial fills cannot occur when trading against tradias. o Regularly monitoring the collateral and trading line usage is recommended to avoid trading halts or liquidations (see: Risk Figures).

The endpoints in this section are:

Placing an order can be done in two ways, either through the orders channel (WebSocket) or via a Bulk Order (REST). The method of choice depends on the use-case and desired execution parameters.

An order sent through the WebSocket is most suited for a continuous order flow, where each order is executed individually. In the case orders should be booked as several individual orders but executed as one big order, a bulk order can be used, where the bulk order contains many child orders (e.g. for savings plans, portfolio rebalancing).

Note: all orders are executed as Fill or Kill (FoK) orders, i.e. executed completely immediately or are rejected. Long-lived limit orders are currently not supported. More information on the implementation of limit orders can be found in the Orders endpoint section.

Responses to the order submission contain the relevant information about the execution or rejection thereof. These responses are sent through the same channel as was used to submit the order, both for the WebSocket and REST endpoints. Order rejections contain information about the rejection reasons, whereas order executions contain the information about the associated trade(s), including execution price, first and second leg amounts and timestamp.

Retrospectively, this information can be recovered through the Historic Data endpoints.

(Un)Subscribe Order Channel

Code samples

import asyncio
import json
import websockets

ENVIRONMENT = "preprod"

ws_headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + MY_TOKEN

my_order = {
"new_order": {
"order_ref": "c8d16891-b669-11ed-bc43-f1002b6e6125",
"req_header": {
"req_id": "ca57eead-b699-11ed-b3ff-cc17d418c9e0",
"user_data": [
"tag": "Correlation-Id",
"value": "c8d16891-b669-11ed-bc43-f1002b6e6125"
"tag": "TX-Id",
"value": "18955457"
"order_type": "LIMIT",
"time_in_force": "FOK",
"instrument": "BTC-EUR/SP",
"side": "BUY",
"amount": {
"leg_2_amount": "50000"
"limit_price": "24570"

async def place_order(order):
async with websockets.connect(uri=URL, extra_headers=ws_headers) as websocket:
await websocket.send(json.dumps({
"channel": "orders",
"heartbeat_interval": 30
await websocket.send(json.dumps(order))
while True:
message = await websocket.recv()

POST /ws/orders

An order is a request for buying or selling a specific asset. Order requests always specify the trading pair, quantity, and side at which the trader is willing to transact. For limit orders, the price should also be given.

It is possible to place both market orders and limit orders via our API. The implementation of limit orders is restricted in the sense that we only allow FOK/IOC (Fill or Kill/Immediate or Cancel) orders.

Types of Orders:

In all other cases the limit order will be rejected immediately. In case of an execution, the limit order is executed at the latest price update, not the limit price. This means that executions are always done at a price that is the same or better than the specified limit_price. Note that there is no difference in how “FOK” or “IOC” limit orders are handled.

A subscription to the orders channel can be terminated using the message shown on the right.

# Message to unsubscribe from orders channel
  "unsubscribe_channel": {
    "channel": "orders"

Body parameter

"subscribe_order_channel": {
"channel": "orders",
"heartbeat_interval": 30


Name In Type Required Description
body body SubscribeOrderChannel false none
» subscribe_order_channel body object true none
»» channel body channel_type true Name of the websocket channel
»» heartbeat_interval body heartbeat_interval_type false This optional field defines if the tradias server sends heartbeat messages to the channel or not. The value specifies the interval of the heartbeat messages in seconds. The maximum is 600 seconds (10 minutes). A value of 0 switches the heartbeat message generation off. Zero is the default which means by default there are no heartbeat messages.

Enumerated Values

Parameter Value
»» channel orders
»» channel prices
»» channel trades

Example responses

200 Response

"order_execution": {
"header": {
"channel": "orders",
"timestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z"
"order_id": "6aa21c20-ae4b-11ed-b304-81a12bb57b04",
"order_ref": "c8d16891-b669-11ed-bc43-f1002b6e6125",
"req_header": {
"req_id": "ca57eead-b699-11ed-b3ff-cc17d418c9e0",
"user_data": [
"tag": "Correlation-Id",
"value": "c8d16891-b669-11ed-bc43-f1002b6e6125"
"tag": "TX-Id",
"value": "18955457"
"order_type": "LIMIT",
"time_in_force": "FOK",
"instrument": "BTC-EUR/SP",
"side": "BUY",
"amount": {
"leg_2_amount": "50000"
"limit_price": "24570",
"order_status": "DONE",
"leg_1_executed_amount": "2.02814908",
"leg_2_executed_amount": "50000",
"execution_price": "24653.020129"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Report the execution of an order sent earlier Inline
201 Created Asynchronous heart beat message sent by the server to the subscriber Inline
202 Accepted Confirmation of a Channel Subscription Inline
203 Non-Authoritative Information Message received when a new_order can not be executed Inline
400 Bad Request Channel Subscription has failed, channel can’t be used Inline
403 Forbidden Message received when a new_order can not be executed Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» order_execution object true none Message received when a new_order sent by the API user gets executed.
»» header header_type true none Header used for all websocket messages
»»» channel channel_type true none Name of the websocket channel
»»» timestamp timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»» trade_id internal_ref_type false none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
»» order_id internal_ref_type true none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
»» order_ref external_ref_type true none This field is used by the API user to pass an reference or ID to the tradias system which is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to the transaction in the API users system.
»» req_header req_header_type false none This request header is part of any request creating or modifying an object (order, bulk-order, settlement, …). It consists of two parts, a request ID which will be checked on the tradias side for uniqueness, and an array of user data (tag value). Both parts are option as the complete request header is.

The request ID can be used by the API user to allow, that if a request does not answer properly, to sent the request again. If the first one has been processed, then the second one will be rejected with a 409 error and the API user knows that the first request has been processed. If the first request did not make it the second one will be processed normally.

The second part is an array of values tagged by a short tag. This data provided by the API user will be returned with the response of the request and if a possible will be added to the object the request relates to and later returned with all responses relating to the object.
»»» req_id unique_req_type false none The unique request ID is generated by the API user, it has to be a UUID. It is used to detect that a request has already been processed. If the unique request ID has already been used then the request will not be executed. Instead an error will be (DuplicateReq) reported.
»»» user_data [object] false none This object is an array used by the API user to pass data to the tradias system which will be returned back to the API user together with the responses related to the transaction. It can be used by the API user to identify an transaction in a later response.
»»»» tag string true none none
»»»» value string true none none
»» order_type order_type_type true none There are different order types. Currently only the following order types are supported
* MARKET: This is a order (without limit).
* LIMIT: This is a order with a limit. Buy orders are only executed if the execution
price is lower or equal than the limit price. Sell orders are only executed if the
execution price is higher or equal than the limit price.
* BULK_MARKET: This is a list order where multiple orders are entered as a single
bulk. The bulk is either executed completely or not at all.
»» time_in_force time_in_force_type true none This order attribute defines the duration a order is active.
* FOK: Fill Or Kill is an order which is either completely executed immediately or
will be canceled/rejected.
* IOC: Immediately Or Cancel is an order which is either executed immediately or
will be canceled/rejected. The difference to FOK is that IOC allows partial executions.
As tradias always executes completely there is no difference in FOK and IOC orders.
»» instrument instrument_type true none Identifier for an instrument.
It consists of the asset codes of the two legs and an optional asset tenor
{leg_1_asset} “-” {leg_2_asset} [ “/” {tenor} ]
»» side side_type true none The side of the order, seen from the perspective of the API user.
* BUY The user sending the order is buying assets
* SELL The user sending the order is selling his assets
»» amount order_amount_type true none You can specify the amount of an instrument to buy or sell either in the leg_1 or in the leg_2 quantity.

If you for example want to buy BTC-EUR you can either define the amount to buy in BTC by specifying the leg_1_amount, or you can specify the amount to spend in EUR by defining the leg_2_amount.

Only one of the two legs can be used for a single order!
»»» leg_1_amount quantity_type false none The quantity of a leg.
»»» leg_2_amount quantity_type false none The quantity of a leg.
»» limit_price price_type false none The price of a quantity of 1.0 of leg_1 expressed in a leg_2 quantity.

For example the instrument “BTC-EUR” the leg_1 is “BTC” and the leg_2 is “EUR”. A price of “23768.63953056” means that you pay 23,768.63953956 EUR for one BTC.
»» order_status order_status_type true none Orders have a live cycle. The state an order is in that live cycle expressed by its state. The above values are states an order can have in its live cycle. Initially the order is RECEIVED. DUPLICATE, REJECTED, EXPIRED, CANCELLED and DONE are terminal states which will not change any more. UNSPECIFIED means the state is unknown.
»» leg_1_executed_amount quantity_type true none The quantity of a leg.
»» leg_2_executed_amount quantity_type true none The quantity of a leg.
»» execution_price price_type true none The price of a quantity of 1.0 of leg_1 expressed in a leg_2 quantity.

For example the instrument “BTC-EUR” the leg_1 is “BTC” and the leg_2 is “EUR”. A price of “23768.63953056” means that you pay 23,768.63953956 EUR for one BTC.
»» counter_leg_precision counter_leg_precision_type false none This optional key can be given in a new order request. The value specifies the number of decimals you want the computed amount of the leg that is not yet specified in the order request to be rounded to. For example, if you give the amount you want to buy/sell in the leg 2 asset, the counter_leg_precision specifies the number of decimals you want the leg 1 amount to be rounded to. Vice versa, if you specify the amount to buy/sell in the leg 1 asset, the amount in the leg 2 asset will be rounded to the specified number in the counter_leg_precision field.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
channel orders
channel prices
channel trades
order_type MARKET
order_type LIMIT
order_type BULK_MARKET
time_in_force FOK
time_in_force IOC
side BUY
side SELL
order_status UNSPECIFIED
order_status RECEIVED
order_status CONFIRMED
order_status DUPLICATE
order_status REJECTED
order_status OPEN
order_status UPDATED
order_status CANCELLED
order_status EXPIRED
order_status DONE

Status Code 201

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» heartbeat object true none none
»» header header_type true none Header used for all websocket messages
»»» channel channel_type true none Name of the websocket channel
»»» timestamp timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”

Enumerated Values

Property Value
channel orders
channel prices
channel trades

Status Code 202

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» channel_subscription_confirmation object true none Message received when the user is successfully subscribed to a channel.
»» header header_type true none Header used for all websocket messages
»»» channel channel_type true none Name of the websocket channel
»»» timestamp timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»» status channel_status_type true none Status of the websocket channel
»» heartbeat_interval heartbeat_interval_type true none This optional field defines if the tradias server sends heartbeat messages to the channel or not. The value specifies the interval of the heartbeat messages in seconds. The maximum is 600 seconds (10 minutes). A value of 0 switches the heartbeat message generation off. Zero is the default which means by default there are no heartbeat messages.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
channel orders
channel prices
channel trades
status ACTIVE
status CLOSED

Status Code 203

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» order_status object true none Message received when a new_order can not be executed
»» header header_type true none Header used for all websocket messages
»»» channel channel_type true none Name of the websocket channel
»»» timestamp timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»» order_id internal_ref_type true none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
»» order_ref external_ref_type true none This field is used by the API user to pass an reference or ID to the tradias system which is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to the transaction in the API users system.
»» req_header req_header_type false none This request header is part of any request creating or modifying an object (order, bulk-order, settlement, …). It consists of two parts, a request ID which will be checked on the tradias side for uniqueness, and an array of user data (tag value). Both parts are option as the complete request header is.

The request ID can be used by the API user to allow, that if a request does not answer properly, to sent the request again. If the first one has been processed, then the second one will be rejected with a 409 error and the API user knows that the first request has been processed. If the first request did not make it the second one will be processed normally.

The second part is an array of values tagged by a short tag. This data provided by the API user will be returned with the response of the request and if a possible will be added to the object the request relates to and later returned with all responses relating to the object.
»»» req_id unique_req_type false none The unique request ID is generated by the API user, it has to be a UUID. It is used to detect that a request has already been processed. If the unique request ID has already been used then the request will not be executed. Instead an error will be (DuplicateReq) reported.
»»» user_data [object] false none This object is an array used by the API user to pass data to the tradias system which will be returned back to the API user together with the responses related to the transaction. It can be used by the API user to identify an transaction in a later response.
»»»» tag string true none none
»»»» value string true none none
»» order_type order_type_type true none There are different order types. Currently only the following order types are supported
* MARKET: This is a order (without limit).
* LIMIT: This is a order with a limit. Buy orders are only executed if the execution
price is lower or equal than the limit price. Sell orders are only executed if the
execution price is higher or equal than the limit price.
* BULK_MARKET: This is a list order where multiple orders are entered as a single
bulk. The bulk is either executed completely or not at all.
»» time_in_force time_in_force_type false none This order attribute defines the duration a order is active.
* FOK: Fill Or Kill is an order which is either completely executed immediately or
will be canceled/rejected.
* IOC: Immediately Or Cancel is an order which is either executed immediately or
will be canceled/rejected. The difference to FOK is that IOC allows partial executions.
As tradias always executes completely there is no difference in FOK and IOC orders.
»» instrument instrument_type true none Identifier for an instrument.
It consists of the asset codes of the two legs and an optional asset tenor
{leg_1_asset} “-” {leg_2_asset} [ “/” {tenor} ]
»» side side_type true none The side of the order, seen from the perspective of the API user.
* BUY The user sending the order is buying assets
* SELL The user sending the order is selling his assets
»» amount order_amount_type true none You can specify the amount of an instrument to buy or sell either in the leg_1 or in the leg_2 quantity.

If you for example want to buy BTC-EUR you can either define the amount to buy in BTC by specifying the leg_1_amount, or you can specify the amount to spend in EUR by defining the leg_2_amount.

Only one of the two legs can be used for a single order!
»»» leg_1_amount quantity_type false none The quantity of a leg.
»»» leg_2_amount quantity_type false none The quantity of a leg.
»» limit_price price_type false none The price of a quantity of 1.0 of leg_1 expressed in a leg_2 quantity.

For example the instrument “BTC-EUR” the leg_1 is “BTC” and the leg_2 is “EUR”. A price of “23768.63953056” means that you pay 23,768.63953956 EUR for one BTC.
»» order_status order_status_type true none Orders have a live cycle. The state an order is in that live cycle expressed by its state. The above values are states an order can have in its live cycle. Initially the order is RECEIVED. DUPLICATE, REJECTED, EXPIRED, CANCELLED and DONE are terminal states which will not change any more. UNSPECIFIED means the state is unknown.
»» rejection_reason rejection_reason_type true none Message used to describe the reason that a request gets rejected.
»» rejection_text rejection_text_type true none Message used to explain the reason that a request gets rejected.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
channel orders
channel prices
channel trades
order_type MARKET
order_type LIMIT
order_type BULK_MARKET
time_in_force FOK
time_in_force IOC
side BUY
side SELL
order_status UNSPECIFIED
order_status RECEIVED
order_status CONFIRMED
order_status DUPLICATE
order_status REJECTED
order_status OPEN
order_status UPDATED
order_status CANCELLED
order_status EXPIRED
order_status DONE

Status Code 400

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» channel_subscription_error object true none Message received when the subscription to a channel has failed
»» header header_type true none Header used for all websocket messages
»»» channel channel_type true none Name of the websocket channel
»»» timestamp timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»» error error_type true none All error codes returned by this API have a unique code, classifying the error messages.
»» error_text error_text_type false none Text describing the Error

Enumerated Values

Property Value
channel orders
channel prices
channel trades
error Unauthorized
error InternalServerError
error Conflict
error UnprocessableEntity
error DuplicateReq
error InvalidOrder
error MixedOrders
error InvalidAmount
error AmountTooLow
error AmountTooAccurate
error AmountTooHigh
error NoPriceStream
error RiskCheck
error DuplicateOrderRef
error NotFound
error Forbidden
error ValidationError

Status Code 403

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» reject_message object true none A message through the WebSocket that gives information on a rejected request and the reason of rejection.
»» rejection_reason rejection_reason_type true none Message used to describe the reason that a request gets rejected.
»» rejection_text rejection_text_type true none Message used to explain the reason that a request gets rejected.
»» request_ref request_ref_type true none Reference used to refer to a request that was done.
»» timestamp timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”

New Order through Order Channel

Code samples

import asyncio
import json
import websockets

ENVIRONMENT = "preprod"

ws_headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + MY_TOKEN

my_order = {
"new_order": {
"order_ref": "c8d16891-b669-11ed-bc43-f1002b6e6125",
"req_header": {
"req_id": "ca57eead-b699-11ed-b3ff-cc17d418c9e0",
"user_data": [
"tag": "Correlation-Id",
"value": "c8d16891-b669-11ed-bc43-f1002b6e6125"
"tag": "TX-Id",
"value": "18955457"
"order_type": "LIMIT",
"time_in_force": "FOK",
"instrument": "BTC-EUR/SP",
"side": "BUY",
"amount": {
"leg_2_amount": "50000"
"limit_price": "24570"

async def place_order(order):
async with websockets.connect(uri=URL, extra_headers=ws_headers) as websocket:
await websocket.send(json.dumps({
"channel": "orders",
"heartbeat_interval": 30
await websocket.send(json.dumps(order))
while True:
message = await websocket.recv()

POST /ws/orders/neworder

An order is a request for buying or selling a specific asset. Order requests always specify the trading pair, quantity, and side at which the trader is willing to transact. For limit orders, the price should also be given.

It is possible to place both market orders and limit orders via our API. The implementation of limit orders is restricted in the sense that we only allow FOK/IOC (Fill or Kill/Immediate or cancel) orders.

Types of Orders:

Body parameter

"new_order": {
"order_ref": "c8d16891-b669-11ed-bc43-f1002b6e6125",
"req_header": {
"req_id": "ca57eead-b699-11ed-b3ff-cc17d418c9e0",
"user_data": [
"tag": "Correlation-Id",
"value": "c8d16891-b669-11ed-bc43-f1002b6e6125"
"tag": "TX-Id",
"value": "18955457"
"order_type": "LIMIT",
"time_in_force": "FOK",
"instrument": "BTC-EUR/SP",
"side": "BUY",
"amount": {
"leg_2_amount": "50000"
"limit_price": "24570"


Name In Type Required Description
body body NewOrder false none
» new_order body object true none
»» order_ref body external_ref_type true This field is used by the API user to pass an reference or ID to the tradias system which is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to the transaction in the API users system.
»» req_header body req_header_type false This request header is part of any request creating or modifying an object (order, bulk-order, settlement, …). It consists of two parts, a request ID which will be checked on the tradias side for uniqueness, and an array of user data (tag value). Both parts are option as the complete request header is.

The request ID can be used by the API user to allow, that if a request does not answer properly, to sent the request again. If the first one has been processed, then the second one will be rejected with a 409 error and the API user knows that the first request has been processed. If the first request did not make it the second one will be processed normally.

The second part is an array of values tagged by a short tag. This data provided by the API user will be returned with the response of the request and if a possible will be added to the object the request relates to and later returned with all responses relating to the object.
»»» req_id body unique_req_type false The unique request ID is generated by the API user, it has to be a UUID. It is used to detect that a request has already been processed. If the unique request ID has already been used then the request will not be executed. Instead an error will be (DuplicateReq) reported.
»»» user_data body [object] false This object is an array used by the API user to pass data to the tradias system which will be returned back to the API user together with the responses related to the transaction. It can be used by the API user to identify an transaction in a later response.
»»»» tag body string true none
»»»» value body string true none
»» order_type body order_type_type true There are different order types. Currently only the following order types are supported
»» time_in_force body time_in_force_type false This order attribute defines the duration a order is active.
»» instrument body instrument_type true Identifier for an instrument.
It consists of the asset codes of the two legs and an optional asset tenor
»» side body side_type true The side of the order, seen from the perspective of the API user.
»» amount body order_amount_type true You can specify the amount of an instrument to buy or sell either in the leg_1 or in the leg_2 quantity.

If you for example want to buy BTC-EUR you can either define the amount to buy in BTC by specifying the leg_1_amount, or you can specify the amount to spend in EUR by defining the leg_2_amount.

Only one of the two legs can be used for a single order!
»»» leg_1_amount body quantity_type false The quantity of a leg.
»»» leg_2_amount body quantity_type false The quantity of a leg.
»» limit_price body price_type false The price of a quantity of 1.0 of leg_1 expressed in a leg_2 quantity.

For example the instrument “BTC-EUR” the leg_1 is “BTC” and the leg_2 is “EUR”. A price of “23768.63953056” means that you pay 23,768.63953956 EUR for one BTC.
»» counter_leg_precision body counter_leg_precision_type false This optional key can be given in a new order request. The value specifies the number of decimals you want the computed amount of the leg that is not yet specified in the order request to be rounded to. For example, if you give the amount you want to buy/sell in the leg 2 asset, the counter_leg_precision specifies the number of decimals you want the leg 1 amount to be rounded to. Vice versa, if you specify the amount to buy/sell in the leg 1 asset, the amount in the leg 2 asset will be rounded to the specified number in the counter_leg_precision field.

Detailed descriptions

»» order_type: There are different order types. Currently only the following order types are supported

»» time_in_force: This order attribute defines the duration a order is active.

»» instrument: Identifier for an instrument.
It consists of the asset codes of the two legs and an optional asset tenor {leg_1_asset} “-” {leg_2_asset} [ “/” {tenor} ]

»» side: The side of the order, seen from the perspective of the API user.

Enumerated Values

Parameter Value
»» order_type MARKET
»» order_type LIMIT
»» order_type BULK_MARKET
»» time_in_force FOK
»» time_in_force IOC
»» side BUY
»» side SELL

Example responses

200 Response

"order_execution": {
"header": {
"channel": "orders",
"timestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z"
"order_id": "6aa21c20-ae4b-11ed-b304-81a12bb57b04",
"order_ref": "c8d16891-b669-11ed-bc43-f1002b6e6125",
"req_header": {
"req_id": "ca57eead-b699-11ed-b3ff-cc17d418c9e0",
"user_data": [
"tag": "Correlation-Id",
"value": "c8d16891-b669-11ed-bc43-f1002b6e6125"
"tag": "TX-Id",
"value": "18955457"
"order_type": "LIMIT",
"time_in_force": "FOK",
"instrument": "BTC-EUR/SP",
"side": "BUY",
"amount": {
"leg_2_amount": "50000"
"limit_price": "24570",
"order_status": "DONE",
"leg_1_executed_amount": "2.02814908",
"leg_2_executed_amount": "50000",
"execution_price": "24653.020129"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Report the execution of an order sent earlier Inline
201 Created Asynchronous heart beat message sent by the server to the subscriber Inline
202 Accepted Confirmation of a Channel Subscription Inline
203 Non-Authoritative Information Message received when a new_order can not be executed Inline
400 Bad Request Channel Subscription has failed, channel can’t be used Inline
403 Forbidden Message received when a new_order can not be executed Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» order_execution object true none Message received when a new_order sent by the API user gets executed.
»» header header_type true none Header used for all websocket messages
»»» channel channel_type true none Name of the websocket channel
»»» timestamp timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»» trade_id internal_ref_type false none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
»» order_id internal_ref_type true none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
»» order_ref external_ref_type true none This field is used by the API user to pass an reference or ID to the tradias system which is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to the transaction in the API users system.
»» req_header req_header_type false none This request header is part of any request creating or modifying an object (order, bulk-order, settlement, …). It consists of two parts, a request ID which will be checked on the tradias side for uniqueness, and an array of user data (tag value). Both parts are option as the complete request header is.

The request ID can be used by the API user to allow, that if a request does not answer properly, to sent the request again. If the first one has been processed, then the second one will be rejected with a 409 error and the API user knows that the first request has been processed. If the first request did not make it the second one will be processed normally.

The second part is an array of values tagged by a short tag. This data provided by the API user will be returned with the response of the request and if a possible will be added to the object the request relates to and later returned with all responses relating to the object.
»»» req_id unique_req_type false none The unique request ID is generated by the API user, it has to be a UUID. It is used to detect that a request has already been processed. If the unique request ID has already been used then the request will not be executed. Instead an error will be (DuplicateReq) reported.
»»» user_data [object] false none This object is an array used by the API user to pass data to the tradias system which will be returned back to the API user together with the responses related to the transaction. It can be used by the API user to identify an transaction in a later response.
»»»» tag string true none none
»»»» value string true none none
»» order_type order_type_type true none There are different order types. Currently only the following order types are supported
* MARKET: This is a order (without limit).
* LIMIT: This is a order with a limit. Buy orders are only executed if the execution
price is lower or equal than the limit price. Sell orders are only executed if the
execution price is higher or equal than the limit price.
* BULK_MARKET: This is a list order where multiple orders are entered as a single
bulk. The bulk is either executed completely or not at all.
»» time_in_force time_in_force_type true none This order attribute defines the duration a order is active.
* FOK: Fill Or Kill is an order which is either completely executed immediately or
will be canceled/rejected.
* IOC: Immediately Or Cancel is an order which is either executed immediately or
will be canceled/rejected. The difference to FOK is that IOC allows partial executions.
As tradias always executes completely there is no difference in FOK and IOC orders.
»» instrument instrument_type true none Identifier for an instrument.
It consists of the asset codes of the two legs and an optional asset tenor
{leg_1_asset} “-” {leg_2_asset} [ “/” {tenor} ]
»» side side_type true none The side of the order, seen from the perspective of the API user.
* BUY The user sending the order is buying assets
* SELL The user sending the order is selling his assets
»» amount order_amount_type true none You can specify the amount of an instrument to buy or sell either in the leg_1 or in the leg_2 quantity.

If you for example want to buy BTC-EUR you can either define the amount to buy in BTC by specifying the leg_1_amount, or you can specify the amount to spend in EUR by defining the leg_2_amount.

Only one of the two legs can be used for a single order!
»»» leg_1_amount quantity_type false none The quantity of a leg.
»»» leg_2_amount quantity_type false none The quantity of a leg.
»» limit_price price_type false none The price of a quantity of 1.0 of leg_1 expressed in a leg_2 quantity.

For example the instrument “BTC-EUR” the leg_1 is “BTC” and the leg_2 is “EUR”. A price of “23768.63953056” means that you pay 23,768.63953956 EUR for one BTC.
»» order_status order_status_type true none Orders have a live cycle. The state an order is in that live cycle expressed by its state. The above values are states an order can have in its live cycle. Initially the order is RECEIVED. DUPLICATE, REJECTED, EXPIRED, CANCELLED and DONE are terminal states which will not change any more. UNSPECIFIED means the state is unknown.
»» leg_1_executed_amount quantity_type true none The quantity of a leg.
»» leg_2_executed_amount quantity_type true none The quantity of a leg.
»» execution_price price_type true none The price of a quantity of 1.0 of leg_1 expressed in a leg_2 quantity.

For example the instrument “BTC-EUR” the leg_1 is “BTC” and the leg_2 is “EUR”. A price of “23768.63953056” means that you pay 23,768.63953956 EUR for one BTC.
»» counter_leg_precision counter_leg_precision_type false none This optional key can be given in a new order request. The value specifies the number of decimals you want the computed amount of the leg that is not yet specified in the order request to be rounded to. For example, if you give the amount you want to buy/sell in the leg 2 asset, the counter_leg_precision specifies the number of decimals you want the leg 1 amount to be rounded to. Vice versa, if you specify the amount to buy/sell in the leg 1 asset, the amount in the leg 2 asset will be rounded to the specified number in the counter_leg_precision field.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
channel orders
channel prices
channel trades
order_type MARKET
order_type LIMIT
order_type BULK_MARKET
time_in_force FOK
time_in_force IOC
side BUY
side SELL
order_status UNSPECIFIED
order_status RECEIVED
order_status CONFIRMED
order_status DUPLICATE
order_status REJECTED
order_status OPEN
order_status UPDATED
order_status CANCELLED
order_status EXPIRED
order_status DONE

Status Code 201

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» heartbeat object true none none
»» header header_type true none Header used for all websocket messages
»»» channel channel_type true none Name of the websocket channel
»»» timestamp timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”

Enumerated Values

Property Value
channel orders
channel prices
channel trades

Status Code 202

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» channel_subscription_confirmation object true none Message received when the user is successfully subscribed to a channel.
»» header header_type true none Header used for all websocket messages
»»» channel channel_type true none Name of the websocket channel
»»» timestamp timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»» status channel_status_type true none Status of the websocket channel
»» heartbeat_interval heartbeat_interval_type true none This optional field defines if the tradias server sends heartbeat messages to the channel or not. The value specifies the interval of the heartbeat messages in seconds. The maximum is 600 seconds (10 minutes). A value of 0 switches the heartbeat message generation off. Zero is the default which means by default there are no heartbeat messages.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
channel orders
channel prices
channel trades
status ACTIVE
status CLOSED

Status Code 203

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» order_status object true none Message received when a new_order can not be executed
»» header header_type true none Header used for all websocket messages
»»» channel channel_type true none Name of the websocket channel
»»» timestamp timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»» order_id internal_ref_type true none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
»» order_ref external_ref_type true none This field is used by the API user to pass an reference or ID to the tradias system which is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to the transaction in the API users system.
»» req_header req_header_type false none This request header is part of any request creating or modifying an object (order, bulk-order, settlement, …). It consists of two parts, a request ID which will be checked on the tradias side for uniqueness, and an array of user data (tag value). Both parts are option as the complete request header is.

The request ID can be used by the API user to allow, that if a request does not answer properly, to sent the request again. If the first one has been processed, then the second one will be rejected with a 409 error and the API user knows that the first request has been processed. If the first request did not make it the second one will be processed normally.

The second part is an array of values tagged by a short tag. This data provided by the API user will be returned with the response of the request and if a possible will be added to the object the request relates to and later returned with all responses relating to the object.
»»» req_id unique_req_type false none The unique request ID is generated by the API user, it has to be a UUID. It is used to detect that a request has already been processed. If the unique request ID has already been used then the request will not be executed. Instead an error will be (DuplicateReq) reported.
»»» user_data [object] false none This object is an array used by the API user to pass data to the tradias system which will be returned back to the API user together with the responses related to the transaction. It can be used by the API user to identify an transaction in a later response.
»»»» tag string true none none
»»»» value string true none none
»» order_type order_type_type true none There are different order types. Currently only the following order types are supported
* MARKET: This is a order (without limit).
* LIMIT: This is a order with a limit. Buy orders are only executed if the execution
price is lower or equal than the limit price. Sell orders are only executed if the
execution price is higher or equal than the limit price.
* BULK_MARKET: This is a list order where multiple orders are entered as a single
bulk. The bulk is either executed completely or not at all.
»» time_in_force time_in_force_type false none This order attribute defines the duration a order is active.
* FOK: Fill Or Kill is an order which is either completely executed immediately or
will be canceled/rejected.
* IOC: Immediately Or Cancel is an order which is either executed immediately or
will be canceled/rejected. The difference to FOK is that IOC allows partial executions.
As tradias always executes completely there is no difference in FOK and IOC orders.
»» instrument instrument_type true none Identifier for an instrument.
It consists of the asset codes of the two legs and an optional asset tenor
{leg_1_asset} “-” {leg_2_asset} [ “/” {tenor} ]
»» side side_type true none The side of the order, seen from the perspective of the API user.
* BUY The user sending the order is buying assets
* SELL The user sending the order is selling his assets
»» amount order_amount_type true none You can specify the amount of an instrument to buy or sell either in the leg_1 or in the leg_2 quantity.

If you for example want to buy BTC-EUR you can either define the amount to buy in BTC by specifying the leg_1_amount, or you can specify the amount to spend in EUR by defining the leg_2_amount.

Only one of the two legs can be used for a single order!
»»» leg_1_amount quantity_type false none The quantity of a leg.
»»» leg_2_amount quantity_type false none The quantity of a leg.
»» limit_price price_type false none The price of a quantity of 1.0 of leg_1 expressed in a leg_2 quantity.

For example the instrument “BTC-EUR” the leg_1 is “BTC” and the leg_2 is “EUR”. A price of “23768.63953056” means that you pay 23,768.63953956 EUR for one BTC.
»» order_status order_status_type true none Orders have a live cycle. The state an order is in that live cycle expressed by its state. The above values are states an order can have in its live cycle. Initially the order is RECEIVED. DUPLICATE, REJECTED, EXPIRED, CANCELLED and DONE are terminal states which will not change any more. UNSPECIFIED means the state is unknown.
»» rejection_reason rejection_reason_type true none Message used to describe the reason that a request gets rejected.
»» rejection_text rejection_text_type true none Message used to explain the reason that a request gets rejected.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
channel orders
channel prices
channel trades
order_type MARKET
order_type LIMIT
order_type BULK_MARKET
time_in_force FOK
time_in_force IOC
side BUY
side SELL
order_status UNSPECIFIED
order_status RECEIVED
order_status CONFIRMED
order_status DUPLICATE
order_status REJECTED
order_status OPEN
order_status UPDATED
order_status CANCELLED
order_status EXPIRED
order_status DONE

Status Code 400

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» channel_subscription_error object true none Message received when the subscription to a channel has failed
»» header header_type true none Header used for all websocket messages
»»» channel channel_type true none Name of the websocket channel
»»» timestamp timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»» error error_type true none All error codes returned by this API have a unique code, classifying the error messages.
»» error_text error_text_type false none Text describing the Error

Enumerated Values

Property Value
channel orders
channel prices
channel trades
error Unauthorized
error InternalServerError
error Conflict
error UnprocessableEntity
error DuplicateReq
error InvalidOrder
error MixedOrders
error InvalidAmount
error AmountTooLow
error AmountTooAccurate
error AmountTooHigh
error NoPriceStream
error RiskCheck
error DuplicateOrderRef
error NotFound
error Forbidden
error ValidationError

Status Code 403

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» reject_message object true none A message through the WebSocket that gives information on a rejected request and the reason of rejection.
»» rejection_reason rejection_reason_type true none Message used to describe the reason that a request gets rejected.
»» rejection_text rejection_text_type true none Message used to explain the reason that a request gets rejected.
»» request_ref request_ref_type true none Reference used to refer to a request that was done.
»» timestamp timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”

New Bulk Order (Coming Soon)

Code samples

import requests
import json

PROTOCOL = "https"
ENVIRONMENT = "preprod"

payload = {
"req_header": {
"req_id": "ca57eead-b699-11ed-b3ff-cc17d418c9e0",
"user_data": [
"tag": "Correlation-Id",
"value": "c8d16891-b669-11ed-bc43-f1002b6e6125"
"tag": "TX-Id",
"value": "18955457"
"order_type": "BULK_MARKET",
"orders": [
"order_ref": "18955839",
"instrument": "BTC-EUR/SP",
"side": "BUY",
"amount": {
"leg_1_amount": "2.5"
"user_data": [
"tag": "Correlation-Id",
"value": "7ac33648-ae4b-11ed-b2f9-81a12bb57b04"
"tag": "TX-Id",
"value": "18955839"
"order_ref": "18958204",
"instrument": "ETH-EUR/SP",
"side": "BUY",
"amount": {
"leg_2_amount": "20000"
"user_data": [
"tag": "Correlation-Id",
"value": "888d205a-ae4b-11ed-9362-81a12bb57b04"
"tag": "TX-Id",
"value": "18958204"
rest_api_header = {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + MY_TOKEN

bulk_order_request =, headers=rest_api_header, json=payload)

print(json.dumps(bulk_order_request.json(), indent=4))

POST /api/orders/bulk

If you want to place multiple orders at once, you can use the Bulk Order endpoint. In the request to the New Bulk Order endpoints, you can send many orders (up to 9999 orders) at once. The format of the orders in a bulk order, hereafter referred to as ‘child orders’, is the same as the format of an order that is sent to the WebSocket orders endpoint. The child orders of the bulk order will all be visible individually in the Order History. The trades originating from orders in a bulk order are all visible in the Trade History. However, the orders are not communicated as messages on the Orders WebSocket channel nor are the executions of bulk orders communicated over the Trades WebSocket channel. After a new bulk order has been created it can be inquired either by the Get Bulk Order or by the Bulk Order Status endpoints.

For example, bulk orders fit the following applications:

The working of a bulk order is summarized by the following steps:

  1. The timestamp of receipt is stored along with the prices of all instruments within the bulk order.
  2. The aggregation of all amounts over any particular instrument and side is determined.
  3. The execution price is determined based on the aggregated amounts of the previous step.
  4. The risk check is applied based on the resulting change of exposure.
  5. If the risk check passes, the order is executed. The orders and corresponding executions can be viewed.

More details on the working of bulk orders can be found below:

Body parameter

"new_bulk_order": {
"req_header": {
"req_id": "ca57eead-b699-11ed-b3ff-cc17d418c9e0",
"user_data": [
"tag": "Correlation-Id",
"value": "c8d16891-b669-11ed-bc43-f1002b6e6125"
"tag": "TX-Id",
"value": "18955457"
"order_type": "BULK_MARKET",
"orders": [
"order_ref": "18955839",
"instrument": "BTC-EUR/SP",
"side": "BUY",
"amount": {
"leg_1_amount": "2.5"
"user_data": [
"tag": "Correlation-Id",
"value": "7ac33648-ae4b-11ed-b2f9-81a12bb57b04"
"tag": "TX-Id",
"value": "18955839"
"order_ref": "18958204",
"instrument": "ETH-EUR/SP",
"side": "BUY",
"amount": {
"leg_2_amount": "20000"
"user_data": [
"tag": "Correlation-Id",
"value": "888d205a-ae4b-11ed-9362-81a12bb57b04"
"tag": "TX-Id",
"value": "18958204"


Name In Type Required Description
body body object false none
» new_bulk_order body object true none
»» req_header body req_header_type false This request header is part of any request creating or modifying an object (order, bulk-order, settlement, …). It consists of two parts, a request ID which will be checked on the tradias side for uniqueness, and an array of user data (tag value). Both parts are option as the complete request header is.

The request ID can be used by the API user to allow, that if a request does not answer properly, to sent the request again. If the first one has been processed, then the second one will be rejected with a 409 error and the API user knows that the first request has been processed. If the first request did not make it the second one will be processed normally.

The second part is an array of values tagged by a short tag. This data provided by the API user will be returned with the response of the request and if a possible will be added to the object the request relates to and later returned with all responses relating to the object.
»»» req_id body unique_req_type false The unique request ID is generated by the API user, it has to be a UUID. It is used to detect that a request has already been processed. If the unique request ID has already been used then the request will not be executed. Instead an error will be (DuplicateReq) reported.
»»» user_data body [object] false This object is an array used by the API user to pass data to the tradias system which will be returned back to the API user together with the responses related to the transaction. It can be used by the API user to identify an transaction in a later response.
»»»» tag body string true none
»»»» value body string true none
»» order_type body order_type_type true There are different order types. Currently only the following order types are supported
»» orders body [market_order_type] true [This schema represents all information needed for an MARKET order]
»»» Market Order Data body market_order_type false This schema represents all information needed for an MARKET order
»»»» order_ref body external_ref_type true This field is used by the API user to pass an reference or ID to the tradias system which is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to the transaction in the API users system.
»»»» instrument body instrument_type true Identifier for an instrument.
It consists of the asset codes of the two legs and an optional asset tenor
»»»» side body side_type true The side of the order, seen from the perspective of the API user.
»»»» amount body order_amount_type true You can specify the amount of an instrument to buy or sell either in the leg_1 or in the leg_2 quantity.

If you for example want to buy BTC-EUR you can either define the amount to buy in BTC by specifying the leg_1_amount, or you can specify the amount to spend in EUR by defining the leg_2_amount.

Only one of the two legs can be used for a single order!
»»»»» leg_1_amount body quantity_type false The quantity of a leg.
»»»»» leg_2_amount body quantity_type false The quantity of a leg.
»»»» user_data body [object] false This object is an array used by the API user to pass data to the tradias system which will be returned back to the API user together with the responses related to the transaction. It can be used by the API user to identify an transaction in a later response.
»»»» counter_leg_precision body counter_leg_precision_type false This optional key can be given in a new order request. The value specifies the number of decimals you want the computed amount of the leg that is not yet specified in the order request to be rounded to. For example, if you give the amount you want to buy/sell in the leg 2 asset, the counter_leg_precision specifies the number of decimals you want the leg 1 amount to be rounded to. Vice versa, if you specify the amount to buy/sell in the leg 1 asset, the amount in the leg 2 asset will be rounded to the specified number in the counter_leg_precision field.

Detailed descriptions

»» order_type: There are different order types. Currently only the following order types are supported

»»»» instrument: Identifier for an instrument.
It consists of the asset codes of the two legs and an optional asset tenor {leg_1_asset} “-” {leg_2_asset} [ “/” {tenor} ]

»»»» side: The side of the order, seen from the perspective of the API user.

Enumerated Values

Parameter Value
»» order_type MARKET
»» order_type LIMIT
»» order_type BULK_MARKET
»»»» side BUY
»»»» side SELL

Example responses

202 Response

"new_bulk_order_response": {
"bulk_order_id": "6aa21c20-ae4b-11ed-b304-81a12bb57b04",
"bulk_order_status": "RECEIVED",
"req_header": {
"req_id": "ca57eead-b699-11ed-b3ff-cc17d418c9e0",
"user_data": [
"tag": "Correlation-Id",
"value": "c8d16891-b669-11ed-bc43-f1002b6e6125"
"tag": "TX-Id",
"value": "18955457"
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z"

401 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "Unauthorized",
"error_text": "The JWT token could not be validated"

409 Response

"error_req_header": {
"req_header": {
"req_id": "ca57eead-b699-11ed-b3ff-cc17d418c9e0",
"user_data": [
"tag": "Correlation-Id",
"value": "c8d16891-b669-11ed-bc43-f1002b6e6125"
"tag": "TX-Id",
"value": "18955457"
"tradias_id": "75ccdf76-ae4b-11ed-85ee-81a12bb57b04",
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "DuplicateReq",
"error_text": "The req_id has been already processed"

422 Response

"new_bulk_order_error_response": {
"bulk_order_id": "6c51119a-ae4b-11ed-b75a-81a12bb57b04",
"bulk_order_status": "REJECTED",
"req_header": {
"req_id": "ca57eead-b699-11ed-b3ff-cc17d418c9e0",
"user_data": [
"tag": "Correlation-Id",
"value": "c8d16891-b669-11ed-bc43-f1002b6e6125"
"tag": "TX-Id",
"value": "18955457"
"bulk_order_submitted_at": "2023-01-20T14:31:09.012123Z",
"rejected_order": {
"order_ref": "18955839",
"instrument": "BTC-EUR/SP",
"side": "BUY",
"amount": {
"leg_1_amount": "2.5"
"user_data": [
"tag": "Correlation-Id",
"value": "7ac33648-ae4b-11ed-b2f9-81a12bb57b04"
"tag": "TX-Id",
"value": "18955839"
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "RiskCheck",
"error_text": "The bulk order could not be executed because the resulting margin usage would be too high."

500 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "InternalServerError",
"error_text": "Internal Server Error: the server can currently not process the request"


Status Meaning Description Schema
202 Accepted Accepted Inline
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized internal_error_type
409 Conflict Duplicate Request internal_req_error_type
422 Unprocessable Entity Bulk Order Error Inline
500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error internal_error_type

Response Schema

Status Code 202

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» new_bulk_order_response object true none none
»» bulk_order_id internal_ref_type true none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
»» bulk_order_status bulk_order_status_type true none The status of a new bulk order is RECEIVED. BULK_MARKET orders will be executed immediately an becomes then either REJECTED if it could not be executed or DONE if it got executed.
»» req_header req_header_type false none This request header is part of any request creating or modifying an object (order, bulk-order, settlement, …). It consists of two parts, a request ID which will be checked on the tradias side for uniqueness, and an array of user data (tag value). Both parts are option as the complete request header is.

The request ID can be used by the API user to allow, that if a request does not answer properly, to sent the request again. If the first one has been processed, then the second one will be rejected with a 409 error and the API user knows that the first request has been processed. If the first request did not make it the second one will be processed normally.

The second part is an array of values tagged by a short tag. This data provided by the API user will be returned with the response of the request and if a possible will be added to the object the request relates to and later returned with all responses relating to the object.
»»» req_id unique_req_type false none The unique request ID is generated by the API user, it has to be a UUID. It is used to detect that a request has already been processed. If the unique request ID has already been used then the request will not be executed. Instead an error will be (DuplicateReq) reported.
»»» user_data [object] false none This object is an array used by the API user to pass data to the tradias system which will be returned back to the API user together with the responses related to the transaction. It can be used by the API user to identify an transaction in a later response.
»»»» tag string true none none
»»»» value string true none none
»» timestamp timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”

Enumerated Values

Property Value
bulk_order_status RECEIVED
bulk_order_status REJECTED
bulk_order_status DONE

Status Code 422

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» new_bulk_order_error_response object true none none
»» bulk_order_id internal_ref_type true none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
»» bulk_order_status bulk_order_status_type true none The status of a new bulk order is RECEIVED. BULK_MARKET orders will be executed immediately an becomes then either REJECTED if it could not be executed or DONE if it got executed.
»» req_header req_header_type false none This request header is part of any request creating or modifying an object (order, bulk-order, settlement, …). It consists of two parts, a request ID which will be checked on the tradias side for uniqueness, and an array of user data (tag value). Both parts are option as the complete request header is.

The request ID can be used by the API user to allow, that if a request does not answer properly, to sent the request again. If the first one has been processed, then the second one will be rejected with a 409 error and the API user knows that the first request has been processed. If the first request did not make it the second one will be processed normally.

The second part is an array of values tagged by a short tag. This data provided by the API user will be returned with the response of the request and if a possible will be added to the object the request relates to and later returned with all responses relating to the object.
»»» req_id unique_req_type false none The unique request ID is generated by the API user, it has to be a UUID. It is used to detect that a request has already been processed. If the unique request ID has already been used then the request will not be executed. Instead an error will be (DuplicateReq) reported.
»»» user_data [object] false none This object is an array used by the API user to pass data to the tradias system which will be returned back to the API user together with the responses related to the transaction. It can be used by the API user to identify an transaction in a later response.
»»»» tag string true none none
»»»» value string true none none
»» bulk_order_submitted_at timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»» rejected_order market_order_type true none This schema represents all information needed for an MARKET order
»»» order_ref external_ref_type true none This field is used by the API user to pass an reference or ID to the tradias system which is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to the transaction in the API users system.
»»» instrument instrument_type true none Identifier for an instrument.
It consists of the asset codes of the two legs and an optional asset tenor
{leg_1_asset} “-” {leg_2_asset} [ “/” {tenor} ]
»»» side side_type true none The side of the order, seen from the perspective of the API user.
* BUY The user sending the order is buying assets
* SELL The user sending the order is selling his assets
»»» amount order_amount_type true none You can specify the amount of an instrument to buy or sell either in the leg_1 or in the leg_2 quantity.

If you for example want to buy BTC-EUR you can either define the amount to buy in BTC by specifying the leg_1_amount, or you can specify the amount to spend in EUR by defining the leg_2_amount.

Only one of the two legs can be used for a single order!
»»»» leg_1_amount quantity_type false none The quantity of a leg.
»»»» leg_2_amount quantity_type false none The quantity of a leg.
»»» user_data [object] false none This object is an array used by the API user to pass data to the tradias system which will be returned back to the API user together with the responses related to the transaction. It can be used by the API user to identify an transaction in a later response.
»»» counter_leg_precision counter_leg_precision_type false none This optional key can be given in a new order request. The value specifies the number of decimals you want the computed amount of the leg that is not yet specified in the order request to be rounded to. For example, if you give the amount you want to buy/sell in the leg 2 asset, the counter_leg_precision specifies the number of decimals you want the leg 1 amount to be rounded to. Vice versa, if you specify the amount to buy/sell in the leg 1 asset, the amount in the leg 2 asset will be rounded to the specified number in the counter_leg_precision field.
»» timestamp timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»» error error_type true none All error codes returned by this API have a unique code, classifying the error messages.
»» error_text error_text_type true none Text describing the Error

Enumerated Values

Property Value
bulk_order_status RECEIVED
bulk_order_status REJECTED
bulk_order_status DONE
side BUY
side SELL
error Unauthorized
error InternalServerError
error Conflict
error UnprocessableEntity
error DuplicateReq
error InvalidOrder
error MixedOrders
error InvalidAmount
error AmountTooLow
error AmountTooAccurate
error AmountTooHigh
error NoPriceStream
error RiskCheck
error DuplicateOrderRef
error NotFound
error Forbidden
error ValidationError

Get Bulk Order (Coming Soon)

Code samples

import requests
import json

PROTOCOL = "https"
ENVIRONMENT = "preprod"


rest_api_header = {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + MY_TOKEN

bulk_order_request = requests.get(url=URL, headers=rest_api_header)

print(json.dumps(bulk_order_request.json(), indent=4))

GET /api/orders/bulk/{bulk_order_id}

The Get Bulk Order endpoint allows the retrieval of all details regarding a specific bulk order. This includes the order status, timestamp as well as the details on the execution for all child orders and associated trades, if applicable.

As bulk orders are processed asynchronously, the information on a specific bulk order is only accessible after the processing is complete. In order to determine the status of the completion of the bulk order processing as well as the success of its execution, the Get Bulk Order Status endpoint can be used.


Name In Type Required Description
bulk_order_id path internal_ref_type true none

Example responses

200 Response

"get_bulk_order_response": {
"bulk_order_id": "6aa21c20-ae4b-11ed-b304-81a12bb57b04",
"bulk_order_status": "RECEIVED",
"req_header": {
"req_id": "ca57eead-b699-11ed-b3ff-cc17d418c9e0",
"user_data": [
"tag": "Correlation-Id",
"value": "c8d16891-b669-11ed-bc43-f1002b6e6125"
"tag": "TX-Id",
"value": "18955457"
"bulk_order_submitted_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z",
"timestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z",
"error": "NotFound",
"error_text": "The bulk order with the given ID could not be found.",
"executions": [
"order": {
"order_ref": "18955839",
"instrument": "BTC-EUR/SP",
"side": "BUY",
"amount": {
"leg_1_amount": "2.5"
"user_data": [
"tag": "Correlation-Id",
"value": "7ac33648-ae4b-11ed-b2f9-81a12bb57b04"
"tag": "TX-Id",
"value": "18955839"
"order_type": "BULK_MARKET",
"time_in_force": "FOK",
"order_status": "DONE",
"leg_1_executed_amount": "1.25867895",
"leg_2_executed_amount": "1.25867895",
"execution_price": "23768.63953056",
"trade_ids": [
"executed_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z"

401 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "Unauthorized",
"error_text": "The JWT token could not be validated"

404 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "NotFound",
"error_text": "The given object (Order, Trade, ...) could not be found."

422 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "ValidationError",
"error_text": "The request is not valid"

500 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "InternalServerError",
"error_text": "Internal Server Error: the server can currently not process the request"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Get Bulk Order Inline
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized internal_error_type
404 Not Found Not Found internal_error_type
422 Unprocessable Entity Unprocessable Request internal_error_type
500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error internal_error_type

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» get_bulk_order_response object true none none
»» bulk_order_id internal_ref_type true none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
»» bulk_order_status bulk_order_status_type true none The status of a new bulk order is RECEIVED. BULK_MARKET orders will be executed immediately an becomes then either REJECTED if it could not be executed or DONE if it got executed.
»» req_header req_header_type false none This request header is part of any request creating or modifying an object (order, bulk-order, settlement, …). It consists of two parts, a request ID which will be checked on the tradias side for uniqueness, and an array of user data (tag value). Both parts are option as the complete request header is.

The request ID can be used by the API user to allow, that if a request does not answer properly, to sent the request again. If the first one has been processed, then the second one will be rejected with a 409 error and the API user knows that the first request has been processed. If the first request did not make it the second one will be processed normally.

The second part is an array of values tagged by a short tag. This data provided by the API user will be returned with the response of the request and if a possible will be added to the object the request relates to and later returned with all responses relating to the object.
»»» req_id unique_req_type false none The unique request ID is generated by the API user, it has to be a UUID. It is used to detect that a request has already been processed. If the unique request ID has already been used then the request will not be executed. Instead an error will be (DuplicateReq) reported.
»»» user_data [object] false none This object is an array used by the API user to pass data to the tradias system which will be returned back to the API user together with the responses related to the transaction. It can be used by the API user to identify an transaction in a later response.
»»»» tag string true none none
»»»» value string true none none
»» bulk_order_submitted_at timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»» timestamp timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»» error error_type false none All error codes returned by this API have a unique code, classifying the error messages.
»» error_text error_text_type false none Text describing the Error
»» executions [bulk_execution_type] true none none
»»» Bulk Order Execution bulk_execution_type false none none
»»»» order market_order_type true none This schema represents all information needed for an MARKET order
»»»»» order_ref external_ref_type true none This field is used by the API user to pass an reference or ID to the tradias system which is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to the transaction in the API users system.
»»»»» instrument instrument_type true none Identifier for an instrument.
It consists of the asset codes of the two legs and an optional asset tenor
{leg_1_asset} “-” {leg_2_asset} [ “/” {tenor} ]
»»»»» side side_type true none The side of the order, seen from the perspective of the API user.
* BUY The user sending the order is buying assets
* SELL The user sending the order is selling his assets
»»»»» amount order_amount_type true none You can specify the amount of an instrument to buy or sell either in the leg_1 or in the leg_2 quantity.

If you for example want to buy BTC-EUR you can either define the amount to buy in BTC by specifying the leg_1_amount, or you can specify the amount to spend in EUR by defining the leg_2_amount.

Only one of the two legs can be used for a single order!
»»»»»» leg_1_amount quantity_type false none The quantity of a leg.
»»»»»» leg_2_amount quantity_type false none The quantity of a leg.
»»»»» user_data [object] false none This object is an array used by the API user to pass data to the tradias system which will be returned back to the API user together with the responses related to the transaction. It can be used by the API user to identify an transaction in a later response.
»»»»» counter_leg_precision counter_leg_precision_type false none This optional key can be given in a new order request. The value specifies the number of decimals you want the computed amount of the leg that is not yet specified in the order request to be rounded to. For example, if you give the amount you want to buy/sell in the leg 2 asset, the counter_leg_precision specifies the number of decimals you want the leg 1 amount to be rounded to. Vice versa, if you specify the amount to buy/sell in the leg 1 asset, the amount in the leg 2 asset will be rounded to the specified number in the counter_leg_precision field.
»»»» order_type order_type_type true none There are different order types. Currently only the following order types are supported
* MARKET: This is a order (without limit).
* LIMIT: This is a order with a limit. Buy orders are only executed if the execution
price is lower or equal than the limit price. Sell orders are only executed if the
execution price is higher or equal than the limit price.
* BULK_MARKET: This is a list order where multiple orders are entered as a single
bulk. The bulk is either executed completely or not at all.
»»»» time_in_force time_in_force_type true none This order attribute defines the duration a order is active.
* FOK: Fill Or Kill is an order which is either completely executed immediately or
will be canceled/rejected.
* IOC: Immediately Or Cancel is an order which is either executed immediately or
will be canceled/rejected. The difference to FOK is that IOC allows partial executions.
As tradias always executes completely there is no difference in FOK and IOC orders.
»»»» order_status order_status_type true none Orders have a live cycle. The state an order is in that live cycle expressed by its state. The above values are states an order can have in its live cycle. Initially the order is RECEIVED. DUPLICATE, REJECTED, EXPIRED, CANCELLED and DONE are terminal states which will not change any more. UNSPECIFIED means the state is unknown.
»»»» leg_1_executed_amount quantity_type true none The quantity of a leg.
»»»» leg_2_executed_amount quantity_type true none The quantity of a leg.
»»»» execution_price price_type true none The price of a quantity of 1.0 of leg_1 expressed in a leg_2 quantity.

For example the instrument “BTC-EUR” the leg_1 is “BTC” and the leg_2 is “EUR”. A price of “23768.63953056” means that you pay 23,768.63953956 EUR for one BTC.
»»»» trade_ids [internal_ref_type] false none [This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).]
»»»»» Internal Reference or Id internal_ref_type false none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
»»»» executed_at timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”

Enumerated Values

Property Value
bulk_order_status RECEIVED
bulk_order_status REJECTED
bulk_order_status DONE
error Unauthorized
error InternalServerError
error Conflict
error UnprocessableEntity
error DuplicateReq
error InvalidOrder
error MixedOrders
error InvalidAmount
error AmountTooLow
error AmountTooAccurate
error AmountTooHigh
error NoPriceStream
error RiskCheck
error DuplicateOrderRef
error NotFound
error Forbidden
error ValidationError
side BUY
side SELL
order_type MARKET
order_type LIMIT
order_type BULK_MARKET
time_in_force FOK
time_in_force IOC
order_status UNSPECIFIED
order_status RECEIVED
order_status CONFIRMED
order_status DUPLICATE
order_status REJECTED
order_status OPEN
order_status UPDATED
order_status CANCELLED
order_status EXPIRED
order_status DONE

Bulk Order Status (Coming Soon)

Code samples

import requests
import json

PROTOCOL = "https"
ENVIRONMENT = "preprod"


rest_api_header = {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + MY_TOKEN

bulk_order_status_request = requests.get(url=URL, headers=rest_api_header)

print(json.dumps(bulk_order_status_request.json(), indent=4))

GET /api/orders/bulk/{bulk_order_id}/status

The Bulk Order Status endpoint can be queried using the bulk_order_id as returned in the response of the New Bulk Order endpoint. The endpoint serves as a shorter version of the Get Bulk Order endpoint allows checking on the processing state of a bulk order.

In particular, the endpoint returns the status of the bulk order, which is either ‘DONE’, meaning it was executed, ‘REJECTED’, meaning that it cannot be processed and executed due to an error, or ‘RECEIVED’, which means that it is being processed. Additionally, the endpoint returns the request ID and the user data as passed in the request to the New Bulk Order endpoint.

Both the Get Bulk Order and Get Bulk Order Status endpoints return information on the bulk orders that were posted. Generally, the Get Bulk Order Status endpoint is more useful when you are polling the state of a bulk order, as its response is more compact compared to the Get Bulk Order endpoint response. In contrast, the Get Bulk Order endpoint returns detailed information about the bulk order and its associated child orders.


Name In Type Required Description
bulk_order_id path internal_ref_type true none

Example responses

200 Response

"bulk_order_status_response": {
"bulk_order_id": "6aa21c20-ae4b-11ed-b304-81a12bb57b04",
"bulk_order_status": "RECEIVED",
"req_header": {
"req_id": "ca57eead-b699-11ed-b3ff-cc17d418c9e0",
"user_data": [
"tag": "Correlation-Id",
"value": "c8d16891-b669-11ed-bc43-f1002b6e6125"
"tag": "TX-Id",
"value": "18955457"
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z"

401 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "Unauthorized",
"error_text": "The JWT token could not be validated"

404 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "NotFound",
"error_text": "The given object (Order, Trade, ...) could not be found."

422 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "ValidationError",
"error_text": "The request is not valid"

500 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "InternalServerError",
"error_text": "Internal Server Error: the server can currently not process the request"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Bulk Order Status Inline
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized internal_error_type
404 Not Found Not Found internal_error_type
422 Unprocessable Entity Unprocessable Request internal_error_type
500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error internal_error_type

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» bulk_order_status_response object true none none
»» bulk_order_id internal_ref_type true none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
»» bulk_order_status bulk_order_status_type true none The status of a new bulk order is RECEIVED. BULK_MARKET orders will be executed immediately an becomes then either REJECTED if it could not be executed or DONE if it got executed.
»» req_header req_header_type false none This request header is part of any request creating or modifying an object (order, bulk-order, settlement, …). It consists of two parts, a request ID which will be checked on the tradias side for uniqueness, and an array of user data (tag value). Both parts are option as the complete request header is.

The request ID can be used by the API user to allow, that if a request does not answer properly, to sent the request again. If the first one has been processed, then the second one will be rejected with a 409 error and the API user knows that the first request has been processed. If the first request did not make it the second one will be processed normally.

The second part is an array of values tagged by a short tag. This data provided by the API user will be returned with the response of the request and if a possible will be added to the object the request relates to and later returned with all responses relating to the object.
»»» req_id unique_req_type false none The unique request ID is generated by the API user, it has to be a UUID. It is used to detect that a request has already been processed. If the unique request ID has already been used then the request will not be executed. Instead an error will be (DuplicateReq) reported.
»»» user_data [object] false none This object is an array used by the API user to pass data to the tradias system which will be returned back to the API user together with the responses related to the transaction. It can be used by the API user to identify an transaction in a later response.
»»»» tag string true none none
»»»» value string true none none
»» timestamp timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”

Enumerated Values

Property Value
bulk_order_status RECEIVED
bulk_order_status REJECTED
bulk_order_status DONE

Trade channel (Coming Soon)

Code samples

import asyncio
import json
import websockets

ENVIRONMENT = "preprod"
PROTOCOL = "wss"
ws_url = f"{PROTOCOL}://ws.{ENVIRONMENT}"

ws_headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + MY_TOKEN

async def trades():
async with websockets.connect(uri=ws_url, extra_headers=ws_headers) as websocket:
await websocket.send(json.dumps({
"subscribe_trade_channel": {
"channel": "trades",
"heartbeat_interval": 30,
"seq_number": 47110815
while True:
message = await websocket.recv()

POST /ws/trades

A trade is an execution of a market or limit order. The trade channel is a WebSocket channel via which an API user can listen to executions or other updates on orders. Whenever an order is executed or cancelled, this is reflected via an update in the trade channel.

This subscription is used to receive trades executed by the API user. In the subscription to the channel, the user can specify sequence numbers or a time stamp which filter which trades will be shown in the channel. If both are not given, the trades that are shown will be all trades starting at the current day. Each trade is reported as a separate message. The last trade from the history is marked with a flag and from then on all trades executed are delivered in real-time.

A subscription to the trades channel can be terminated using the message shown on the right.

  # Message to unsubscribe from trades channel
    "unsubscribe_channel": {
      "channel": "trades"

Body parameter

"subscribe_trade_channel": {
"channel": "trades",
"heartbeat_interval": 30,
"seq_number": 47110815


Name In Type Required Description
body body SubscribeTradeChannel false none
» subscribe_trade_channel body object true none
»» channel body channel_type true Name of the websocket channel
»» heartbeat_interval body heartbeat_interval_type false This optional field defines if the tradias server sends heartbeat messages to the channel or not. The value specifies the interval of the heartbeat messages in seconds. The maximum is 600 seconds (10 minutes). A value of 0 switches the heartbeat message generation off. Zero is the default which means by default there are no heartbeat messages.
»» seq_number body sequence_type false Sequence number of an order, trade or any other event. A sequence number is assigned to the object (e.g. order) when it is received. All sequence number are unique and increasing. There may be gaps in the sequence numbers assigned! The sequence number can ba used sort objects in the way they have been received/happened. If the maximum is reached the sequence numbers continue with 0.
»» execution_time body timestamp_type false Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”

Enumerated Values

Parameter Value
»» channel orders
»» channel prices
»» channel trades

Example responses

200 Response

"channel_subscription_confirmation": {
"header": {
"channel": "prices",
"timestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z"
"status": "ACTIVE",
"heartbeat_interval": 30


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Confirmation of a Channel Subscription Inline
201 Created Asynchronous heart beat message sent by the server to the subscriber Inline
202 Accepted Message received when a execution happens Inline
400 Bad Request Channel Subscription has failed, channel can’t be used Inline
403 Forbidden Message received when a new_order can not be executed Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» channel_subscription_confirmation object true none Message received when the user is successfully subscribed to a channel.
»» header header_type true none Header used for all websocket messages
»»» channel channel_type true none Name of the websocket channel
»»» timestamp timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»» status channel_status_type true none Status of the websocket channel
»» heartbeat_interval heartbeat_interval_type true none This optional field defines if the tradias server sends heartbeat messages to the channel or not. The value specifies the interval of the heartbeat messages in seconds. The maximum is 600 seconds (10 minutes). A value of 0 switches the heartbeat message generation off. Zero is the default which means by default there are no heartbeat messages.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
channel orders
channel prices
channel trades
status ACTIVE
status CLOSED

Status Code 201

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» heartbeat object true none none
»» header header_type true none Header used for all websocket messages
»»» channel channel_type true none Name of the websocket channel
»»» timestamp timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”

Enumerated Values

Property Value
channel orders
channel prices
channel trades

Status Code 202

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» trade object true none none
»» trade_id internal_ref_type false none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
»» seq_number sequence_type false none Sequence number of an order, trade or any other event. A sequence number is assigned to the object (e.g. order) when it is received. All sequence number are unique and increasing. There may be gaps in the sequence numbers assigned! The sequence number can ba used sort objects in the way they have been received/happened. If the maximum is reached the sequence numbers continue with 0.
»» order_id internal_ref_type false none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
»» order_ref external_ref_type false none This field is used by the API user to pass an reference or ID to the tradias system which is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to the transaction in the API users system.
»» req_header req_header_type false none This request header is part of any request creating or modifying an object (order, bulk-order, settlement, …). It consists of two parts, a request ID which will be checked on the tradias side for uniqueness, and an array of user data (tag value). Both parts are option as the complete request header is.

The request ID can be used by the API user to allow, that if a request does not answer properly, to sent the request again. If the first one has been processed, then the second one will be rejected with a 409 error and the API user knows that the first request has been processed. If the first request did not make it the second one will be processed normally.

The second part is an array of values tagged by a short tag. This data provided by the API user will be returned with the response of the request and if a possible will be added to the object the request relates to and later returned with all responses relating to the object.
»»» req_id unique_req_type false none The unique request ID is generated by the API user, it has to be a UUID. It is used to detect that a request has already been processed. If the unique request ID has already been used then the request will not be executed. Instead an error will be (DuplicateReq) reported.
»»» user_data [object] false none This object is an array used by the API user to pass data to the tradias system which will be returned back to the API user together with the responses related to the transaction. It can be used by the API user to identify an transaction in a later response.
»»»» tag string true none none
»»»» value string true none none
»» order order_data_type false none This schema represents all information of an order
»»» instrument instrument_type true none Identifier for an instrument.
It consists of the asset codes of the two legs and an optional asset tenor
{leg_1_asset} “-” {leg_2_asset} [ “/” {tenor} ]
»»» order_type order_type_type true none There are different order types. Currently only the following order types are supported
* MARKET: This is a order (without limit).
* LIMIT: This is a order with a limit. Buy orders are only executed if the execution
price is lower or equal than the limit price. Sell orders are only executed if the
execution price is higher or equal than the limit price.
* BULK_MARKET: This is a list order where multiple orders are entered as a single
bulk. The bulk is either executed completely or not at all.
»»» time_in_force time_in_force_type false none This order attribute defines the duration a order is active.
* FOK: Fill Or Kill is an order which is either completely executed immediately or
will be canceled/rejected.
* IOC: Immediately Or Cancel is an order which is either executed immediately or
will be canceled/rejected. The difference to FOK is that IOC allows partial executions.
As tradias always executes completely there is no difference in FOK and IOC orders.
»»» side side_type true none The side of the order, seen from the perspective of the API user.
* BUY The user sending the order is buying assets
* SELL The user sending the order is selling his assets
»»» amount order_amount_type true none You can specify the amount of an instrument to buy or sell either in the leg_1 or in the leg_2 quantity.

If you for example want to buy BTC-EUR you can either define the amount to buy in BTC by specifying the leg_1_amount, or you can specify the amount to spend in EUR by defining the leg_2_amount.

Only one of the two legs can be used for a single order!
»»»» leg_1_amount quantity_type false none The quantity of a leg.
»»»» leg_2_amount quantity_type false none The quantity of a leg.
»»» arrived_at timestamp_type false none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»»» limit_price price_type false none The price of a quantity of 1.0 of leg_1 expressed in a leg_2 quantity.

For example the instrument “BTC-EUR” the leg_1 is “BTC” and the leg_2 is “EUR”. A price of “23768.63953056” means that you pay 23,768.63953956 EUR for one BTC.
»»» order_status order_status_type false none Orders have a live cycle. The state an order is in that live cycle expressed by its state. The above values are states an order can have in its live cycle. Initially the order is RECEIVED. DUPLICATE, REJECTED, EXPIRED, CANCELLED and DONE are terminal states which will not change any more. UNSPECIFIED means the state is unknown.
»» trade trade_type false none none
»»» leg_1_executed_amount quantity_type true none The quantity of a leg.
»»» leg_2_executed_amount quantity_type true none The quantity of a leg.
»»» execution_price price_type true none The price of a quantity of 1.0 of leg_1 expressed in a leg_2 quantity.

For example the instrument “BTC-EUR” the leg_1 is “BTC” and the leg_2 is “EUR”. A price of “23768.63953056” means that you pay 23,768.63953956 EUR for one BTC.
»»» executed_at timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»»» leg_1_status trade_leg_status_type false none none
»»» leg_2_status trade_leg_status_type false none none
»» history_done boolean false none none
»» counter_leg_precision counter_leg_precision_type false none This optional key can be given in a new order request. The value specifies the number of decimals you want the computed amount of the leg that is not yet specified in the order request to be rounded to. For example, if you give the amount you want to buy/sell in the leg 2 asset, the counter_leg_precision specifies the number of decimals you want the leg 1 amount to be rounded to. Vice versa, if you specify the amount to buy/sell in the leg 1 asset, the amount in the leg 2 asset will be rounded to the specified number in the counter_leg_precision field.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
order_type MARKET
order_type LIMIT
order_type BULK_MARKET
time_in_force FOK
time_in_force IOC
side BUY
side SELL
order_status UNSPECIFIED
order_status RECEIVED
order_status CONFIRMED
order_status DUPLICATE
order_status REJECTED
order_status OPEN
order_status UPDATED
order_status CANCELLED
order_status EXPIRED
order_status DONE
leg_1_status UNSPECIFIED
leg_1_status PENDING
leg_1_status SETTLED
leg_2_status UNSPECIFIED
leg_2_status PENDING
leg_2_status SETTLED

Status Code 400

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» channel_subscription_error object true none Message received when the subscription to a channel has failed
»» header header_type true none Header used for all websocket messages
»»» channel channel_type true none Name of the websocket channel
»»» timestamp timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»» error error_type true none All error codes returned by this API have a unique code, classifying the error messages.
»» error_text error_text_type false none Text describing the Error

Enumerated Values

Property Value
channel orders
channel prices
channel trades
error Unauthorized
error InternalServerError
error Conflict
error UnprocessableEntity
error DuplicateReq
error InvalidOrder
error MixedOrders
error InvalidAmount
error AmountTooLow
error AmountTooAccurate
error AmountTooHigh
error NoPriceStream
error RiskCheck
error DuplicateOrderRef
error NotFound
error Forbidden
error ValidationError

Status Code 403

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» reject_message object true none A message through the WebSocket that gives information on a rejected request and the reason of rejection.
»» rejection_reason rejection_reason_type true none Message used to describe the reason that a request gets rejected.
»» rejection_text rejection_text_type true none Message used to explain the reason that a request gets rejected.
»» request_ref request_ref_type true none Reference used to refer to a request that was done.
»» timestamp timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”

Get Risk Figures

Code samples

import requests
import json

PROTOCOL = "https"
ENVIRONMENT = "preprod"

rest_api_header = {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + MY_TOKEN

bulk_order_request = requests.get(url=URL, headers=rest_api_header)

print(json.dumps(bulk_order_request.json(), indent=4))

GET /api/v1/riskfigures/report

Trading is facilitated according to risk limits, where a collateral agreement (=margin parameter) is contractually specified. To enable trading, collateral has to be placed with Bankhaus Scheich & tradias, which defines the trading line. Whenever an order execution causes a breach of the risk limits, the order is rejected with a message asking for a collateral increase. In order to avoid such situations, it is recommended to closely monitor the collateral and trading line. This functionality is provided through the Get Risk Figures endpoint.

This exposure is always measured in euro. The field exposure_in_eur contains the exposure of the current unsettled position.

The maximum_allowed_exposure is the highest exposure in euro the trading line allows. The maximum_allowed_exposure is computed using your current collateral and the “margin parameter”.

The margin_usage represents the current utilization of the collateral and trading line (margin_usage = exposure_in_eur / maximum_allowed_exposure). The closer it gets to 1, the closer you are to reaching your risk limits.

The field margin_requirement equals the exposure_in_eur in relation to collateral and trading line, and expresses the amount of collateral currently in use to secure the position (measured in euro).

In order to assure the possibility to keep trading, verify that your trades do not cause the margin_usage to get too close to 1! Trading is halted when the margin_usage > 1.

Example responses

200 Response

"risk_figures_response": {
"exposure_in_eur": 123456.78,
"maximum_allowed_exposure": 1000000,
"margin_requirement": 12345.68,
"margin_usage": 0.123456

401 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "Unauthorized",
"error_text": "The JWT token could not be validated"

422 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "ValidationError",
"error_text": "The request is not valid"

500 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "InternalServerError",
"error_text": "Internal Server Error: the server can currently not process the request"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Risk Figures Response Inline
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized internal_error_type
422 Unprocessable Entity Unprocessable Request internal_error_type
500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error internal_error_type

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Risk Figures Response

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» risk_figures_response object true none none
»» exposure_in_eur fiat_amount_type true none A positive Fiat Currency amount with 15 digits number and 3 digits decimal fraction. It does not allow negative values.
»» maximum_allowed_exposure fiat_amount_type true none A positive Fiat Currency amount with 15 digits number and 3 digits decimal fraction. It does not allow negative values.
»» margin_requirement number true none The collateral currently in use to secure your exposure.
»» margin_usage number true none The usage of your margin as a fraction.

Historic Data

In order to read out the history of your orders and trades, you can call the endpoints in the ‘Historic Data’ section. The section consists of the following endpoints:

There are various ways to filter orders and trades, which can be applied in combination. The explanation on how to use the filters is given in the sections describing the endpoints.

Both historic orders and historic trades each have an endpoint for multifunctional filtering as well as an endpoint supporting a sequence ID filtering. You can either find orders or trades. While the multifunctional filtering can be applied when searching specific entries, the filtering by sequence ID’s allows the building (or rebuilding) or the order and trade histories (e.g. for balance computation or reconciliation purposes).

Get Orders

Code samples

import requests
import json

PROTOCOL = "https"
ENVIRONMENT = "preprod"


rest_api_header = {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + MY_TOKEN

filter_params = {
"from_datetime": "2023-10-20T11:20:21.000000Z",
"to_datetime": "2023-10-20T15:20:21.000000Z",
"side": "BUY",
"type": "MARKET"

get_orders_request = requests.get(url=URL, headers=rest_api_header, params=filter_params)

print(json.dumps(get_orders_request.json(), indent=4))

GET /api/orders

This endpoint enables highly customizable queries on historic order data. The response from this endpoint is a list of orders that fit the criteria given by the filters that were passed in the request. It is possible to filter for specific values of keys that were passed in the order request, it is also possible to filter by timestamp and to set a limit on the amount of orders returned by the endpoint.

If some orders are not shown due to the limit, the key ‘more’ will take the value true, if not, it will take the value false.

If a complete timeseries of orders is the desired outcome, is is recommended to query not by timestamp, but by sequence number using another endpoint: Get Orders By Sequence ID. The child orders of a bulk order are also visible in from the response of the Get Orders and Get Orders By Sequence ID endpoint.


Name In Type Required Description
from_datetime query timestamp_type true Select orders which arrived at Tradias after the timestamp given here
to_datetime query timestamp_type true Select orders which arrived at Tradias before the timestamp given here
side query side_type false Select only orders from the given side
type query order_type_type false Select only orders of the given order type
status query order_status_type false Select only orders which have a given order status
order_id query internal_ref_type false Select an order which has the given order ID (order_id given by Tradias to the order)
order_ref query external_ref_type false Select an order which has the given order ref (order_ref given to the order by the API user)
req_id query unique_req_type false Select an order which has the given request ID (req_id given to the order by the API user)
instrument query instrument_type false Select orders which have the given instrument
limit query integer false Pagination Logic - maximal number of orders returned by this request (page)
skip query integer false Pagination Logic - number of pages to skip. The first page is 0 (no skip)

Enumerated Values

Parameter Value
side BUY
side SELL
type LIMIT
status OPEN
status UPDATED
status EXPIRED
status DONE

Example responses

200 Response

"get_orders_response": {
"orders": [
"order_id": "6aa21c20-ae4b-11ed-b304-81a12bb57b04",
"seq_number": 47110815,
"order_ref": "18955839",
"req_header": {
"req_id": "ca57eead-b699-11ed-b3ff-cc17d418c9e0",
"user_data": [
"tag": "Correlation-Id",
"value": "c8d16891-b669-11ed-bc43-f1002b6e6125"
"tag": "TX-Id",
"value": "18955457"
"arrived_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z",
"order": {
"instrument": "BTC-EUR/SP",
"order_type": "LIMIT",
"time_in_force": "FOK",
"side": "BUY",
"amount": {
"leg_1_amount": "2.5"
"limit_price": "24650",
"order_status": "DONE"
"executions": [
"trade_id": "6aa21c20-ae4b-11ed-b304-81a12bb57b04",
"leg_1_executed_amount": "1.25867895",
"leg_2_executed_amount": "1.25867895",
"execution_price": "23768.63953056",
"executed_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z",
"leg_1_status": "PENDING",
"leg_2_status": "SETTLED"
"more": false

401 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "Unauthorized",
"error_text": "The JWT token could not be validated"

404 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "NotFound",
"error_text": "The given object (Order, Trade, ...) could not be found."

422 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "ValidationError",
"error_text": "The request is not valid"

500 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "InternalServerError",
"error_text": "Internal Server Error: the server can currently not process the request"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Get Orders Inline
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized internal_error_type
404 Not Found Not Found internal_error_type
422 Unprocessable Entity Unprocessable Request internal_error_type
500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error internal_error_type

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Get Orders Response

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» get_orders_response object true none none
»» orders [object] true none none
»»» Order Details object false none none
»»»» order_id internal_ref_type true none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
»»»» seq_number sequence_type true none Sequence number of an order, trade or any other event. A sequence number is assigned to the object (e.g. order) when it is received. All sequence number are unique and increasing. There may be gaps in the sequence numbers assigned! The sequence number can ba used sort objects in the way they have been received/happened. If the maximum is reached the sequence numbers continue with 0.
»»»» order_ref external_ref_type false none This field is used by the API user to pass an reference or ID to the tradias system which is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to the transaction in the API users system.
»»»» req_header req_header_type false none This request header is part of any request creating or modifying an object (order, bulk-order, settlement, …). It consists of two parts, a request ID which will be checked on the tradias side for uniqueness, and an array of user data (tag value). Both parts are option as the complete request header is.

The request ID can be used by the API user to allow, that if a request does not answer properly, to sent the request again. If the first one has been processed, then the second one will be rejected with a 409 error and the API user knows that the first request has been processed. If the first request did not make it the second one will be processed normally.

The second part is an array of values tagged by a short tag. This data provided by the API user will be returned with the response of the request and if a possible will be added to the object the request relates to and later returned with all responses relating to the object.
»»»»» req_id unique_req_type false none The unique request ID is generated by the API user, it has to be a UUID. It is used to detect that a request has already been processed. If the unique request ID has already been used then the request will not be executed. Instead an error will be (DuplicateReq) reported.
»»»»» user_data [object] false none This object is an array used by the API user to pass data to the tradias system which will be returned back to the API user together with the responses related to the transaction. It can be used by the API user to identify an transaction in a later response.
»»»»»» tag string true none none
»»»»»» value string true none none
»»»» arrived_at timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»»»» order order_data_type true none This schema represents all information of an order
»»»»» instrument instrument_type true none Identifier for an instrument.
It consists of the asset codes of the two legs and an optional asset tenor
{leg_1_asset} “-” {leg_2_asset} [ “/” {tenor} ]
»»»»» order_type order_type_type true none There are different order types. Currently only the following order types are supported
* MARKET: This is a order (without limit).
* LIMIT: This is a order with a limit. Buy orders are only executed if the execution
price is lower or equal than the limit price. Sell orders are only executed if the
execution price is higher or equal than the limit price.
* BULK_MARKET: This is a list order where multiple orders are entered as a single
bulk. The bulk is either executed completely or not at all.
»»»»» time_in_force time_in_force_type false none This order attribute defines the duration a order is active.
* FOK: Fill Or Kill is an order which is either completely executed immediately or
will be canceled/rejected.
* IOC: Immediately Or Cancel is an order which is either executed immediately or
will be canceled/rejected. The difference to FOK is that IOC allows partial executions.
As tradias always executes completely there is no difference in FOK and IOC orders.
»»»»» side side_type true none The side of the order, seen from the perspective of the API user.
* BUY The user sending the order is buying assets
* SELL The user sending the order is selling his assets
»»»»» amount order_amount_type true none You can specify the amount of an instrument to buy or sell either in the leg_1 or in the leg_2 quantity.

If you for example want to buy BTC-EUR you can either define the amount to buy in BTC by specifying the leg_1_amount, or you can specify the amount to spend in EUR by defining the leg_2_amount.

Only one of the two legs can be used for a single order!
»»»»»» leg_1_amount quantity_type false none The quantity of a leg.
»»»»»» leg_2_amount quantity_type false none The quantity of a leg.
»»»»» arrived_at timestamp_type false none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»»»»» limit_price price_type false none The price of a quantity of 1.0 of leg_1 expressed in a leg_2 quantity.

For example the instrument “BTC-EUR” the leg_1 is “BTC” and the leg_2 is “EUR”. A price of “23768.63953056” means that you pay 23,768.63953956 EUR for one BTC.
»»»»» order_status order_status_type false none Orders have a live cycle. The state an order is in that live cycle expressed by its state. The above values are states an order can have in its live cycle. Initially the order is RECEIVED. DUPLICATE, REJECTED, EXPIRED, CANCELLED and DONE are terminal states which will not change any more. UNSPECIFIED means the state is unknown.
»»»» executions [execution_type] true none none
»»»»» Order Execution execution_type false none none
»»»»»» trade_id internal_ref_type true none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
»»»»»» leg_1_executed_amount quantity_type true none The quantity of a leg.
»»»»»» leg_2_executed_amount quantity_type true none The quantity of a leg.
»»»»»» execution_price price_type true none The price of a quantity of 1.0 of leg_1 expressed in a leg_2 quantity.

For example the instrument “BTC-EUR” the leg_1 is “BTC” and the leg_2 is “EUR”. A price of “23768.63953056” means that you pay 23,768.63953956 EUR for one BTC.
»»»»»» executed_at timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»»»»»» leg_1_status trade_leg_status_type false none none
»»»»»» leg_2_status trade_leg_status_type false none none
»» more boolean false none none

Enumerated Values

Property Value
order_type MARKET
order_type LIMIT
order_type BULK_MARKET
time_in_force FOK
time_in_force IOC
side BUY
side SELL
order_status UNSPECIFIED
order_status RECEIVED
order_status CONFIRMED
order_status DUPLICATE
order_status REJECTED
order_status OPEN
order_status UPDATED
order_status CANCELLED
order_status EXPIRED
order_status DONE
leg_1_status UNSPECIFIED
leg_1_status PENDING
leg_1_status SETTLED
leg_2_status UNSPECIFIED
leg_2_status PENDING
leg_2_status SETTLED

Get Orders By Sequence Id

Code samples

import requests
import json

PROTOCOL = "https"
ENVIRONMENT = "preprod"


rest_api_header = {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + MY_TOKEN

params = {"seq_number": 47110815}

get_order_by_sequence_id_request = requests.get(url=URL, headers=rest_api_header, params=params)

print(json.dumps(get_order_by_sequence_id_request.json(), indent=4))

GET /api/orders/sequence

This endpoint can be used to query historic orders by the sequence numbers that are given to the orders. The response from this endpoint is a list of orders that have a sequence number in the interval passed in the request to the endpoint. Sequence numbers strictly increase (although not necessarily by 1) and are most useful when (re-)building a timeseries of the historic orders placed.

It is possible to set a limit on the amount of orders you want to have returned by the endpoint. If some orders are not shown due to the limit, the key ‘more’ will take the value true, if not, it will take the value false.

It is also possible to obtain orders via properties of the orders, however, this is done via another endpoint: Get Orders. The child orders of a bulk order are also visible in the response of the Get Orders and Get Orders By Sequence ID endpoint.


Name In Type Required Description
seq_number query sequence_type true The sequence number from which to start the list of orders
limit query integer false Pagination Logic - maximal number of orders returned by this request (page)

Example responses

200 Response

"get_orders_response": {
"orders": [
"order_id": "6aa21c20-ae4b-11ed-b304-81a12bb57b04",
"seq_number": 47110815,
"order_ref": "18955839",
"req_header": {
"req_id": "ca57eead-b699-11ed-b3ff-cc17d418c9e0",
"user_data": [
"tag": "Correlation-Id",
"value": "c8d16891-b669-11ed-bc43-f1002b6e6125"
"tag": "TX-Id",
"value": "18955457"
"arrived_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z",
"order": {
"instrument": "BTC-EUR/SP",
"order_type": "LIMIT",
"time_in_force": "FOK",
"side": "BUY",
"amount": {
"leg_1_amount": "2.5"
"limit_price": "24650",
"order_status": "DONE"
"executions": [
"trade_id": "6aa21c20-ae4b-11ed-b304-81a12bb57b04",
"leg_1_executed_amount": "1.25867895",
"leg_2_executed_amount": "1.25867895",
"execution_price": "23768.63953056",
"executed_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z",
"leg_1_status": "PENDING",
"leg_2_status": "SETTLED"
"more": false

401 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "Unauthorized",
"error_text": "The JWT token could not be validated"

404 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "NotFound",
"error_text": "The given object (Order, Trade, ...) could not be found."

422 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "ValidationError",
"error_text": "The request is not valid"

500 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "InternalServerError",
"error_text": "Internal Server Error: the server can currently not process the request"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Get Orders Inline
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized internal_error_type
404 Not Found Not Found internal_error_type
422 Unprocessable Entity Unprocessable Request internal_error_type
500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error internal_error_type

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Get Orders Response

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» get_orders_response object true none none
»» orders [object] true none none
»»» Order Details object false none none
»»»» order_id internal_ref_type true none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
»»»» seq_number sequence_type true none Sequence number of an order, trade or any other event. A sequence number is assigned to the object (e.g. order) when it is received. All sequence number are unique and increasing. There may be gaps in the sequence numbers assigned! The sequence number can ba used sort objects in the way they have been received/happened. If the maximum is reached the sequence numbers continue with 0.
»»»» order_ref external_ref_type false none This field is used by the API user to pass an reference or ID to the tradias system which is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to the transaction in the API users system.
»»»» req_header req_header_type false none This request header is part of any request creating or modifying an object (order, bulk-order, settlement, …). It consists of two parts, a request ID which will be checked on the tradias side for uniqueness, and an array of user data (tag value). Both parts are option as the complete request header is.

The request ID can be used by the API user to allow, that if a request does not answer properly, to sent the request again. If the first one has been processed, then the second one will be rejected with a 409 error and the API user knows that the first request has been processed. If the first request did not make it the second one will be processed normally.

The second part is an array of values tagged by a short tag. This data provided by the API user will be returned with the response of the request and if a possible will be added to the object the request relates to and later returned with all responses relating to the object.
»»»»» req_id unique_req_type false none The unique request ID is generated by the API user, it has to be a UUID. It is used to detect that a request has already been processed. If the unique request ID has already been used then the request will not be executed. Instead an error will be (DuplicateReq) reported.
»»»»» user_data [object] false none This object is an array used by the API user to pass data to the tradias system which will be returned back to the API user together with the responses related to the transaction. It can be used by the API user to identify an transaction in a later response.
»»»»»» tag string true none none
»»»»»» value string true none none
»»»» arrived_at timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»»»» order order_data_type true none This schema represents all information of an order
»»»»» instrument instrument_type true none Identifier for an instrument.
It consists of the asset codes of the two legs and an optional asset tenor
{leg_1_asset} “-” {leg_2_asset} [ “/” {tenor} ]
»»»»» order_type order_type_type true none There are different order types. Currently only the following order types are supported
* MARKET: This is a order (without limit).
* LIMIT: This is a order with a limit. Buy orders are only executed if the execution
price is lower or equal than the limit price. Sell orders are only executed if the
execution price is higher or equal than the limit price.
* BULK_MARKET: This is a list order where multiple orders are entered as a single
bulk. The bulk is either executed completely or not at all.
»»»»» time_in_force time_in_force_type false none This order attribute defines the duration a order is active.
* FOK: Fill Or Kill is an order which is either completely executed immediately or
will be canceled/rejected.
* IOC: Immediately Or Cancel is an order which is either executed immediately or
will be canceled/rejected. The difference to FOK is that IOC allows partial executions.
As tradias always executes completely there is no difference in FOK and IOC orders.
»»»»» side side_type true none The side of the order, seen from the perspective of the API user.
* BUY The user sending the order is buying assets
* SELL The user sending the order is selling his assets
»»»»» amount order_amount_type true none You can specify the amount of an instrument to buy or sell either in the leg_1 or in the leg_2 quantity.

If you for example want to buy BTC-EUR you can either define the amount to buy in BTC by specifying the leg_1_amount, or you can specify the amount to spend in EUR by defining the leg_2_amount.

Only one of the two legs can be used for a single order!
»»»»»» leg_1_amount quantity_type false none The quantity of a leg.
»»»»»» leg_2_amount quantity_type false none The quantity of a leg.
»»»»» arrived_at timestamp_type false none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»»»»» limit_price price_type false none The price of a quantity of 1.0 of leg_1 expressed in a leg_2 quantity.

For example the instrument “BTC-EUR” the leg_1 is “BTC” and the leg_2 is “EUR”. A price of “23768.63953056” means that you pay 23,768.63953956 EUR for one BTC.
»»»»» order_status order_status_type false none Orders have a live cycle. The state an order is in that live cycle expressed by its state. The above values are states an order can have in its live cycle. Initially the order is RECEIVED. DUPLICATE, REJECTED, EXPIRED, CANCELLED and DONE are terminal states which will not change any more. UNSPECIFIED means the state is unknown.
»»»» executions [execution_type] true none none
»»»»» Order Execution execution_type false none none
»»»»»» trade_id internal_ref_type true none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
»»»»»» leg_1_executed_amount quantity_type true none The quantity of a leg.
»»»»»» leg_2_executed_amount quantity_type true none The quantity of a leg.
»»»»»» execution_price price_type true none The price of a quantity of 1.0 of leg_1 expressed in a leg_2 quantity.

For example the instrument “BTC-EUR” the leg_1 is “BTC” and the leg_2 is “EUR”. A price of “23768.63953056” means that you pay 23,768.63953956 EUR for one BTC.
»»»»»» executed_at timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»»»»»» leg_1_status trade_leg_status_type false none none
»»»»»» leg_2_status trade_leg_status_type false none none
»» more boolean false none none

Enumerated Values

Property Value
order_type MARKET
order_type LIMIT
order_type BULK_MARKET
time_in_force FOK
time_in_force IOC
side BUY
side SELL
order_status UNSPECIFIED
order_status RECEIVED
order_status CONFIRMED
order_status DUPLICATE
order_status REJECTED
order_status OPEN
order_status UPDATED
order_status CANCELLED
order_status EXPIRED
order_status DONE
leg_1_status UNSPECIFIED
leg_1_status PENDING
leg_1_status SETTLED
leg_2_status UNSPECIFIED
leg_2_status PENDING
leg_2_status SETTLED

Get Trades

Code samples

import requests
import json

PROTOCOL = "https"
ENVIRONMENT = "preprod"


rest_api_header = {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + MY_TOKEN

filter_params = {
"from_datetime": "2023-10-20T11:20:21.000000Z",
"to_datetime": "2023-10-20T15:20:21.000000Z",
"side": "SELL",
"type": "MARKET",
"instrument": "BTC-EUR/SP",
"price_from": "24000"

get_trades_request = requests.get(url=URL, headers=rest_api_header, params=filter_params)

print(json.dumps(get_trades_request.json(), indent=4))

GET /api/trades

This endpoint enables highly customizable queries on historic trade data. The response from this endpoint is a list of trades that fit the criteria given by the filters that were passed in the request.

Additionally, it is possible to filter by a price (range) and the trade ID’s. It is also possible to filter by timestamp and to set a limit on the amount of trades returned by the endpoint. If some trades are not shown due to the limit, the key ‘more’ will take the value true, otherwise it will take the value false.

It is also possible to obtain trades via the sequence number, however, this is done via another endpoint: Get Trades By Sequence ID. The trades originating from a bulk order are also visible in from the response of the Get Trades and Get Trades By Sequence ID endpoint.


Name In Type Required Description
from_datetime query timestamp_type true Select trades which have been executed after the timestamp given here
to_datetime query timestamp_type true Select trades which have been executed before the timestamp given here
instrument query instrument_type false Select orders which have the given instrument
side query side_type false Select only orders from the given side
trade_id query internal_ref_type false Select trades which have the given trade ID (trade_id)
order_id query internal_ref_type false Select trades belonging to the order with the given order ID (order_id)
order_ref query external_ref_type false Select trades belonging to the order with the given order ref (order_ref)
leg_1_status query trade_leg_status_type false The status of the leg_1 part of the trade
leg_2_status query trade_leg_status_type false The status of the leg_2 part of the trade
price_from query price_type false The starting confirmed price for the trades search
price_to query price_type false The ending confirmed price for the trades search
leg_1_from query quantity_type false The starting leg 1 amount for the trades search
leg_1_to query quantity_type false The ending leg 1 amount for the trades search
leg_2_from query quantity_type false The starting leg 2 amount for the trades search
leg_2_to query quantity_type false The ending leg 2 amount for the trades search
limit query integer false Pagination Logic - maximal number of orders returned by this request (page)
skip query integer false Pagination Logic - number of pages to skip. 0 is the first page (no skip)

Enumerated Values

Parameter Value
side BUY
side SELL
leg_1_status UNSPECIFIED
leg_1_status PENDING
leg_1_status SETTLED
leg_2_status UNSPECIFIED
leg_2_status PENDING
leg_2_status SETTLED

Example responses

200 Response

"get_trades_response": {
"trades": [
"trade_id": "6aa21c20-ae4b-11ed-b304-81a12bb57b04",
"seq_number": 47110815,
"order_id": "73f2e419-e4ac-4db2-84ab-81a12ad43d54",
"order_ref": "18955839",
"req_header": {
"req_id": "ca57eead-b699-11ed-b3ff-cc17d418c9e0",
"user_data": [
"tag": "Correlation-Id",
"value": "c8d16891-b669-11ed-bc43-f1002b6e6125"
"tag": "TX-Id",
"value": "18955457"
"order": {
"instrument": "BTC-EUR/SP",
"order_type": "LIMIT",
"time_in_force": "FOK",
"side": "BUY",
"amount": {
"leg_1_amount": "2.5"
"limit_price": "24650",
"arrived_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z",
"order_status": "DONE"
"execution": {
"leg_1_executed_amount": "1.25867895",
"leg_2_executed_amount": "1.25867895",
"execution_price": "23768.63953056",
"executed_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z",
"leg_1_status": "PENDING",
"leg_2_status": "SETTLED"
"more": false

401 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "Unauthorized",
"error_text": "The JWT token could not be validated"

404 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "NotFound",
"error_text": "The given object (Order, Trade, ...) could not be found."

422 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "ValidationError",
"error_text": "The request is not valid"

500 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "InternalServerError",
"error_text": "Internal Server Error: the server can currently not process the request"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Get Trades Inline
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized internal_error_type
404 Not Found Not Found internal_error_type
422 Unprocessable Entity Unprocessable Request internal_error_type
500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error internal_error_type

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Get Trades Response

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» get_trades_response object true none none
»» trades [object] true none none
»»» Trade Details object false none none
»»»» trade_id internal_ref_type true none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
»»»» seq_number sequence_type true none Sequence number of an order, trade or any other event. A sequence number is assigned to the object (e.g. order) when it is received. All sequence number are unique and increasing. There may be gaps in the sequence numbers assigned! The sequence number can ba used sort objects in the way they have been received/happened. If the maximum is reached the sequence numbers continue with 0.
»»»» order_id internal_ref_type true none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
»»»» order_ref external_ref_type false none This field is used by the API user to pass an reference or ID to the tradias system which is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to the transaction in the API users system.
»»»» req_header req_header_type false none This request header is part of any request creating or modifying an object (order, bulk-order, settlement, …). It consists of two parts, a request ID which will be checked on the tradias side for uniqueness, and an array of user data (tag value). Both parts are option as the complete request header is.

The request ID can be used by the API user to allow, that if a request does not answer properly, to sent the request again. If the first one has been processed, then the second one will be rejected with a 409 error and the API user knows that the first request has been processed. If the first request did not make it the second one will be processed normally.

The second part is an array of values tagged by a short tag. This data provided by the API user will be returned with the response of the request and if a possible will be added to the object the request relates to and later returned with all responses relating to the object.
»»»»» req_id unique_req_type false none The unique request ID is generated by the API user, it has to be a UUID. It is used to detect that a request has already been processed. If the unique request ID has already been used then the request will not be executed. Instead an error will be (DuplicateReq) reported.
»»»»» user_data [object] false none This object is an array used by the API user to pass data to the tradias system which will be returned back to the API user together with the responses related to the transaction. It can be used by the API user to identify an transaction in a later response.
»»»»»» tag string true none none
»»»»»» value string true none none
»»»» order order_data_type true none This schema represents all information of an order
»»»»» instrument instrument_type true none Identifier for an instrument.
It consists of the asset codes of the two legs and an optional asset tenor
{leg_1_asset} “-” {leg_2_asset} [ “/” {tenor} ]
»»»»» order_type order_type_type true none There are different order types. Currently only the following order types are supported
* MARKET: This is a order (without limit).
* LIMIT: This is a order with a limit. Buy orders are only executed if the execution
price is lower or equal than the limit price. Sell orders are only executed if the
execution price is higher or equal than the limit price.
* BULK_MARKET: This is a list order where multiple orders are entered as a single
bulk. The bulk is either executed completely or not at all.
»»»»» time_in_force time_in_force_type false none This order attribute defines the duration a order is active.
* FOK: Fill Or Kill is an order which is either completely executed immediately or
will be canceled/rejected.
* IOC: Immediately Or Cancel is an order which is either executed immediately or
will be canceled/rejected. The difference to FOK is that IOC allows partial executions.
As tradias always executes completely there is no difference in FOK and IOC orders.
»»»»» side side_type true none The side of the order, seen from the perspective of the API user.
* BUY The user sending the order is buying assets
* SELL The user sending the order is selling his assets
»»»»» amount order_amount_type true none You can specify the amount of an instrument to buy or sell either in the leg_1 or in the leg_2 quantity.

If you for example want to buy BTC-EUR you can either define the amount to buy in BTC by specifying the leg_1_amount, or you can specify the amount to spend in EUR by defining the leg_2_amount.

Only one of the two legs can be used for a single order!
»»»»»» leg_1_amount quantity_type false none The quantity of a leg.
»»»»»» leg_2_amount quantity_type false none The quantity of a leg.
»»»»» arrived_at timestamp_type false none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»»»»» limit_price price_type false none The price of a quantity of 1.0 of leg_1 expressed in a leg_2 quantity.

For example the instrument “BTC-EUR” the leg_1 is “BTC” and the leg_2 is “EUR”. A price of “23768.63953056” means that you pay 23,768.63953956 EUR for one BTC.
»»»»» order_status order_status_type false none Orders have a live cycle. The state an order is in that live cycle expressed by its state. The above values are states an order can have in its live cycle. Initially the order is RECEIVED. DUPLICATE, REJECTED, EXPIRED, CANCELLED and DONE are terminal states which will not change any more. UNSPECIFIED means the state is unknown.
»»»» trade trade_type true none none
»»»»» leg_1_executed_amount quantity_type true none The quantity of a leg.
»»»»» leg_2_executed_amount quantity_type true none The quantity of a leg.
»»»»» execution_price price_type true none The price of a quantity of 1.0 of leg_1 expressed in a leg_2 quantity.

For example the instrument “BTC-EUR” the leg_1 is “BTC” and the leg_2 is “EUR”. A price of “23768.63953056” means that you pay 23,768.63953956 EUR for one BTC.
»»»»» executed_at timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»»»»» leg_1_status trade_leg_status_type false none none
»»»»» leg_2_status trade_leg_status_type false none none
»»»» execution execution_type false none none
»»»»» trade_id internal_ref_type true none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
»»»»» leg_1_executed_amount quantity_type true none The quantity of a leg.
»»»»» leg_2_executed_amount quantity_type true none The quantity of a leg.
»»»»» execution_price price_type true none The price of a quantity of 1.0 of leg_1 expressed in a leg_2 quantity.

For example the instrument “BTC-EUR” the leg_1 is “BTC” and the leg_2 is “EUR”. A price of “23768.63953056” means that you pay 23,768.63953956 EUR for one BTC.
»»»»» executed_at timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»»»»» leg_1_status trade_leg_status_type false none none
»»»»» leg_2_status trade_leg_status_type false none none
»» more boolean false none none

Enumerated Values

Property Value
order_type MARKET
order_type LIMIT
order_type BULK_MARKET
time_in_force FOK
time_in_force IOC
side BUY
side SELL
order_status UNSPECIFIED
order_status RECEIVED
order_status CONFIRMED
order_status DUPLICATE
order_status REJECTED
order_status OPEN
order_status UPDATED
order_status CANCELLED
order_status EXPIRED
order_status DONE
leg_1_status UNSPECIFIED
leg_1_status PENDING
leg_1_status SETTLED
leg_2_status UNSPECIFIED
leg_2_status PENDING
leg_2_status SETTLED
leg_1_status UNSPECIFIED
leg_1_status PENDING
leg_1_status SETTLED
leg_2_status UNSPECIFIED
leg_2_status PENDING
leg_2_status SETTLED

Get Trades By Sequence ID

Code samples

import requests
import json

PROTOCOL = "https"
ENVIRONMENT = "preprod"


rest_api_header = {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + MY_TOKEN

params = {"seq_number": 47110815}

get_trade_by_sequence_id_request = requests.get(url=URL, headers=rest_api_header)

print(json.dumps(get_trade_by_sequence_id_request.json(), indent=4))

GET /api/trades/sequence

This endpoint enables queries on historic trade data by sequence id. The response from this endpoint is a list of trades that have a sequence number in the interval passed in the request to the endpoint. Sequence numbers strictly increase (although not necessarily by 1) and are most useful when (re-)building a timeseries of the historic trades.

It is possible to set a limit on the amount of trades returned by the endpoint.

If some trades are not shown due to the limit, the key ‘more’ will take the value true, if not, it will take the value false. It is also possible to obtain trades via properties of the trades/orders, however, this is done via another endpoint: Get Trades. The trades originating from a bulk order are also visible in from the response of the Get Trades and Get Trades By Sequence ID endpoint.


Name In Type Required Description
seq_number query sequence_type true The sequence number from which to start the list of trades
limit query integer false Pagination Logic - maximal number of orders returned by this request (page)

Example responses

200 Response

"get_trades_response": {
"trades": [
"trade_id": "6aa21c20-ae4b-11ed-b304-81a12bb57b04",
"seq_number": 47110815,
"order_id": "73f2e419-e4ac-4db2-84ab-81a12ad43d54",
"order_ref": "18955839",
"req_header": {
"req_id": "ca57eead-b699-11ed-b3ff-cc17d418c9e0",
"user_data": [
"tag": "Correlation-Id",
"value": "c8d16891-b669-11ed-bc43-f1002b6e6125"
"tag": "TX-Id",
"value": "18955457"
"order": {
"instrument": "BTC-EUR/SP",
"order_type": "LIMIT",
"time_in_force": "FOK",
"side": "BUY",
"amount": {
"leg_1_amount": "2.5"
"limit_price": "24650",
"arrived_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z",
"order_status": "DONE"
"execution": {
"leg_1_executed_amount": "1.25867895",
"leg_2_executed_amount": "1.25867895",
"execution_price": "23768.63953056",
"executed_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z",
"leg_1_status": "PENDING",
"leg_2_status": "SETTLED"
"more": false

401 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "Unauthorized",
"error_text": "The JWT token could not be validated"

404 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "NotFound",
"error_text": "The given object (Order, Trade, ...) could not be found."

422 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "ValidationError",
"error_text": "The request is not valid"

500 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "InternalServerError",
"error_text": "Internal Server Error: the server can currently not process the request"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Get Trades Inline
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized internal_error_type
404 Not Found Not Found internal_error_type
422 Unprocessable Entity Unprocessable Request internal_error_type
500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error internal_error_type

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Get Trades Response

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» get_trades_response object true none none
»» trades [object] true none none
»»» Trade Details object false none none
»»»» trade_id internal_ref_type true none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
»»»» seq_number sequence_type true none Sequence number of an order, trade or any other event. A sequence number is assigned to the object (e.g. order) when it is received. All sequence number are unique and increasing. There may be gaps in the sequence numbers assigned! The sequence number can ba used sort objects in the way they have been received/happened. If the maximum is reached the sequence numbers continue with 0.
»»»» order_id internal_ref_type true none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
»»»» order_ref external_ref_type false none This field is used by the API user to pass an reference or ID to the tradias system which is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to the transaction in the API users system.
»»»» req_header req_header_type false none This request header is part of any request creating or modifying an object (order, bulk-order, settlement, …). It consists of two parts, a request ID which will be checked on the tradias side for uniqueness, and an array of user data (tag value). Both parts are option as the complete request header is.

The request ID can be used by the API user to allow, that if a request does not answer properly, to sent the request again. If the first one has been processed, then the second one will be rejected with a 409 error and the API user knows that the first request has been processed. If the first request did not make it the second one will be processed normally.

The second part is an array of values tagged by a short tag. This data provided by the API user will be returned with the response of the request and if a possible will be added to the object the request relates to and later returned with all responses relating to the object.
»»»»» req_id unique_req_type false none The unique request ID is generated by the API user, it has to be a UUID. It is used to detect that a request has already been processed. If the unique request ID has already been used then the request will not be executed. Instead an error will be (DuplicateReq) reported.
»»»»» user_data [object] false none This object is an array used by the API user to pass data to the tradias system which will be returned back to the API user together with the responses related to the transaction. It can be used by the API user to identify an transaction in a later response.
»»»»»» tag string true none none
»»»»»» value string true none none
»»»» order order_data_type true none This schema represents all information of an order
»»»»» instrument instrument_type true none Identifier for an instrument.
It consists of the asset codes of the two legs and an optional asset tenor
{leg_1_asset} “-” {leg_2_asset} [ “/” {tenor} ]
»»»»» order_type order_type_type true none There are different order types. Currently only the following order types are supported
* MARKET: This is a order (without limit).
* LIMIT: This is a order with a limit. Buy orders are only executed if the execution
price is lower or equal than the limit price. Sell orders are only executed if the
execution price is higher or equal than the limit price.
* BULK_MARKET: This is a list order where multiple orders are entered as a single
bulk. The bulk is either executed completely or not at all.
»»»»» time_in_force time_in_force_type false none This order attribute defines the duration a order is active.
* FOK: Fill Or Kill is an order which is either completely executed immediately or
will be canceled/rejected.
* IOC: Immediately Or Cancel is an order which is either executed immediately or
will be canceled/rejected. The difference to FOK is that IOC allows partial executions.
As tradias always executes completely there is no difference in FOK and IOC orders.
»»»»» side side_type true none The side of the order, seen from the perspective of the API user.
* BUY The user sending the order is buying assets
* SELL The user sending the order is selling his assets
»»»»» amount order_amount_type true none You can specify the amount of an instrument to buy or sell either in the leg_1 or in the leg_2 quantity.

If you for example want to buy BTC-EUR you can either define the amount to buy in BTC by specifying the leg_1_amount, or you can specify the amount to spend in EUR by defining the leg_2_amount.

Only one of the two legs can be used for a single order!
»»»»»» leg_1_amount quantity_type false none The quantity of a leg.
»»»»»» leg_2_amount quantity_type false none The quantity of a leg.
»»»»» arrived_at timestamp_type false none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»»»»» limit_price price_type false none The price of a quantity of 1.0 of leg_1 expressed in a leg_2 quantity.

For example the instrument “BTC-EUR” the leg_1 is “BTC” and the leg_2 is “EUR”. A price of “23768.63953056” means that you pay 23,768.63953956 EUR for one BTC.
»»»»» order_status order_status_type false none Orders have a live cycle. The state an order is in that live cycle expressed by its state. The above values are states an order can have in its live cycle. Initially the order is RECEIVED. DUPLICATE, REJECTED, EXPIRED, CANCELLED and DONE are terminal states which will not change any more. UNSPECIFIED means the state is unknown.
»»»» trade trade_type true none none
»»»»» leg_1_executed_amount quantity_type true none The quantity of a leg.
»»»»» leg_2_executed_amount quantity_type true none The quantity of a leg.
»»»»» execution_price price_type true none The price of a quantity of 1.0 of leg_1 expressed in a leg_2 quantity.

For example the instrument “BTC-EUR” the leg_1 is “BTC” and the leg_2 is “EUR”. A price of “23768.63953056” means that you pay 23,768.63953956 EUR for one BTC.
»»»»» executed_at timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»»»»» leg_1_status trade_leg_status_type false none none
»»»»» leg_2_status trade_leg_status_type false none none
»»»» execution execution_type false none none
»»»»» trade_id internal_ref_type true none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
»»»»» leg_1_executed_amount quantity_type true none The quantity of a leg.
»»»»» leg_2_executed_amount quantity_type true none The quantity of a leg.
»»»»» execution_price price_type true none The price of a quantity of 1.0 of leg_1 expressed in a leg_2 quantity.

For example the instrument “BTC-EUR” the leg_1 is “BTC” and the leg_2 is “EUR”. A price of “23768.63953056” means that you pay 23,768.63953956 EUR for one BTC.
»»»»» executed_at timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»»»»» leg_1_status trade_leg_status_type false none none
»»»»» leg_2_status trade_leg_status_type false none none
»» more boolean false none none

Enumerated Values

Property Value
order_type MARKET
order_type LIMIT
order_type BULK_MARKET
time_in_force FOK
time_in_force IOC
side BUY
side SELL
order_status UNSPECIFIED
order_status RECEIVED
order_status CONFIRMED
order_status DUPLICATE
order_status REJECTED
order_status OPEN
order_status UPDATED
order_status CANCELLED
order_status EXPIRED
order_status DONE
leg_1_status UNSPECIFIED
leg_1_status PENDING
leg_1_status SETTLED
leg_2_status UNSPECIFIED
leg_2_status PENDING
leg_2_status SETTLED
leg_1_status UNSPECIFIED
leg_1_status PENDING
leg_1_status SETTLED
leg_2_status UNSPECIFIED
leg_2_status PENDING
leg_2_status SETTLED

Settlement Procedure

The Settlement Request and Transactions endpoints serve to automate settlement and simplify the reconciliation. Before using the endpoints, make sure that the addresses (SSIs) for the currencies (fiat and crypto) in use for settlement are shared with tradias and whitelisted. Please inform with your contact at tradias how to share the addresses. In general, the user flow for the settlement and transactions API looks as follows:

  1. Send one or more order(s) through the WebSocket or to the bulk order endpoint.
  2. Collect the trade_id(s), leg_1_amount(s) and leg_2_amount(s) for each trade as well as the corresponding leg_1_asset(s) and leg_2_asset(s).
  3. Post a settlement request via the Settlement Request endpoint: In the req_header, optionally pass a value for the req_id (this has to be a UUID), this will have an idempotency property. From the response, obtain the settlement_request_id, which is needed to use the Get Settlement Request and Map Transaction With Settlement Request Amount endpoints.
  4. Get the status of the settlement request using the Get Settlement Request Status endpoint. As the settlement requests are processed asynchronously, this endpoint serves as a check on the completion of the processing of the settlement request. The response of such a call is either ‘CONFIRMED’, ‘PARTIALLY’, ‘SETTLED’ or ‘REJECTED’.
  5. Get the settlement request by passing the settlement_request_id in the Get Settlement Request endpoint call. The response contains all information on the settlement request, such as which amounts are settled or why a settlement request was rejected.
  6. The confirmation of a settlement request implies the intention to settle each settlement_request_amount in the settlement request to and from the respective senders and receivers. For settlement to be completed, each settlement_request_amount needs to be associated with one or more transactions.
  7. Initiate your settlement transactions through your bank and/or custodian. Save the reference used to identify the transaction uniquely on the channel used (e.g. SEPA reference, On-Chain Transaction IDs).
  8. Get the transactions: using the Get Settlement Transactions endpoint, all transactions arrived at or sent from tradias & Bankhaus Scheich to you and corresponding transaction_id’s can be viewed.
  9. Patch transactions with settlement request amount: using the endpoint Map Transaction With Settlement Request Amount, an amount from a transaction can be mapped to a settlement request. This amount does not have to be precisely the amount in the transaction, nor does it have to be exactly the amount in the settlement request. However, the amount can not exceed the outstanding amount in the transaction, nor the amount in the settlement request. This only applies to transactions from you to Bankhaus Scheich/tradias, transactions to you will be mapped automatically.

In the case the the netted settlement amount for a specific asset traded adds to 0, a settlement request amount with the amount set to 0 should be included in the corresponding settlement request. Such a settlement request amount would take the following format: { “currency”: “The asset code for which the amount to be settled is 0”, “from_address”: “BHS”, “to_address”: “Your address”, “amount”: “0” }

Whenever there is a rejection of a settlement request, you will be able to see this when querying the Get Settlement Request endpoint. If there are unknown trades, already settled trades or trades that are already in another uncompleted settlement request, you will be able to see this in the response. Also, you are able to see the validity of addresses and computed amounts in the response. These fields can be used to understand the reasons behind the failure of the confirmation of the settlement request.

Settlement Request

Code samples

import requests
import json

PROTOCOL = "https"
ENVIRONMENT = "preprod"


rest_api_header = {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + MY_TOKEN

payload = {
"req_header": {
"req_id": "ca57eead-b699-11ed-b3ff-cc17d418c9e0",
"user_data": [
"tag": "Correlation-Id",
"value": "c8d16891-b669-11ed-bc43-f1002b6e6125"
"tag": "TX-Id",
"value": "18955457"
"settlement_request_ref": "6aa21c20-ae4b-11ed-b304-81a12bb57b04",
"trade_ids": [
"request_amounts": [
"currency": "EUR",
"from_address": "BHS",
"to_address": "DE89370400440532013000",
"amount": "12766.04"
"currency": "LTC",
"from_address": "BHS",
"to_address": "MGxNPPB7eBoWPUaprtX9v9CXJZoD2465zN",
"amount": "207.606"
"currency": "BTC",
"from_address": "bc1qar0srrr7xfkvy5l643lydnw9re59gtzzwf5mdq",
"to_address": "BHS",
"amount": "1.23"

post_settlement_request =, json=payload, headers=rest_api_header)
print(json.dumps(post_settlement_request.json(), indent=4))

POST /api/settlement-requests

Tradias offers post-trade settlement. The settlement process with tradias is completely automatable. Depending on the setup, settlement is typically done T+1 or T+2. The settlement procedure consists of the following steps:

It is possible to include several settlement request amounts with the same currency but difference from and to addresses. In such a case the reconciliation is based on the sum of these amounts.

As is the case for other REST requests, you can use the “req_id” as an idempotency key and “user_data” to pass any additional information of your choice.

In case a settlement request is rejected, a new settlement request has to be created. There can be several reasons for a rejection. If a settlement request is rejected due to one of the following reasons, it will be visible in the response of the Get Settlement Request endpoint:

Note that it is not required to settle in the order in which the trading occurred, however, it is not possible to leave trades unsettled for more than 5 business days.

Body parameter

"settlement_request": {
"req_header": {
"req_id": "ca57eead-b699-11ed-b3ff-cc17d418c9e0",
"user_data": [
"tag": "Correlation-Id",
"value": "c8d16891-b669-11ed-bc43-f1002b6e6125"
"tag": "TX-Id",
"value": "18955457"
"settlement_request_ref": "6aa21c20-ae4b-11ed-b304-81a12bb57b04",
"trade_ids": [
"settlement_amounts": [
"currency": "EUR",
"from_address": "BHS",
"to_address": "DE89370400440532013000",
"amount": "12766.04"
"currency": "LTC",
"from_address": "BHS",
"to_address": "MGxNPPB7eBoWPUaprtX9v9CXJZoD2465zN",
"amount": "207.606"
"currency": "BTC",
"from_address": "bc1qar0srrr7xfkvy5l643lydnw9re59gtzzwf5mdq",
"to_address": "BHS",
"amount": "1.23"


Name In Type Required Description
body body object true none
» settlement_request body object true none
»» req_header body req_header_type false This request header is part of any request creating or modifying an object (order, bulk-order, settlement, …). It consists of two parts, a request ID which will be checked on the tradias side for uniqueness, and an array of user data (tag value). Both parts are option as the complete request header is.

The request ID can be used by the API user to allow, that if a request does not answer properly, to sent the request again. If the first one has been processed, then the second one will be rejected with a 409 error and the API user knows that the first request has been processed. If the first request did not make it the second one will be processed normally.

The second part is an array of values tagged by a short tag. This data provided by the API user will be returned with the response of the request and if a possible will be added to the object the request relates to and later returned with all responses relating to the object.
»»» req_id body unique_req_type false The unique request ID is generated by the API user, it has to be a UUID. It is used to detect that a request has already been processed. If the unique request ID has already been used then the request will not be executed. Instead an error will be (DuplicateReq) reported.
»»» user_data body [object] false This object is an array used by the API user to pass data to the tradias system which will be returned back to the API user together with the responses related to the transaction. It can be used by the API user to identify an transaction in a later response.
»»»» tag body string true none
»»»» value body string true none
»» settlement_request_ref body external_ref_type true This field is used by the API user to pass an reference or ID to the tradias system which is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to the transaction in the API users system.
»» trade_ids body [internal_ref_type] true List of all trade_ids which net to the settlement amounts contained in
»»» Internal Reference or Id body internal_ref_type false This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
»» settlement_amounts body [object] true Array containing the individual net amounts of the settlement
»»» Settlement Amount body object false none
»»»» currency body asset_code_type true Identifier of a leg of an instrument
»»»» from_address body address_type true An address to transfer either Fiat money or crypto assets to or from. It is either (for Fiat money) an account number (IBAN) or (for crypto assets) an wallet key. In the case of tradias as recipient or sender the value “BHS” will be used.
»»»» to_address body address_type true An address to transfer either Fiat money or crypto assets to or from. It is either (for Fiat money) an account number (IBAN) or (for crypto assets) an wallet key. In the case of tradias as recipient or sender the value “BHS” will be used.
»»»» amount body quantity_type true The quantity of a leg.

Detailed descriptions

»» trade_ids: List of all trade_ids which net to the settlement amounts contained in the request_amounts field.

Example responses

202 Response

"settlement_request_response": {
"settlement_request_id": "6aa21c20-ae4b-11ed-b304-81a12bb57b04",
"settlement_request_ref": "c8d16891-b669-11ed-bc43-f1002b6e6125",
"req_header": {
"req_id": "ca57eead-b699-11ed-b3ff-cc17d418c9e0",
"user_data": [
"tag": "Correlation-Id",
"value": "c8d16891-b669-11ed-bc43-f1002b6e6125"
"tag": "TX-Id",
"value": "18955457"
"timestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z",
"settlement_status": "RECEIVED"

401 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "Unauthorized",
"error_text": "The JWT token could not be validated"

409 Response

"error_req_header": {
"req_header": {
"req_id": "ca57eead-b699-11ed-b3ff-cc17d418c9e0",
"user_data": [
"tag": "Correlation-Id",
"value": "c8d16891-b669-11ed-bc43-f1002b6e6125"
"tag": "TX-Id",
"value": "18955457"
"tradias_id": "75ccdf76-ae4b-11ed-85ee-81a12bb57b04",
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "DuplicateReq",
"error_text": "The req_id has been already processed"

422 Response

"error_req_header": {
"req_header": {
"req_id": "ca57eead-b699-11ed-b3ff-cc17d418c9e0",
"user_data": [
"tag": "Correlation-Id",
"value": "c8d16891-b669-11ed-bc43-f1002b6e6125"
"tag": "TX-Id",
"value": "18955457"
"tradias_id": "75ccdf76-ae4b-11ed-85ee-81a12bb57b04",
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "UnprocessableEntity",
"error_text": "The request is not processable"

500 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "InternalServerError",
"error_text": "Internal Server Error: the server can currently not process the request"


Status Meaning Description Schema
202 Accepted Settlement Status Response - Short Version Inline
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized internal_error_type
409 Conflict Duplicate Request internal_req_error_type
422 Unprocessable Entity Unprocessable Entity internal_req_error_type
500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error internal_error_type

Response Schema

Status Code 202

Settlement Request Response

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» settlement_request_response object true none none
»» settlement_request_id internal_ref_type true none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
»» settlement_request_ref external_ref_type false none This field is used by the API user to pass an reference or ID to the tradias system which is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to the transaction in the API users system.
»» req_header req_header_type false none This request header is part of any request creating or modifying an object (order, bulk-order, settlement, …). It consists of two parts, a request ID which will be checked on the tradias side for uniqueness, and an array of user data (tag value). Both parts are option as the complete request header is.

The request ID can be used by the API user to allow, that if a request does not answer properly, to sent the request again. If the first one has been processed, then the second one will be rejected with a 409 error and the API user knows that the first request has been processed. If the first request did not make it the second one will be processed normally.

The second part is an array of values tagged by a short tag. This data provided by the API user will be returned with the response of the request and if a possible will be added to the object the request relates to and later returned with all responses relating to the object.
»»» req_id unique_req_type false none The unique request ID is generated by the API user, it has to be a UUID. It is used to detect that a request has already been processed. If the unique request ID has already been used then the request will not be executed. Instead an error will be (DuplicateReq) reported.
»»» user_data [object] false none This object is an array used by the API user to pass data to the tradias system which will be returned back to the API user together with the responses related to the transaction. It can be used by the API user to identify an transaction in a later response.
»»»» tag string true none none
»»»» value string true none none
»» timestamp timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»» settlement_status settlement_status_type true none Status of a settlement. In case the trades in the settlement request are ok and result in the correct amounts, the value will be CONFIRMED. The value switches to “PARTIALLY”, once the transaction has been made and to SETTLED if all transactions have been successfully executed. In case if there is a problem with the settlement its status will be REJECTED. When the settlement request has just been sent the status will be RECEIVED.

This status is also been used to reflect the status of each amount (transaction) of a settlement. In this case the state PARTIALLY will not been used.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
settlement_status RECEIVED
settlement_status REJECTED
settlement_status CONFIRMED
settlement_status PARTIALLY
settlement_status SETTLED

Get Settlement Request Status (Coming Soon)

Code samples

import requests
import json

PROTOCOL = "https"

settlement_request_id = "13bd7e32-4a43-4112-9002-38c402a2fb11"

URL = f"{PROTOCOL}://api.{ENVIRONMENT}{settlement_request_id}/status"

rest_api_header = {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + MY_TOKEN

settlement_request_status = requests.get(url=URL, headers=rest_api_header)
print(json.dumps(setllement_request_status.json(), indent=4))

GET /api/settlement-requests/{settlement_request_id}/status

This endpoint can be used to query the status of a settlement request after posting it to the Settlement Request endpoint. Both the Get Settlement Request and Get Settlement Request Status endpoints can be used to query information on a posted settlement request. The difference between the endpoints is that the Get Settlement Request Status returns a more compact response than the Get Settlement Request endpoint. In particular, the Get Settlement Request Status returns some basic information on the settlement request together with the status. The Get Settlement Request endpoint returns all information on the settlement request, including linked transactions. The Get Settlement Request Status is therefore more useful when polling the endpoint to check for completion of the settlement.

The possible status that can be returned are the following:


Name In Type Required Description
settlement_request_id path internal_ref_type true none

Example responses

200 Response

"settlement_request_response": {
"settlement_request_id": "6aa21c20-ae4b-11ed-b304-81a12bb57b04",
"settlement_request_ref": "c8d16891-b669-11ed-bc43-f1002b6e6125",
"req_header": {
"req_id": "ca57eead-b699-11ed-b3ff-cc17d418c9e0",
"user_data": [
"tag": "Correlation-Id",
"value": "c8d16891-b669-11ed-bc43-f1002b6e6125"
"tag": "TX-Id",
"value": "18955457"
"timestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z",
"settlement_status": "PARTIALLY",
"settlement_amounts": [
"settlement_request_amount_id": "6aa21c20-ae4b-11ed-b304-81a12bb57b04",
"currency": "BTC",
"from_address": "bc1qar0srrr7xfkvy5l643lydnw9re59gtzzwf5mdq",
"to_address": "BHS",
"amount": "1.23",
"expected_amount": "1.23",
"status": "PARTIALLY",
"transactions": [
"tx_id": "265a2482-bf2f-11ed-8f96-eac8fe84d40c",
"reference_type": "ON_CHAIN_TX_ID",
"reference": "1b82e950aebfd74ab6508538f2138cf4ab0b904a9a3c93ad2df209e5f78d1ea9",
"amount": "1.00"
"settlement_request_amount_id": "6aa21c20-ae4b-11ed-b304-81a12bb57b04",
"currency": "EUR",
"from_address": "BHS",
"to_address": "DE89370400440532013000",
"amount": "18453.45",
"expected_amount": "18453.45",
"status": "SETTLED",
"transactions": [
"tx_id": "0d87d88e-b17a-11ed-9c9d-cc17d418c9e0",
"reference_type": "SEPA_REFERENCE",
"reference": "44053201300089370400440532013",
"amount": "18453.45"

401 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "Unauthorized",
"error_text": "The JWT token could not be validated"

404 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "NotFound",
"error_text": "The given object (Order, Trade, ...) could not be found."

422 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "ValidationError",
"error_text": "The request is not valid"

500 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "InternalServerError",
"error_text": "Internal Server Error: the server can currently not process the request"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Settlement Status Response Inline
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized internal_error_type
404 Not Found Not Found internal_error_type
422 Unprocessable Entity Unprocessable Request internal_error_type
500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error internal_error_type

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Settlement Request Response

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» settlement_request_response object true none none
»» settlement_request_id internal_ref_type true none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
»» settlement_request_ref external_ref_type false none This field is used by the API user to pass an reference or ID to the tradias system which is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to the transaction in the API users system.
»» req_header req_header_type false none This request header is part of any request creating or modifying an object (order, bulk-order, settlement, …). It consists of two parts, a request ID which will be checked on the tradias side for uniqueness, and an array of user data (tag value). Both parts are option as the complete request header is.

The request ID can be used by the API user to allow, that if a request does not answer properly, to sent the request again. If the first one has been processed, then the second one will be rejected with a 409 error and the API user knows that the first request has been processed. If the first request did not make it the second one will be processed normally.

The second part is an array of values tagged by a short tag. This data provided by the API user will be returned with the response of the request and if a possible will be added to the object the request relates to and later returned with all responses relating to the object.
»»» req_id unique_req_type false none The unique request ID is generated by the API user, it has to be a UUID. It is used to detect that a request has already been processed. If the unique request ID has already been used then the request will not be executed. Instead an error will be (DuplicateReq) reported.
»»» user_data [object] false none This object is an array used by the API user to pass data to the tradias system which will be returned back to the API user together with the responses related to the transaction. It can be used by the API user to identify an transaction in a later response.
»»»» tag string true none none
»»»» value string true none none
»» timestamp timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»» settlement_status settlement_status_type true none Status of a settlement. In case the trades in the settlement request are ok and result in the correct amounts, the value will be CONFIRMED. The value switches to “PARTIALLY”, once the transaction has been made and to SETTLED if all transactions have been successfully executed. In case if there is a problem with the settlement its status will be REJECTED. When the settlement request has just been sent the status will be RECEIVED.

This status is also been used to reflect the status of each amount (transaction) of a settlement. In this case the state PARTIALLY will not been used.
»» settlement_amounts [settlement_amount_type] true none Array containing the individual net amounts of the settlement
»»» Settlement Amount settlement_amount_type false none none
»»»» settlement_request_amount_id internal_ref_type true none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
»»»» currency asset_code_type true none Identifier of a leg of an instrument
»»»» from_address address_type true none An address to transfer either Fiat money or crypto assets to or from. It is either (for Fiat money) an account number (IBAN) or (for crypto assets) an wallet key. In the case of tradias as recipient or sender the value “BHS” will be used.
»»»» to_address address_type true none An address to transfer either Fiat money or crypto assets to or from. It is either (for Fiat money) an account number (IBAN) or (for crypto assets) an wallet key. In the case of tradias as recipient or sender the value “BHS” will be used.
»»»» amount quantity_type true none The quantity of a leg.
»»»» expected_amount quantity_type true none The quantity of a leg.
»»»» status settlement_status_type true none Status of a settlement. In case the trades in the settlement request are ok and result in the correct amounts, the value will be CONFIRMED. The value switches to “PARTIALLY”, once the transaction has been made and to SETTLED if all transactions have been successfully executed. In case if there is a problem with the settlement its status will be REJECTED. When the settlement request has just been sent the status will be RECEIVED.

This status is also been used to reflect the status of each amount (transaction) of a settlement. In this case the state PARTIALLY will not been used.
»»»» transactions [transaction_type] false none A list of transactions that have been made and associated with this settlement request amount
»»»»» Transaction Data transaction_type false none none
»»»»»» tx_id internal_ref_type true none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
»»»»»» reference_type transaction_ref_type_type true none Type of the reference of a transaction
»»»»»» reference transaction_ref_type true none This field is used by the API user to pass an reference or ID of a Transaction. It is either the reference field of an FIAT money transaction or in case of a crypto asset transfer the hash or ID of the blockchain transaction.
»»»»»» amount quantity_type true none The quantity of a leg.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
settlement_status RECEIVED
settlement_status REJECTED
settlement_status CONFIRMED
settlement_status PARTIALLY
settlement_status SETTLED
status SETTLED
reference_type ON_CHAIN_TX_ID
reference_type SEPA_REFERENCE
reference_type SEPA_DESCRIPTION
reference_type SEPA_END_TO_END_ID

Get Settlement Request

Code samples

import requests
import json

PROTOCOL = "https"
ENVIRONMENT = "preprod"

settlement_request_id = "13bd7e32-4a43-4112-9002-38c402a2fb11"

URL = f"{PROTOCOL}://api.{ENVIRONMENT}{settlement_request_id}/status"

rest_api_header = {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + MY_TOKEN

settlement_request_status = requests.get(url=URL, headers=rest_api_header)
print(json.dumps(settlement_request_status.json(), indent=4))

GET /api/settlement-requests/{settlement_request_id}

This endpoint can be used to query information on a settlement request after posting it to the Settlement Request endpoint. Both the Get Settlement Request and Get Settlement Request Status endpoints can be used to query information on a posted settlement request. The difference between the endpoints is that the Get Settlement Request Status returns a more compact response than the Get Settlement Request endpoint. In particular, the Get Settlement Request Status returns some basic information on the settlement request together with the status. The Get Settlement Request endpoint returns all information on the settlement request, including linked transactions. The Get Settlement Request Status is therefore more useful when polling the endpoint to check the processing status or completion of the settlement request.


Name In Type Required Description
settlement_request_id path internal_ref_type true none

Example responses

200 Response

"get_settlement_request": {
"settlement_request_id": "92ec4900-8da5-4700-a28c-2c1f2b32b914",
"settlement_request_ref": "6aa21c20-ae4b-11ed-b304-81a12bb57b04",
"req_header": {
"req_id": "ca57eead-b699-11ed-b3ff-cc17d418c9e0",
"user_data": [
"tag": "Correlation-Id",
"value": "c8d16891-b669-11ed-bc43-f1002b6e6125"
"tag": "TX-Id",
"value": "18955457"
"timestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z",
"settlement_status": "PARTIALLY",
"trades_ok": [
"settlement_amounts": [
"settlement_request_amount_id": "99859305-be58-11ed-99a9-ba16c3846fc3",
"currency": "LTC",
"from_address": "BHS",
"to_address": "MGxNPPB7eBoWPUaprtX9v9CXJZoD2465zN",
"amount": "207.606",
"expected_amount": "207.606",
"status": "SETTLED",
"transactions": [
"tx_id": "73b0b7f2-bd94-11ed-bef0-ba16c3846fc3",
"reference": "d8a8b5c19200417cfad98b30423737cad7a27b40bd19bdec89620e953748f189",
"amount": "207.606"
"settlement_request_amount_id": "81a108fc-3181-4e29-a2aa-9464cd77f0fe",
"currency": "EUR",
"from_address": "BHS",
"to_address": "DE89370400440532013000",
"amount": "12766.04",
"expected_amount": "12766.04",
"status": "CONFIRMED"
"settlement_request_amount_id": "febf879f-11e8-41e1-a909-6438593b154a",
"currency": "BTC",
"from_address": "bc1qar0srrr7xfkvy5l643lydnw9re59gtzzwf5mdq",
"to_address": "BHS",
"amount": "1.23",
"expected_amount": "1.23",
"status": "PARTIALLY",
"transactions": [
"tx_id": "265a2482-bf2f-11ed-8f96-eac8fe84d40c",
"reference": "1b82e950aebfd74ab6508538f2138cf4ab0b904a9a3c93ad2df209e5f78d1ea9",
"amount": "0.6"
"tx_id": "0d87d88e-b17a-11ed-9c9d-cc17d418c9e0",
"reference": "2de370af4083d27328ff0036af8b3e577c71cce5eae9e597d3106c2fa54d0b97",
"amount": "0.5"

401 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "Unauthorized",
"error_text": "The JWT token could not be validated"

404 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "NotFound",
"error_text": "The given object (Order, Trade, ...) could not be found."

422 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "ValidationError",
"error_text": "The request is not valid"

500 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "InternalServerError",
"error_text": "Internal Server Error: the server can currently not process the request"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Get Settlement Request Inline
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized internal_error_type
404 Not Found Not Found internal_error_type
422 Unprocessable Entity Unprocessable Request internal_error_type
500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error internal_error_type

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Get Settlement Request

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» get_settlement_request object true none none
»» settlement_request_id internal_ref_type true none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
»» settlement_request_ref external_ref_type false none This field is used by the API user to pass an reference or ID to the tradias system which is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to the transaction in the API users system.
»» req_header req_header_type false none This request header is part of any request creating or modifying an object (order, bulk-order, settlement, …). It consists of two parts, a request ID which will be checked on the tradias side for uniqueness, and an array of user data (tag value). Both parts are option as the complete request header is.

The request ID can be used by the API user to allow, that if a request does not answer properly, to sent the request again. If the first one has been processed, then the second one will be rejected with a 409 error and the API user knows that the first request has been processed. If the first request did not make it the second one will be processed normally.

The second part is an array of values tagged by a short tag. This data provided by the API user will be returned with the response of the request and if a possible will be added to the object the request relates to and later returned with all responses relating to the object.
»»» req_id unique_req_type false none The unique request ID is generated by the API user, it has to be a UUID. It is used to detect that a request has already been processed. If the unique request ID has already been used then the request will not be executed. Instead an error will be (DuplicateReq) reported.
»»» user_data [object] false none This object is an array used by the API user to pass data to the tradias system which will be returned back to the API user together with the responses related to the transaction. It can be used by the API user to identify an transaction in a later response.
»»»» tag string true none none
»»»» value string true none none
»» timestamp timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
»» settlement_status settlement_status_type true none Status of a settlement. In case the trades in the settlement request are ok and result in the correct amounts, the value will be CONFIRMED. The value switches to “PARTIALLY”, once the transaction has been made and to SETTLED if all transactions have been successfully executed. In case if there is a problem with the settlement its status will be REJECTED. When the settlement request has just been sent the status will be RECEIVED.

This status is also been used to reflect the status of each amount (transaction) of a settlement. In this case the state PARTIALLY will not been used.
»» trades_unknown [internal_ref_type] false none List of all trade_ids from the settlement request which are not known by tradias
»»» Internal Reference or Id internal_ref_type false none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
»» trades_conflicting [internal_ref_type] false none List of all trade_ids from the settlement request which are in a conflicting state with another settlement request, i.e. in a pending settlement state
»»» Internal Reference or Id internal_ref_type false none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
»» trades_already_settled [internal_ref_type] false none List of all trade_ids from the settlement request which have already been settled previously
»»» Internal Reference or Id internal_ref_type false none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
»» trades_ok [internal_ref_type] false none List of all trade_ids from the settlement request which are OK
»»» Internal Reference or Id internal_ref_type false none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
»» settlement_amounts [object] true none Array containing the individual net amounts of the settlement
»»» Settlement Amount object false none none
»»»» settlement_request_amount_id internal_ref_type true none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
»»»» currency asset_code_type true none Identifier of a leg of an instrument
»»»» from_address address_type true none An address to transfer either Fiat money or crypto assets to or from. It is either (for Fiat money) an account number (IBAN) or (for crypto assets) an wallet key. In the case of tradias as recipient or sender the value “BHS” will be used.
»»»» to_address address_type true none An address to transfer either Fiat money or crypto assets to or from. It is either (for Fiat money) an account number (IBAN) or (for crypto assets) an wallet key. In the case of tradias as recipient or sender the value “BHS” will be used.
»»»» amount quantity_type true none The quantity of a leg.
»»»» expected_amount quantity_type true none The quantity of a leg.
»»»» status settlement_status_type true none Status of a settlement. In case the trades in the settlement request are ok and result in the correct amounts, the value will be CONFIRMED. The value switches to “PARTIALLY”, once the transaction has been made and to SETTLED if all transactions have been successfully executed. In case if there is a problem with the settlement its status will be REJECTED. When the settlement request has just been sent the status will be RECEIVED.

This status is also been used to reflect the status of each amount (transaction) of a settlement. In this case the state PARTIALLY will not been used.
»»»» transactions [object] false none A list of transactions that have been made and associated with this settlement request amount
»»»»» List of Transactions object false none none
»»»»»» tx_id internal_ref_type true none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
»»»»»» reference transaction_ref_type true none This field is used by the API user to pass an reference or ID of a Transaction. It is either the reference field of an FIAT money transaction or in case of a crypto asset transfer the hash or ID of the blockchain transaction.
»»»»»» amount quantity_type true none The quantity of a leg.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
settlement_status RECEIVED
settlement_status REJECTED
settlement_status CONFIRMED
settlement_status PARTIALLY
settlement_status SETTLED
status SETTLED

Get Settlement Transactions

Code samples

import requests
import json

PROTOCOL = "https"
ENVIRONMENT = "preprod"


rest_api_header = {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + MY_TOKEN

params = {
"from_datetime": "2023-10-20T11:20:21.000000Z",
"to_datetime": "2023-10-20T15:20:21.000000Z"

settlement_request_transactions = requests.get(url=URL, headers=rest_api_header, params=params)
print(json.dumps(settlement_request_transactions.json(), indent=4))

GET /api/transactions

There are two endpoints concerning transactions. The Get Settlement Transactions endpoint can be used to see the transactions and information on the transactions known to the tradias system and belong to the user that queries the endpoint. The Map Transaction With Settlement Request Amount endpoint can be used to map (part of) the amount belonging to the transaction to an existing settlement_request_amount which is in the settlement request.

There are several parameters that can be used for filtering the transactions. The from_datetime and to_datetime are required parameters, the other ones are optional.


Name In Type Required Description
from_datetime query timestamp_type true Select transactions where the settlement has been started after the given timestamp
to_datetime query timestamp_type true Select transactions where the settlement has been started before the given timestamp
amount_from query quantity_type false Select transactions with a transaction amount higher than the given amount
amount_to query quantity_type false Select transactions with a transaction amount lower than the given amount
transaction_id query internal_ref_type false Select transactions with the given transaction ID
currency query asset_code_type false Select transactions with the given currency
settlement_id query internal_ref_type false Select transactions with the given settlement ID
settlement_ref query external_ref_type false Select transactions with the given settlement reference
direction query direction_type false Select transactions where the API user is either SENDER or RECEIVER
limit query integer false Pagination Logic - maximal number of orders returned by this request (page)
skip query integer false Pagination Logic - number of pages to skip. 0 is the first page (no skip)

Enumerated Values

Parameter Value
direction SEND
direction RECEIVE

Example responses

200 Response

"get_transaction_list": {
"transactions": [
"transaction_id": "6aa21c20-ae4b-11ed-b304-81a12bb57b04",
"transaction_ref": "c8d16891-b669-11ed-bc43-f1002b6e6125",
"req_header": {
"req_id": "ca57eead-b699-11ed-b3ff-cc17d418c9e0",
"user_data": [
"tag": "Correlation-Id",
"value": "c8d16891-b669-11ed-bc43-f1002b6e6125"
"tag": "TX-Id",
"value": "18955457"
"amount": "1.25867895",
"reference": "a38ca981-b669-11ed-bc43-cb132b8d1265",
"reference_type": "ON_CHAIN_TX_ID",
"timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"from_address": "string",
"to_address": "string",
"currency": "BTC",
"settlement_requests": [
"settlement_request_id": "6aa21c20-ae4b-11ed-b304-81a12bb57b04",
"settlement_request_amount_id": "6aa21c20-ae4b-11ed-b304-81a12bb57b04",
"amount": "1.25867895"
"more": true

401 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "Unauthorized",
"error_text": "The JWT token could not be validated"

404 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "NotFound",
"error_text": "The given object (Order, Trade, ...) could not be found."

422 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "ValidationError",
"error_text": "The request is not valid"

500 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "InternalServerError",
"error_text": "Internal Server Error: the server can currently not process the request"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successful Response Inline
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized internal_error_type
404 Not Found Not Found internal_error_type
422 Unprocessable Entity Unprocessable Request internal_error_type
500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error internal_error_type

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Get List of Transactions

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» get_transaction_list object true none none
»» transactions [complete_transaction_type] true none none
»»» Complete Transaction Data complete_transaction_type false none none
»»»» transaction_id internal_ref_type true none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
»»»» transaction_ref external_ref_type false none This field is used by the API user to pass an reference or ID to the tradias system which is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to the transaction in the API users system.
»»»» req_header req_header_type false none This request header is part of any request creating or modifying an object (order, bulk-order, settlement, …). It consists of two parts, a request ID which will be checked on the tradias side for uniqueness, and an array of user data (tag value). Both parts are option as the complete request header is.

The request ID can be used by the API user to allow, that if a request does not answer properly, to sent the request again. If the first one has been processed, then the second one will be rejected with a 409 error and the API user knows that the first request has been processed. If the first request did not make it the second one will be processed normally.

The second part is an array of values tagged by a short tag. This data provided by the API user will be returned with the response of the request and if a possible will be added to the object the request relates to and later returned with all responses relating to the object.
»»»»» req_id unique_req_type false none The unique request ID is generated by the API user, it has to be a UUID. It is used to detect that a request has already been processed. If the unique request ID has already been used then the request will not be executed. Instead an error will be (DuplicateReq) reported.
»»»»» user_data [object] false none This object is an array used by the API user to pass data to the tradias system which will be returned back to the API user together with the responses related to the transaction. It can be used by the API user to identify an transaction in a later response.
»»»»»» tag string true none none
»»»»»» value string true none none
»»»» amount quantity_type true none The quantity of a leg.
»»»» reference transaction_ref_type true none This field is used by the API user to pass an reference or ID of a Transaction. It is either the reference field of an FIAT money transaction or in case of a crypto asset transfer the hash or ID of the blockchain transaction.
»»»» reference_type transaction_ref_type_type true none Type of the reference of a transaction
»»»» timestamp string(date-time) true none none
»»»» from_address address_type true none An address to transfer either Fiat money or crypto assets to or from. It is either (for Fiat money) an account number (IBAN) or (for crypto assets) an wallet key. In the case of tradias as recipient or sender the value “BHS” will be used.
»»»» to_address address_type true none An address to transfer either Fiat money or crypto assets to or from. It is either (for Fiat money) an account number (IBAN) or (for crypto assets) an wallet key. In the case of tradias as recipient or sender the value “BHS” will be used.
»»»» currency asset_code_type true none Identifier of a leg of an instrument
»»»» settlement_requests [object] true none List of references to settlement requests in which this transaction
is used for settlement
»»»»» Settlement Request object false none Reference to an amount in a settlement request
»»»»»» settlement_request_id internal_ref_type true none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
»»»»»» settlement_request_amount_id internal_ref_type true none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
»»»»»» amount quantity_type true none The quantity of a leg.
»» more boolean false none none

Enumerated Values

Property Value
reference_type ON_CHAIN_TX_ID
reference_type SEPA_REFERENCE
reference_type SEPA_DESCRIPTION
reference_type SEPA_END_TO_END_ID

Map Transaction With Settlement Request Amount

Code samples

import requests
import json

PROTOCOL = "https"
ENVIRONMENT = "preprod"

settlement_request_id = "514704a5-848e-4211-a7ce-ec388e122882"

URL = f"{PROTOCOL}://api.{ENVIRONMENT}{settlement_request_id}"

rest_api_header = {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + MY_TOKEN

settlement_request_transactions = requests.patch(url=URL, headers=rest_api_header, json={
"settlement_request_amount_id": "76b8c625-d540-42cc-96e4-ee97658d918b",
"amount": "1151.01"

print(json.dumps(settlement_request_transactions.json(), indent=4))

PATCH /api/transaction/{transaction_id}

This endpoint is used to map a transaction to a settlement request amount. Once you have the desired transaction_id, settlement_request_amount_id and the amount from the transaction that you want to map to the settlement request amount, you can combine this information to a request to this endpoint. As a result of this, the transaction is mapped to the settlement request. This will also be visible when querying the Get Settlement Request endpoint.

Body parameter

"settlement_request_amount_id": "dc1be491-9492-46bf-a40b-51e5e69e1473",
"amount": "51"


Name In Type Required Description
transaction_id path internal_ref_type true none
body body object true none
» settlement_request_amount_id body string true The unique identifier of the settlement request amount.
» amount body string false The amount to use from the transaction for this settlement request amount.

Example responses

200 Response


401 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "Unauthorized",
"error_text": "The JWT token could not be validated"

403 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "Forbidden",
"error_text": "Action is forbidden."

404 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "NotFound",
"error_text": "The given object (Order, Trade, ...) could not be found."

422 Response

"error_req_header": {
"req_header": {
"req_id": "ca57eead-b699-11ed-b3ff-cc17d418c9e0",
"user_data": [
"tag": "Correlation-Id",
"value": "c8d16891-b669-11ed-bc43-f1002b6e6125"
"tag": "TX-Id",
"value": "18955457"
"tradias_id": "75ccdf76-ae4b-11ed-85ee-81a12bb57b04",
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "UnprocessableEntity",
"error_text": "The request is not processable"

500 Response

"error": {
"timestamp": "2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z",
"error": "InternalServerError",
"error_text": "Internal Server Error: the server can currently not process the request"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successful Response Inline
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized internal_error_type
403 Forbidden Forbidden internal_error_type
404 Not Found Not Found internal_error_type
422 Unprocessable Entity Unprocessable Entity internal_req_error_type
500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error internal_error_type

Response Schema




Identifier for an instrument.
It consists of the asset codes of the two legs and an optional asset tenor {leg_1_asset} “-” {leg_2_asset} [ “/” {tenor} ]


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
anonymous string false none Identifier for an instrument.
It consists of the asset codes of the two legs and an optional asset tenor
{leg_1_asset} “-” {leg_2_asset} [ “/” {tenor} ]



Rejection Reason


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Rejection Reason string false none Message used to describe the reason that a request gets rejected.


The format of the request sent is not parseable

Rejection Text


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Rejection Text string false none Message used to explain the reason that a request gets rejected.



Reference to a request





Identifier of a leg of an instrument


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
anonymous string false none Identifier of a leg of an instrument



Identifier of a tenor.
The following tenors are supported * SP = Spot


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
anonymous string false none Identifier of a tenor.
The following tenors are supported * SP = Spot



Name of a leg of an instrument


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
anonymous string false none Name of a leg of an instrument



The number of digits after the decimal point which are allowed for a quantity.


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
anonymous integer false none The number of digits after the decimal point which are allowed for a quantity.


name: Bitcoin
code: BTC
precision: 8



Name Type Required Restrictions Description
name asset_name_type true none Name of a leg of an instrument
code asset_code_type true none Identifier of a leg of an instrument
precision asset_precision_type true none The number of digits after the decimal point which are allowed for a quantity.



Fiat Account Number or Crypto Wallet Key


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Fiat Account Number or Crypto Wallet Key string false none An address to transfer either Fiat money or crypto assets to or from. It is either (for Fiat money) an account number (IBAN) or (for crypto assets) an wallet key. In the case of tradias as recipient or sender the value “BHS” will be used.





Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Quantity string false none The quantity of a leg.





Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Price string false none The price of a quantity of 1.0 of leg_1 expressed in a leg_2 quantity.

For example the instrument “BTC-EUR” the leg_1 is “BTC” and the leg_2 is “EUR”. A price of “23768.63953056” means that you pay 23,768.63953956 EUR for one BTC.



Counter leg precision


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Counter leg precision number false none This optional key can be given in a new order request. The value specifies the number of decimals you want the computed amount of the leg that is not yet specified in the order request to be rounded to. For example, if you give the amount you want to buy/sell in the leg 2 asset, the counter_leg_precision specifies the number of decimals you want the leg 1 amount to be rounded to. Vice versa, if you specify the amount to buy/sell in the leg 1 asset, the amount in the leg 2 asset will be rounded to the specified number in the counter_leg_precision field.



Amount of a Fiat Currency


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Amount of a Fiat Currency number false none A positive Fiat Currency amount with 15 digits number and 3 digits decimal fraction. It does not allow negative values.





Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Timestamp string false none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”



Side (Buy / Sell)


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Side (Buy / Sell) string false none The side of the order, seen from the perspective of the API user.
* BUY The user sending the order is buying assets
* SELL The user sending the order is selling his assets

Enumerated Values

Property Value
Side (Buy / Sell) BUY
Side (Buy / Sell) SELL



Unique Request Id


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Unique Request Id string false none The unique request ID is generated by the API user, it has to be a UUID. It is used to detect that a request has already been processed. If the unique request ID has already been used then the request will not be executed. Instead an error will be (DuplicateReq) reported.



External Reference or Id


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
External Reference or Id string false none This field is used by the API user to pass an reference or ID to the tradias system which is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to the transaction in the API users system.



Internal Reference or Id


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Internal Reference or Id string false none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).


- tag: Correlation-Id
value: 7ac33648-ae4b-11ed-b2f9-81a12bb57b04
- tag: TX-Id
value: "18955839"

User Data Array


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
User Data Array [object] false none This object is an array used by the API user to pass data to the tradias system which will be returned back to the API user together with the responses related to the transaction. It can be used by the API user to identify an transaction in a later response.
tag string true none none
value string true none none


req_id: ca57eead-b699-11ed-b3ff-cc17d418c9e0
- tag: Correlation-Id
value: c8d16891-b669-11ed-bc43-f1002b6e6125
- tag: TX-Id
value: "18955457"

Request Header


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
req_id unique_req_type false none The unique request ID is generated by the API user, it has to be a UUID. It is used to detect that a request has already been processed. If the unique request ID has already been used then the request will not be executed. Instead an error will be (DuplicateReq) reported.
user_data user_data_type false none This object is an array used by the API user to pass data to the tradias system which will be returned back to the API user together with the responses related to the transaction. It can be used by the API user to identify an transaction in a later response.



Sequence Number


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Sequence Number integer false none Sequence number of an order, trade or any other event. A sequence number is assigned to the object (e.g. order) when it is received. All sequence number are unique and increasing. There may be gaps in the sequence numbers assigned! The sequence number can ba used sort objects in the way they have been received/happened. If the maximum is reached the sequence numbers continue with 0.



Transaction Reference or Id


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Transaction Reference or Id string false none This field is used by the API user to pass an reference or ID of a Transaction. It is either the reference field of an FIAT money transaction or in case of a crypto asset transfer the hash or ID of the blockchain transaction.



Transaction Reference Type


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Transaction Reference Type string false none Type of the reference of a transaction

Enumerated Values

Property Value
Transaction Reference Type ON_CHAIN_TX_ID
Transaction Reference Type SEPA_REFERENCE
Transaction Reference Type SEPA_DESCRIPTION
Transaction Reference Type SEPA_END_TO_END_ID





Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Channel string false none Name of the websocket channel

Enumerated Values

Property Value
Channel orders
Channel prices
Channel trades



Channel Status


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Channel Status string false none Status of the websocket channel

Enumerated Values

Property Value
Channel Status ACTIVE
Channel Status CLOSED



Heartbeat Interval (Seconds)


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Heartbeat Interval (Seconds) integer false none This optional field defines if the tradias server sends heartbeat messages to the channel or not. The value specifies the interval of the heartbeat messages in seconds. The maximum is 600 seconds (10 minutes). A value of 0 switches the heartbeat message generation off. Zero is the default which means by default there are no heartbeat messages.



Subscription Id


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Subscription Id string false none This field is set by the API user. It’s serves the purpose of identifying the instrument price subscription, it is not unique.


channel: orders
timestamp: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z

Message Header


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
channel channel_type true none Name of the websocket channel
timestamp timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”



Price Status


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Price Status string false none The status of a price subscription
* ACTUAL: There is an actual price
* PARTIAL: There is a reduced set of price levels
* UNAVAILABLE: There is actually no price
* ERROR: No price available. The subscription failed

Enumerated Values

Property Value
Price Status ACTUAL
Price Status PARTIAL
Price Status ERROR



Order Type


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Order Type string false none There are different order types. Currently only the following order types are supported
* MARKET: This is a order (without limit).
* LIMIT: This is a order with a limit. Buy orders are only executed if the execution
price is lower or equal than the limit price. Sell orders are only executed if the
execution price is higher or equal than the limit price.
* BULK_MARKET: This is a list order where multiple orders are entered as a single
bulk. The bulk is either executed completely or not at all.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
Order Type MARKET
Order Type LIMIT



Time In Force


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Time In Force string false none This order attribute defines the duration a order is active.
* FOK: Fill Or Kill is an order which is either completely executed immediately or
will be canceled/rejected.
* IOC: Immediately Or Cancel is an order which is either executed immediately or
will be canceled/rejected. The difference to FOK is that IOC allows partial executions.
As tradias always executes completely there is no difference in FOK and IOC orders.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
Time In Force FOK
Time In Force IOC



Bulk Order Status


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Bulk Order Status string false none The status of a new bulk order is RECEIVED. BULK_MARKET orders will be executed immediately an becomes then either REJECTED if it could not be executed or DONE if it got executed.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
Bulk Order Status RECEIVED
Bulk Order Status REJECTED
Bulk Order Status DONE



Order Status


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Order Status string false none Orders have a live cycle. The state an order is in that live cycle expressed by its state. The above values are states an order can have in its live cycle. Initially the order is RECEIVED. DUPLICATE, REJECTED, EXPIRED, CANCELLED and DONE are terminal states which will not change any more. UNSPECIFIED means the state is unknown.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
Order Status RECEIVED
Order Status CONFIRMED
Order Status DUPLICATE
Order Status REJECTED
Order Status OPEN
Order Status UPDATED
Order Status CANCELLED
Order Status EXPIRED
Order Status DONE



Trade Leg Status


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Trade Leg Status string false none none

Enumerated Values

Property Value
Trade Leg Status UNSPECIFIED
Trade Leg Status PENDING
Trade Leg Status SETTLED


leg_1_amount: "1.25"

Order Amount


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
leg_1_amount quantity_type false none The quantity of a leg.
leg_2_amount quantity_type false none The quantity of a leg.


order_ref: "18955839"
instrument: BTC-EUR/SP
side: BUY
leg_1_amount: "2.5"
- tag: Correlation-Id
value: 7ac33648-ae4b-11ed-b2f9-81a12bb57b04
- tag: TX-Id
value: "18955839"

Market Order Data


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
order_ref external_ref_type true none This field is used by the API user to pass an reference or ID to the tradias system which is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to the transaction in the API users system.
instrument instrument_type true none Identifier for an instrument.
It consists of the asset codes of the two legs and an optional asset tenor
{leg_1_asset} “-” {leg_2_asset} [ “/” {tenor} ]
side side_type true none The side of the order, seen from the perspective of the API user.
* BUY The user sending the order is buying assets
* SELL The user sending the order is selling his assets
amount order_amount_type true none You can specify the amount of an instrument to buy or sell either in the leg_1 or in the leg_2 quantity.

If you for example want to buy BTC-EUR you can either define the amount to buy in BTC by specifying the leg_1_amount, or you can specify the amount to spend in EUR by defining the leg_2_amount.

Only one of the two legs can be used for a single order!
user_data user_data_type false none This object is an array used by the API user to pass data to the tradias system which will be returned back to the API user together with the responses related to the transaction. It can be used by the API user to identify an transaction in a later response.
counter_leg_precision counter_leg_precision_type false none This optional key can be given in a new order request. The value specifies the number of decimals you want the computed amount of the leg that is not yet specified in the order request to be rounded to. For example, if you give the amount you want to buy/sell in the leg 2 asset, the counter_leg_precision specifies the number of decimals you want the leg 1 amount to be rounded to. Vice versa, if you specify the amount to buy/sell in the leg 1 asset, the amount in the leg 2 asset will be rounded to the specified number in the counter_leg_precision field.


instrument: BTC-EUR/SP
order_type: LIMIT
time_in_force: FOK
side: BUY
leg_1_amount: "2.5"
limit_price: "24650"
arrived_at: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z
order_status: DONE

Order Data


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
instrument instrument_type true none Identifier for an instrument.
It consists of the asset codes of the two legs and an optional asset tenor
{leg_1_asset} “-” {leg_2_asset} [ “/” {tenor} ]
order_type order_type_type true none There are different order types. Currently only the following order types are supported
* MARKET: This is a order (without limit).
* LIMIT: This is a order with a limit. Buy orders are only executed if the execution
price is lower or equal than the limit price. Sell orders are only executed if the
execution price is higher or equal than the limit price.
* BULK_MARKET: This is a list order where multiple orders are entered as a single
bulk. The bulk is either executed completely or not at all.
time_in_force time_in_force_type false none This order attribute defines the duration a order is active.
* FOK: Fill Or Kill is an order which is either completely executed immediately or
will be canceled/rejected.
* IOC: Immediately Or Cancel is an order which is either executed immediately or
will be canceled/rejected. The difference to FOK is that IOC allows partial executions.
As tradias always executes completely there is no difference in FOK and IOC orders.
side side_type true none The side of the order, seen from the perspective of the API user.
* BUY The user sending the order is buying assets
* SELL The user sending the order is selling his assets
amount order_amount_type true none You can specify the amount of an instrument to buy or sell either in the leg_1 or in the leg_2 quantity.

If you for example want to buy BTC-EUR you can either define the amount to buy in BTC by specifying the leg_1_amount, or you can specify the amount to spend in EUR by defining the leg_2_amount.

Only one of the two legs can be used for a single order!
arrived_at timestamp_type false none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
limit_price price_type false none The price of a quantity of 1.0 of leg_1 expressed in a leg_2 quantity.

For example the instrument “BTC-EUR” the leg_1 is “BTC” and the leg_2 is “EUR”. A price of “23768.63953056” means that you pay 23,768.63953956 EUR for one BTC.
order_status order_status_type false none Orders have a live cycle. The state an order is in that live cycle expressed by its state. The above values are states an order can have in its live cycle. Initially the order is RECEIVED. DUPLICATE, REJECTED, EXPIRED, CANCELLED and DONE are terminal states which will not change any more. UNSPECIFIED means the state is unknown.


order_ref: "18955839"
instrument: BTC-EUR/SP
side: BUY
leg_1_amount: "2.5"
- tag: Correlation-Id
value: 7ac33648-ae4b-11ed-b2f9-81a12bb57b04
- tag: TX-Id
value: "18955839"
order_type: MARKET
time_in_force: FOK
order_status: DONE
leg_1_executed_amount: "1.25867895"
leg_2_executed_amount: "1.25867895"
execution_price: "23768.63953056"
- 6aa21c20-ae4b-11ed-b304-81a12bb57b04
executed_at: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z

Bulk Order Execution


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
order market_order_type true none This schema represents all information needed for an MARKET order
order_type order_type_type true none There are different order types. Currently only the following order types are supported
* MARKET: This is a order (without limit).
* LIMIT: This is a order with a limit. Buy orders are only executed if the execution
price is lower or equal than the limit price. Sell orders are only executed if the
execution price is higher or equal than the limit price.
* BULK_MARKET: This is a list order where multiple orders are entered as a single
bulk. The bulk is either executed completely or not at all.
time_in_force time_in_force_type true none This order attribute defines the duration a order is active.
* FOK: Fill Or Kill is an order which is either completely executed immediately or
will be canceled/rejected.
* IOC: Immediately Or Cancel is an order which is either executed immediately or
will be canceled/rejected. The difference to FOK is that IOC allows partial executions.
As tradias always executes completely there is no difference in FOK and IOC orders.
order_status order_status_type true none Orders have a live cycle. The state an order is in that live cycle expressed by its state. The above values are states an order can have in its live cycle. Initially the order is RECEIVED. DUPLICATE, REJECTED, EXPIRED, CANCELLED and DONE are terminal states which will not change any more. UNSPECIFIED means the state is unknown.
leg_1_executed_amount quantity_type true none The quantity of a leg.
leg_2_executed_amount quantity_type true none The quantity of a leg.
execution_price price_type true none The price of a quantity of 1.0 of leg_1 expressed in a leg_2 quantity.

For example the instrument “BTC-EUR” the leg_1 is “BTC” and the leg_2 is “EUR”. A price of “23768.63953056” means that you pay 23,768.63953956 EUR for one BTC.
trade_ids [internal_ref_type] false none [This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).]
executed_at timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”


trade_id: 6aa21c20-ae4b-11ed-b304-81a12bb57b04
leg_1_executed_amount: "1.25867895"
leg_2_executed_amount: "1.25867895"
execution_price: "23768.63953056"
executed_at: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z
leg_1_status: UNSPECIFIED
leg_2_status: UNSPECIFIED

Order Execution


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
trade_id internal_ref_type true none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
leg_1_executed_amount quantity_type true none The quantity of a leg.
leg_2_executed_amount quantity_type true none The quantity of a leg.
execution_price price_type true none The price of a quantity of 1.0 of leg_1 expressed in a leg_2 quantity.

For example the instrument “BTC-EUR” the leg_1 is “BTC” and the leg_2 is “EUR”. A price of “23768.63953056” means that you pay 23,768.63953956 EUR for one BTC.
executed_at timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
leg_1_status trade_leg_status_type false none none
leg_2_status trade_leg_status_type false none none


leg_1_executed_amount: "1.25867895"
leg_2_executed_amount: "1.25867895"
execution_price: "23768.63953056"
executed_at: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z
leg_1_status: UNSPECIFIED
leg_2_status: UNSPECIFIED

Trade Data


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
leg_1_executed_amount quantity_type true none The quantity of a leg.
leg_2_executed_amount quantity_type true none The quantity of a leg.
execution_price price_type true none The price of a quantity of 1.0 of leg_1 expressed in a leg_2 quantity.

For example the instrument “BTC-EUR” the leg_1 is “BTC” and the leg_2 is “EUR”. A price of “23768.63953056” means that you pay 23,768.63953956 EUR for one BTC.
executed_at timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
leg_1_status trade_leg_status_type false none none
leg_2_status trade_leg_status_type false none none



Settlement Status


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Settlement Status string false none Status of a settlement. In case the trades in the settlement request are ok and result in the correct amounts, the value will be CONFIRMED. The value switches to “PARTIALLY”, once the transaction has been made and to SETTLED if all transactions have been successfully executed. In case if there is a problem with the settlement its status will be REJECTED. When the settlement request has just been sent the status will be RECEIVED.

This status is also been used to reflect the status of each amount (transaction) of a settlement. In this case the state PARTIALLY will not been used.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
Settlement Status RECEIVED
Settlement Status REJECTED
Settlement Status CONFIRMED
Settlement Status PARTIALLY
Settlement Status SETTLED



Direction (SEND / RECEIVE)


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Direction (SEND / RECEIVE) string false none The direction of a transaction, seen from the perspective of the API user. * SEND The user sending money or assets to tradias * RECEIVE The user receiving money or assets from tradias

Enumerated Values

Property Value


tx_id: 265a2482-bf2f-11ed-8f96-eac8fe84d40c
reference_type: ON_CHAIN_TX_ID
reference: 1b82e950aebfd74ab6508538f2138cf4ab0b904a9a3c93ad2df209e5f78d1ea9
amount: "1.76"

Transaction Data


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
tx_id internal_ref_type true none A tradias ID of the transaction
reference_type transaction_ref_type_type true none Type of the reference of a transaction
reference transaction_ref_type true none This field is used by the API user to pass an reference or ID of a Transaction. It is either the reference field of an FIAT money transaction or in case of a crypto asset transfer the hash or ID of the blockchain transaction.
amount quantity_type true none The quantity of a leg.


settlement_request_amount_id: 6aa21c20-ae4b-11ed-b304-81a12bb57b04
currency: BTC
from_address: bc1qar0srrr7xfkvy5l643lydnw9re59gtzzwf5mdq
to_address: BHS
amount: "1.23"
expected_amount: "1.23"
- tx_id: 265a2482-bf2f-11ed-8f96-eac8fe84d40c
reference_type: ON_CHAIN_TX_ID
reference: 1b82e950aebfd74ab6508538f2138cf4ab0b904a9a3c93ad2df209e5f78d1ea9
amount: "1.00"

Settlement Amount


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
settlement_request_amount_id internal_ref_type true none Server-side generated unique identifier of the settlement request amount
currency asset_code_type true none The currency to which the request amount applies
from_address address_type true none An address to transfer either Fiat money or crypto assets to or from. It is either (for Fiat money) an account number (IBAN) or (for crypto assets) an wallet key. In the case of tradias as recipient or sender the value “BHS” will be used.
to_address address_type true none An address to transfer either Fiat money or crypto assets to or from. It is either (for Fiat money) an account number (IBAN) or (for crypto assets) an wallet key. In the case of tradias as recipient or sender the value “BHS” will be used.
amount quantity_type true none The quantity of a leg.
expected_amount quantity_type true none The amount expected by tradias as a result of the trades passed in the corresponding trade list. In order for settlement to go forward, this expected_amount has to agree with the amount field.
status settlement_status_type true none Settlement status of the respective settlement request amount. In case amount of the settlement request matches with the amount tradias has calculated the value will be “CONFIRMED” and the value switches to “SETTLED”, once the transaction has been done. In case tradias receives the amount, the status change will happen upon receipt of the amount, in the case tradias sends the amount, the status change happens upon the sending of the amount.
transactions [transaction_type] false none A list of transactions that have been made and associated with this settlement request amount


transaction_id: 6aa21c20-ae4b-11ed-b304-81a12bb57b04
transaction_ref: c8d16891-b669-11ed-bc43-f1002b6e6125
req_id: ca57eead-b699-11ed-b3ff-cc17d418c9e0
- tag: Correlation-Id
value: c8d16891-b669-11ed-bc43-f1002b6e6125
- tag: TX-Id
value: "18955457"
amount: "1.25867895"
reference: a38ca981-b669-11ed-bc43-cb132b8d1265
reference_type: ON_CHAIN_TX_ID
timestamp: 2019-08-24T14:15:22Z
from_address: string
to_address: string
currency: BTC
- settlement_request_id: 6aa21c20-ae4b-11ed-b304-81a12bb57b04
settlement_request_amount_id: 6aa21c20-ae4b-11ed-b304-81a12bb57b04
amount: "1.25867895"

Complete Transaction Data


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
transaction_id internal_ref_type true none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
transaction_ref external_ref_type false none This field is used by the API user to pass an reference or ID to the tradias system which is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to the transaction in the API users system.
req_header req_header_type false none This request header is part of any request creating or modifying an object (order, bulk-order, settlement, …). It consists of two parts, a request ID which will be checked on the tradias side for uniqueness, and an array of user data (tag value). Both parts are option as the complete request header is.

The request ID can be used by the API user to allow, that if a request does not answer properly, to sent the request again. If the first one has been processed, then the second one will be rejected with a 409 error and the API user knows that the first request has been processed. If the first request did not make it the second one will be processed normally.

The second part is an array of values tagged by a short tag. This data provided by the API user will be returned with the response of the request and if a possible will be added to the object the request relates to and later returned with all responses relating to the object.
amount quantity_type true none The quantity of a leg.
reference transaction_ref_type true none External reference to the transaction. For example an on-chain txid
or a reference value in the SEPA reference field.
reference_type transaction_ref_type_type true none Reference type of the transaction, specifying the place in which the
reference field was passed on some external record (e.g. SEPA
timestamp string(date-time) true none none
from_address address_type true none Address from which the amount was sent
to_address address_type true none Address on which the amount was received
currency asset_code_type true none Identifier of a leg of an instrument
settlement_requests [object] true none List of references to settlement requests in which this transaction
is used for settlement
» Settlement Request object false none Reference to an amount in a settlement request
»» settlement_request_id internal_ref_type true none Unique identifier of the settlement request
»» settlement_request_amount_id internal_ref_type true none List of settlement request amounts relevant for the settlement
mapping of this transaction
»» amount quantity_type true none Numerical value used from this transaction to settle the
respective settlement request amount.



Error Code


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Error Code string false none All error codes returned by this API have a unique code, classifying the error messages.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
Error Code Unauthorized
Error Code InternalServerError
Error Code Conflict
Error Code UnprocessableEntity
Error Code DuplicateReq
Error Code InvalidOrder
Error Code MixedOrders
Error Code InvalidAmount
Error Code AmountTooLow
Error Code AmountTooAccurate
Error Code AmountTooHigh
Error Code NoPriceStream
Error Code RiskCheck
Error Code DuplicateOrderRef
Error Code NotFound
Error Code Forbidden
Error Code ValidationError


The bulk order with the given ID could not be found.

Error Text


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
Error Text string false none Text describing the Error


timestamp: 2023-01-20T14:31:10.012123Z
error: InternalServerError
error_text: "Internal Server Error: the server can currently not process the request"

Internal Error Type (for 4xx Results)


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
error object true none none
» timestamp timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
» error error_type true none All error codes returned by this API have a unique code, classifying the error messages.
» error_text error_text_type true none Text describing the Error


req_id: ca57eead-b699-11ed-b3ff-cc17d418c9e0
- tag: Correlation-Id
value: c8d16891-b669-11ed-bc43-f1002b6e6125
- tag: TX-Id
value: "18955457"
tradias_id: 6aa21c20-ae4b-11ed-b304-81a12bb57b04
timestamp: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z
error: NotFound
error_text: The bulk order with the given ID could not be found.

Internal Req Error Type (for 4xx Results)


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
error_req_header object true none none
» req_header req_header_type false none This request header is part of any request creating or modifying an object (order, bulk-order, settlement, …). It consists of two parts, a request ID which will be checked on the tradias side for uniqueness, and an array of user data (tag value). Both parts are option as the complete request header is.

The request ID can be used by the API user to allow, that if a request does not answer properly, to sent the request again. If the first one has been processed, then the second one will be rejected with a 409 error and the API user knows that the first request has been processed. If the first request did not make it the second one will be processed normally.

The second part is an array of values tagged by a short tag. This data provided by the API user will be returned with the response of the request and if a possible will be added to the object the request relates to and later returned with all responses relating to the object.
» tradias_id internal_ref_type true none This field is used by tradias to pass an reference or ID to the API User. It is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to an object (Order, Trade, …).
» timestamp timestamp_type true none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”
» error error_type true none All error codes returned by this API have a unique code, classifying the error messages.
» error_text error_text_type true none Text describing the Error


channel: prices
heartbeat_interval: 30

Subscribe to a Channel


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
subscribe_price_channel object true none none
» channel channel_type true none Name of the websocket channel
» heartbeat_interval heartbeat_interval_type false none This optional field defines if the tradias server sends heartbeat messages to the channel or not. The value specifies the interval of the heartbeat messages in seconds. The maximum is 600 seconds (10 minutes). A value of 0 switches the heartbeat message generation off. Zero is the default which means by default there are no heartbeat messages.


channel: prices

End the Subscription of a Channel


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
unsubscribe_channel object true none none
» channel channel_type true none Name of the websocket channel


channel: prices
- subscription_id: XX-4567
instrument: BTC-EUR/SP
max_frequency: 500
- subscription_id: TS-BTC
instrument: BTC-EUR/SP
mergeable: false
max_pending: 100
- subscription_id: XX-4549
instrument: ETH-EUR/SP
max_frequency: 500
- subscription_id: TS-ETH
instrument: ETH-EUR/SP
mergeable: false

Subscribe to Instrument Prices


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
subscribe_instruments object true none none
» channel channel_type true none Name of the websocket channel
» subscriptions [object] true none Array containing a list of subscriptions
»» Subscription object false none none
»»» subscription_id subscription_id_type true none This field is set by the API user. It’s serves the purpose of identifying the instrument price subscription, it is not unique.
»»» instrument instrument_type true none Identifier for an instrument.
It consists of the asset codes of the two legs and an optional asset tenor
{leg_1_asset} “-” {leg_2_asset} [ “/” {tenor} ]
»»» mergeable boolean false none none
»»» max_frequency integer false none none
»»» max_pending integer false none none


channel: prices
- XX-4567
- XX-4549

Un-Subscribe from a Subscription


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
unsubscribe_instruments object true none none
» channel channel_type true none Name of the websocket channel
» subscriptions_ids [subscription_id_type] false none Array containing a list of subscriptions to unsubscribe from


channel: orders
heartbeat_interval: 30

Subscribe to a Order Channel


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
subscribe_order_channel object true none none
» channel channel_type true none Name of the websocket channel
» heartbeat_interval heartbeat_interval_type false none This optional field defines if the tradias server sends heartbeat messages to the channel or not. The value specifies the interval of the heartbeat messages in seconds. The maximum is 600 seconds (10 minutes). A value of 0 switches the heartbeat message generation off. Zero is the default which means by default there are no heartbeat messages.


channel: trades
heartbeat_interval: 30
seq_number: 47110815

Subscribe to a Trade Channel


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
subscribe_trade_channel object true none none
» channel channel_type true none Name of the websocket channel
» heartbeat_interval heartbeat_interval_type false none This optional field defines if the tradias server sends heartbeat messages to the channel or not. The value specifies the interval of the heartbeat messages in seconds. The maximum is 600 seconds (10 minutes). A value of 0 switches the heartbeat message generation off. Zero is the default which means by default there are no heartbeat messages.
» seq_number sequence_type false none Sequence number of an order, trade or any other event. A sequence number is assigned to the object (e.g. order) when it is received. All sequence number are unique and increasing. There may be gaps in the sequence numbers assigned! The sequence number can ba used sort objects in the way they have been received/happened. If the maximum is reached the sequence numbers continue with 0.
» execution_time timestamp_type false none Timestamp in UTC Timezone using the following format “%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ”


order_ref: c8d16891-b669-11ed-bc43-f1002b6e6125
req_id: ca57eead-b699-11ed-b3ff-cc17d418c9e0
- tag: Correlation-Id
value: c8d16891-b669-11ed-bc43-f1002b6e6125
- tag: TX-Id
value: "18955457"
order_type: LIMIT
time_in_force: FOK
instrument: BTC-EUR/SP
side: BUY
leg_2_amount: "50000"
limit_price: "24570"

New Order


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
new_order object true none none
» order_ref external_ref_type true none This field is used by the API user to pass an reference or ID to the tradias system which is used in the tradias system to to act as an reference or ID to the transaction in the API users system.
» req_header req_header_type false none This request header is part of any request creating or modifying an object (order, bulk-order, settlement, …). It consists of two parts, a request ID which will be checked on the tradias side for uniqueness, and an array of user data (tag value). Both parts are option as the complete request header is.

The request ID can be used by the API user to allow, that if a request does not answer properly, to sent the request again. If the first one has been processed, then the second one will be rejected with a 409 error and the API user knows that the first request has been processed. If the first request did not make it the second one will be processed normally.

The second part is an array of values tagged by a short tag. This data provided by the API user will be returned with the response of the request and if a possible will be added to the object the request relates to and later returned with all responses relating to the object.
» order_type order_type_type true none There are different order types. Currently only the following order types are supported
* MARKET: This is a order (without limit).
* LIMIT: This is a order with a limit. Buy orders are only executed if the execution
price is lower or equal than the limit price. Sell orders are only executed if the
execution price is higher or equal than the limit price.
* BULK_MARKET: This is a list order where multiple orders are entered as a single
bulk. The bulk is either executed completely or not at all.
» time_in_force time_in_force_type false none This order attribute defines the duration a order is active.
* FOK: Fill Or Kill is an order which is either completely executed immediately or
will be canceled/rejected.
* IOC: Immediately Or Cancel is an order which is either executed immediately or
will be canceled/rejected. The difference to FOK is that IOC allows partial executions.
As tradias always executes completely there is no difference in FOK and IOC orders.
» instrument instrument_type true none Identifier for an instrument.
It consists of the asset codes of the two legs and an optional asset tenor
{leg_1_asset} “-” {leg_2_asset} [ “/” {tenor} ]
» side side_type true none The side of the order, seen from the perspective of the API user.
* BUY The user sending the order is buying assets
* SELL The user sending the order is selling his assets
» amount order_amount_type true none You can specify the amount of an instrument to buy or sell either in the leg_1 or in the leg_2 quantity.

If you for example want to buy BTC-EUR you can either define the amount to buy in BTC by specifying the leg_1_amount, or you can specify the amount to spend in EUR by defining the leg_2_amount.

Only one of the two legs can be used for a single order!
» limit_price price_type false none The price of a quantity of 1.0 of leg_1 expressed in a leg_2 quantity.

For example the instrument “BTC-EUR” the leg_1 is “BTC” and the leg_2 is “EUR”. A price of “23768.63953056” means that you pay 23,768.63953956 EUR for one BTC.
» counter_leg_precision counter_leg_precision_type false none This optional key can be given in a new order request. The value specifies the number of decimals you want the computed amount of the leg that is not yet specified in the order request to be rounded to. For example, if you give the amount you want to buy/sell in the leg 2 asset, the counter_leg_precision specifies the number of decimals you want the leg 1 amount to be rounded to. Vice versa, if you specify the amount to buy/sell in the leg 1 asset, the amount in the leg 2 asset will be rounded to the specified number in the counter_leg_precision field.